In slow motion.

The audience at the scene saw Wu Di’s movements clearly.

After Wu Di R, the e skill he immediately used, almost in the air, connected to the combo.

The order of combos, aqa Tiamat A, plus the first big move, five shots per second.


This is how everyone feels.

In the army of ten thousand troops, take the first level of the enemy general, and this first level is still the top AD of LPL.

EDG’s voice.

Utter despair.

There is no problem with their thinking, and when the last wave of Wu Di did not come, it also played an effect.

But as soon as Wu Di came, the situation changed.

Is it so scary?

Wu Di joined IG in the summer game, IG directly won fourteen consecutive victories, Wu Di joined this wave of team battles, IG directly zero for three.

Is this Carry force really human?

In EDG’s training room.

Abu said directly in annoyance: “It’s over, this one is gone.” ”

Edzhu’s face was livid, and he had long seen that it was impossible to win this one.

LOL’s live room.

“IG is monolithic, what tactics do you use against him, but you find that IG understands this tactic better than you.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that IG hasn’t played in the world championship, otherwise I really want to blow a wave, and now IG is probably the strongest team in history.”

“Don’t blow it first, it’s about to be a playoff, look at BO5, don’t recruit the god of the flute, the god of the flute is very low-key.”


Before you know it.

Wu Di’s Zhao Xin has already obtained six heads. The 6-0-2 record, with a 90% turnaround, is enough to prove Wu Di’s Carry degree.

The economy on the field has opened up to three thousand from this wave.

Because after IG won this wave of team battles, it also pushed off EDG’s next tower and got a blood tower.

Wu Di’s outfit, after Tiamat, was ready to directly naked the rectangular hydra.

Now Zhao Xin, because of Tiamat, the speed of brushing the field has increased significantly, and the level is also one level ahead of the factory’s Lexel.

Eleven minutes.

Wu Di’s Zhao Xin, drove to scan the triangular grass from the lower road of EDG, to the grass in front of the stone man, and then began to squat on the opposite ADC.

“Lie down, Iboy, you messed with you, still come to catch it?”

“I can’t see it, this Zhao Xin is really AD’s father, and Iboy will take out Xia, who has strong survival ability, and can’t withstand such abuse.”

At this time, Iboy Kasumi went online to collect troops.

Wu Di came out of the grass directly, and Xia instantly lost blood and handed over his big move.

Wu Di followed Xia, and the moment Xia fell, he fired an Iboy head.

Iboy’s eyes were blank, he was already magnifying the move, and after the big move was over, he pulled the barb for the first time, but he still didn’t survive.

Luo just went to the red buff’s field of vision just now, but he didn’t expect that in this short two seconds, Kasumi would die.

“AD Death Machine, IG’s Tano is really daddy, put Carry”

“This domestic newcomer AD, will it be self-contained by the god of the flute, if it is really autistic, it will be a pity, EDG’s strength this season is quite strong, it is very likely to play the S race.”

“Professional players, if you lose one or two, you will be autistic, and you will fart a professional game, Di Shen This is training Iboy to make Iboy stronger.”


After Kasumi died, Luo was guarding the second tower of the road.

Wu Di did not have the slightest hesitation and directly stabbed Luo under the tower.

Luo turned on R, and then W could fall, apparently wanting to use control and defense towers under the tower to counter-kill Wu Di.

The sister buckle is too young.

Wu Di’s damage was calculated too accurately.

In the end, although Wu Di’s Zhao Xin ate two waves of Luo’s control, after the control ended, he stabbed Luo to death within a second.

When Zhao Xin came out of the tower, he was already bloodied, and at this time, Wu Di Details A soldier triggered passive blood return.

The last attack of the defense tower fell, and Wu Di only had ten drops of blood left.

“It’s thrilling.”

“None of this is dead? I strongly requested a pause, and the referee went to check Zhao Xin’s computer to see if there was any blood lock installed? ”

In the EDG arena, Mei Guo’s face was ugly and dead, he didn’t make the slightest mistake, and he also handed it over, but he didn’t kill Wu Di.

EDG’s five players all felt a pity.

At this time, the factory muttered: “Ah Guang, what about your TP, when there is TP, go down the road to help, the opposite road is a breakthrough.” ”

Ah Kuang snorted, his two TPs were used to go back and forth.

The, Shy’s game is really happy, in eleven minutes, has pressed Sain more than forty knives.

When Wu Di stabbed the duo to death.

The factory took control of the canyon pioneer quite spiritually.

The canyon pioneer was summoned and suddenly pushed off IG’s middle road tower.

At this time, Wu Di had already pushed off the second tower on the road.

In the commentary seat of LPL.

“. EDG’s command seems to have a problem, isn’t this going back, Zhao Xin has already pushed off the two towers, if EDG doesn’t go back, Zhao Xin will push the ground. ”

“The barbarian was called the tower stealing mad demon by the sword saint, and Zhao Xin’s single belt and tower pushing ability, although not as good as these two, is not much weaker.”

In EDG’s voice.

The factory directly commanded: “We must also push a middle second tower, otherwise this wave of blood loss.” ”

EDG’s upper road Sain, at this time came to the middle road push tower, with the help of the canyon pioneer, EDG really has the possibility of pushing IG’s middle road two tower down.

At this time, the commentary table is on.

Rita shouted out directly: “What is Wu Di doing!” Wu Di actually stabbed EDG’s lower road duo to death under the Highland Tower! The next road is about to clear customs. ”

At this time, on the big screen, there was a playback.

EDG’s down-road duo, both of them have no big moves.

Wu Di went directly up to poke Xia, a set of EAQA Tiamat R combo, and dropped Xia in seconds. (Hao Nuo Zhao)

After the second dropped, Luo’s W knock effect came out.

Although Wu Di was hit by this blow, he was not afraid, and he walked directly out of the defense tower and arrived next to the lower crystal of EDG.

Wu Di waited for the skill to cool down, and then faced Luo under the tower with a set of combos.

Wu Di’s Zhao Xin stabbed Luo to death in four robberies.

After this.

Wu Di began to push the tower.

EDG was completely flustered, and in order not to let the second tower of the lower road fall too much, they made the decision to continue to push the second tower of the middle road.

I didn’t expect that now it is even more lossy, and the highland tower is going to fall.

EDG’s Shanglu Sain was the first to return to defend Zhu.

At this time, Wu Di’s Zhao Xin had already pushed the Highland Tower off, and he knew that he could not push off the crystal next, so he retreated back to the city.

Wu Di looked at the small map and found that the EDG people did not return to the city, but came from the wild area to surround him.

This wave is very dangerous, especially in the wild area, there is no vision.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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