The apartment is not bad, two bedrooms and one living room, very clean.

The computer is placed in the study, the screen is still on, the client of the alliance has not been closed, and you can clearly see that Liu Feifei is still in the silver position.

Wu Di became interested in this.

As Wu Di flipped through Liu Feifei’s game records, he found that Liu Feifei’s usual time to play games was much slower.

“Four years of silver?” Wu Di was a little speechless, Liu Feifei played four years of ranking, more than a thousand games, and turned out to be silver.

Liu Feifei brought the water cup, saw Wu Di’s speechless expression, and drank a sip of water in embarrassment.

When Liu Feifei was at home, she was a little more casual, she sat directly on the computer desk, her slender legs dangling.

The mattress topper, without laces, seemed to be falling off his feet.

“I’ll give you a fight.”

Wu Di had only played the Silver Bureau when he was practicing and receiving orders before, and since joining the team, he had never played this position again.


It took Wu Di more than twenty minutes to win the game with his teammates.

“I’ll go, how can this silver game be harder than the game…”

Liu Feifei sat quietly like this, thinking to herself how good it would be if she could see this person playing games in front of her every day.

“Your daughter-in-law’s life is so good, with someone as good as you accompanies her every day.”

Wu Di’s daughter-in-law, Yaya’s mother, died unexpectedly a few years ago.

Wu Di didn’t want to talk about this, but at this time Liu Feifei spoke, and Wu Di could only sigh: “She died three years ago, and three years ago I was still an unknown little practitioner, and I didn’t give her anything…”

Wu Di was full of guilt.

At this time, Liu Feifei saw Wu Di playing sad, and involuntarily stretched her palm to Wu Di’s face.

Wu Di felt the cold touch on his face and suddenly stood up.

“I almost forgot about playing games, I should go back now.” Wu Di hurriedly got up, and then said goodbye to Liu Feifei.

Liu Feifei saw Wu Di’s back leaving, and suddenly made up her mind, such an excellent and emotional person, she didn’t want to miss it.


Two days later, Yaya’s birthday party finally began.

Wu Di got up very early and went to the hotel that had been booked a long time ago.

A golf course behind the hotel has been put on toys with various themes at this time.

Balloons were piled up everywhere, and when Yaya came over, she liked it very much.

Coming with Yaya, there are also a few classmates who have played well in school, as well as Yaya’s teacher.

IG people, it came late.

King Ning came at four o’clock in the afternoon, making Wu Di want to kick him out.

There are not as many people as Wu Di imagined, after all, many people came uninvited.

Among them are the Snake team players, who come to have a good time.

The Snakes want to have a good relationship with Wu Di, so that they may be able to play better in the next playoffs.

The Snakes are also really confident.

The Snakes have to win WE and RNG to meet IG in the final.

Yaya followed Wu Di and called her uncle and aunt very politely.

Baolan came over at this time and brought a gift to Yaya, the gift was not opened, and Yaya carefully placed it in the place where the gifts were stacked.

This place is about to pile up into a hill.

Yaya doesn’t care about these gifts, she just wants more people to play with her.

A few children went to play with Yaya.

After the others had almost arrived, Wu Di had already prepared dinner.

The banquet was fully responsible for Zhou Shuyi, but Wu Di did not see Zhou Shuyi today.

The end of the banquet.

Wu Di raised the wine glass in his hand, and then said: “S7, we must win the first world championship in the bird’s nest, for our LPL.” ”

Winning the S7 world championship is Wu Di’s first dream.

The Union has been in the league for six years.

From the assassin star of S2 to SKT of S6, LPL has won two runners-up, but there is no overall S championship, which is inevitably a pity.

Yaya’s teacher has always thought that playing games is not a serious job.

At the birthday banquet, Yaya’s teacher completely changed, these are a group of young people with dreams.

“I wish you all the best of luck in winning the championship.” Yaya’s teacher is very young, she held up the frame without lenses, and said with a smile.

Wu Di nodded in thanks.

After the banquet, Wu Di was a little drunk, and Yaya took Wu Di’s hand and led Wu Di towards the back court.

The lights in the magic capital are bright.

It is generally difficult to see the starry sky.

But here, it seemed that the surroundings had darkened, and when Wu Di looked up, he could see the stars shining in the darkness.

“What about Zhou Shuyi? What kind of trick is she doing? Wu Di knew that Zhou Shuyi would definitely do some tricks again, so he asked Yaya directly.

This time. Zhou Shuyi quietly approached Wu Di from behind Wu Di, and then hugged Wu Di and brought her head close to Wu Di’s shoulder.

“No tricks, I just like you, I know your relationship with Sister Zhou Qing and Rita, but I don’t care, I just want to be by your and Yaya’s side.”

Zhou Shuyi seemed to be afraid that Wu Di would refuse, and at this time, her voice was a little choked.

Wu Diche turned over, stroked Zhou Shuyi’s face, and said softly: “Silly girl.” ”

Yaya put Zhou Shuyi’s hand in Wu Di’s palm, and then said in a milky voice: “Dad, Aunt Shuyi is my good friend, you are not allowed to bully her…”

Wu Di picked up Yaya and smiled directly: “With you covering her, how dare I bully her.” ”

Zhou Shuyi heard Wu Di’s joking words, and broke into laughter.

The afternoon of the next day.

Wu Di actually forgot the time and directly woke up Zhou Shuyi next to him.

“Zhou Shuyi, what about my mobile phone, did you turn it off for me?” Wu Di was a little speechless.

Zhou Shuyi was still in the bed, took Wu Di’s hand and said: “Today is just an SNG game against ORG, not an IG match, you don’t need to go to the arena.” ”

“That being said, SNG and OMG, as well as EDG, are likely to play semi-finals with us, so it’s better to look into it.”

Wu Di got up at this time, he opened his mobile phone, fortunately no one looked for him.

This place is Zhou Shuyi’s residence.

Zhou Shuyi bought a house in the magic capital, which surprised Wu Di a little.

After all, the houses in the magic capital basically start from tens of millions.

When Wu Di came to the training match, it was already three o’clock in the afternoon.

King Ning walked over directly and said, “Brother Wu Di, okay, you stayed at Zhou Shuyi’s house from last night to three o’clock in the afternoon?” ”

Wu Di scolded: “Don’t talk nonsense, let’s come with me to watch the game.” ”

The game has already been played, and by this time it is already the second game.

SNG and OMG seem to be similar in strength, and the last OMG won the first in thirty minutes.

This one, SNG seems to have an advantage.


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