Three heads of no-hand.

This game has become Wu Di’s personal show.

AJ’s face was like dead ash, he took a Nalcanteno hand, and Xiaofu’s spider came to help him twice, but he didn’t expect to be hung by Wu Dinuo’s hand and hammered.

“Don’t go on the road!” Athena muttered: “Don’t fight with Wu Di, just let AJ be stable, as long as we have the advantage of other roads, it is very wasteful when Nuoshou fights in the group.” ”

In IM’s lineup, Iwajak and VN. are both heroes who are very restrained and noble.

“Can it be stabilized?” Xiaofu asked AJ, “I still don’t come on the road, the noshou on the other side, the operation is a little scary.” ”

AJ can only nod, what else can he say, can he still let Tano continue to send it?

Two to one was killed by a double, AJ can only admit that he has dish.

Wu Di’s no-hand, returning home at four minutes, directly made a net erosion and a pair of straw shoes.

The movement speed gain brought by these two pieces of equipment is very important for Noshou.

The movement speed of 25 straw shoes and 60 movement speed after net erosion killing units allow Wu Di’s no-hand to easily close the distance between him and Nar.

Then an e-skill ruthless iron hand, AJ’s Nar is in danger.

After Nar and Noshou 397 went online again, AJ thought he could stabilize, but after a minute, he was directly beaten into blood by Wu Di’s Noshou.

In the commentary seat of LPL.

Long Mao still said in an amazed tone: “Wu Di operated the details of the noble hand, handled it too perfectly, he knew that Nar had an e and couldn’t pull it over, so he used Q to deceive Nal’s e skill first, and then the second wave used the ruthless iron hand to hit a wave of damage.” ”

“This set of damage is a little high, full of blood Nar, directly brutal blood, if Wu Di’s straw shoes are replaced by long swords, maybe Nar’s wave will be gone…”

AJ felt a little dizzy, his Nar, e skill is too casual, should not use e skill to hide Q.

Nar will eat a Q energy if he does not hide Q, and if he uses E to hide Q, then during the time when the E skill cools down, being pulled back by Noshou is a severe beating.

“Let’s go back to the city.” Since Xiaofu did not go to the road to help, he always focused on the road, so as not to be killed again on the road.

AJ was speechless, if this wave returned to the city, it would lose two and a half waves of troops, which was no different from being killed once.

But if you don’t return to the city, you may not only lose two waves of troops, but also send a head.

Too much pressure.

AJ was sweating and finally decided to go back to town.

At five minutes and forty seconds, Wu Di’s noble hand reached level six, and at this time, AJ’s Nar was only level three.

Wu Di’s no-hand directly crossed the first tower and began to push the army line behind, pressing Nar in front of the second tower.

LPL’s live room.

“The god of the flute gave AJ some way to live! This, Nar directly can’t develop. ”

“Is the gameplay of Noshou so arrogant… I’m afraid I played a fake no-hand. ”

“If you go so deep, aren’t you afraid of being killed?”

On the IM field.

AJ had to speak: “No

The other four people of IM could only sigh, after all, the noshou had collected the troops, and if they didn’t help on the road, they couldn’t talk about it.

On the big screen of the game, you can see the IM four-person bag.

The rock sparrow and the spider were originally near the middle road, and at this time they had already walked next to the blue buff.

IM’s assistant Bronn, after returning to the spring, also began to walk towards the road.

In IG’s voice.

The lower and middle roads are reporting misses.

“The middle road rock sparrow has a big move, I don’t know if it goes up or down.”

“The next road assist is also gone, it is estimated that I went to capture Wu Dige.” Wei Huang also said.

Wu Di knew that IM had come to arrest himself, at least three people, because two people could not catch him.

Commentary at LPL.

“I have to say that this wave of IM has a chance, although Wu Di’s operation is powerful, but Nuoshou’s legs are short after all, and Bloom’s control is stable.” Longhair spoke.

Hallucinogenic also understands the meaning of long hair: “As long as Blom is passively controlled, with the rock convex of the rock sparrow and the cocoon of the spider, you can directly control the noble hand to death, right.” ”

Wu Di thought about it, and three people on the opposite side came to arrest him, and he still had a chance to operate a wave.

If Bloom came, Wu Di felt that he had no room to operate, so he retreated directly.

After all, this is a professional game, and the spider made a mistake in the air first, and it is impossible to make it again.

“Hey, Wu Di actually provoked.” AJ said directly.

Athena had a black line on her face, and he had to kill Wu Di’s no-hand this time.

Iwaku blocked the road and trapped Noshou on the upper road, and he then landed far away from Noh, waiting for his teammates to follow.

This is why Wu Di hates the rock sparrow, the support ability is too strong, and a big move blocks the road, making his operating space narrow.

“It’s a bit of a bully…” Wu Di said in his voice.

IG is not only Wu Di, at this time, the clockwork of the broiler and the Lexi of King Ning have all rushed to the road, but it seems that it will be five or six seconds slower than the opposite Nakano.

The q-energy CD of the rock sparrow is very short, and when waiting for a teammate, the q can start directly, and he wants to consume a wave of no-hands first.

Wu Di moved in a regular position and dodged the five stone pieces of the Yanque Q skill in turn.

“This snakeskin position is also too strong, this wave without Blonn, IM Nakaueno really can’t catch this no-hand…”

At this time, Wu Di died a small soldier who had just gone online.

After increasing your movement speed, run directly towards the rock finch.

The rock convex and e skills of the rock sparrow were directly released, and Wu Di dodged the rock convex and scattering stone formation.

Although the rock convex and the stone formation did not hit, they blocked the middle of the noshou and the rock finch, so the wave of rock sparrow can be regarded as picking up a life.

The duration of the rock sparrow move is still a few seconds.

Bloom took the lead in releasing a Q energy from the river channel W Rock Sparrow.

Bloom’s Q energy naturally did not hit the no, after all, Wu Di’s position is the top among professional players.

Wu Di’s operating space is too small.

Wu Di was very careful to keep his distance from Bloom, but Bloom pressed step by step, and soon forced Nuoshou into a dead end.

At this time.

Bloom flashed directly in the past and wanted to get a flat A.

As a result, Wu Di’s Noshou turned into the grass, and when Bulon was about to enter the grass, Noshou immediately walked out of the grass and entered another grass next to it.

“Bloom was shown by Wu Di’s grass card vision…”

In the IM arena, this domestic assistant just smiled and said: “Hehe, you can only drag out time.” ”


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