The time for rest soon ended.

After all, there are two BO5 sessions today, and the time is still relatively tight.

Sure enough, as Wu Di expected, this game, the factory played.

Wu Di is a black fan of the factory, and has always believed that the operation of the factory is really profitable, and the playing style is particularly instigated.

However, Wu Di also admitted that the factory’s mentality is still very good.

After being crushed by Wu Di so many times, he was able to say the commotion that EDG would win, which is also no one.

LPL’s live room.

A whole bunch of barrages about 7 are coming.

“The factory has finally appeared, and the background board of my flute god has finally been raised a notch.”

“What’s so good about playing Love Lori, I like to watch the competition between the Di God and the factory, whether it is the Di God’s stronger killing ability or the factory’s stronger ability to escape.”

“In this way, the last wave of pig girls who loved loli is still good, after all, the two waves of team battles have successfully escaped the clutches of the flute god.”

“Hail God, hang the factory!”

“The factory is out, if you lose again, you don’t have to fight the next game.”

At this time, the game has entered the BP picture.

The EDG one is a blue square.

In the EDG arena, the first hand is still Banning Lexi.

This reason does not need to be reiterated many times, Lexi is a hero that Wu Di is very good at, and he is also a strong hero.

In the commentary seat of LPL.

Su Xiaoyan was a little puzzled: “EDG is a blue square, how can you waste a ban to ban Lexe, EDG can completely take Lexey first-hand.” ”

Su Xiaoyan had just finished speaking, and the answer had already been given on the barrage.

“I remember which team was also the first to grab Lexey, and then it was beaten by the god of the flute, EDG must know.”

“Which team of the fart, that is the Lexey of the factory.”

“Oh oh oh, no wonder EDG wants to ban Lexey firsthand.”

It’s IG’s turn to ban people.

The hammerstone must be banned, and the last micro-emperor was so pressed by the hammerstone that he couldn’t take care of himself, and there was a wave of single kills in four minutes.

So IG banned the hammerstone first-hand.

“EDG’s second hand ban, ban Qinggang Shadow, I estimate that after the last handful, Qinggang Shadow, the hero, is estimated to be released again.” Remember to speak.

Su Xiaoyan also nodded very approvingly: “Originally, Wu Di’s Qinggang shadow has always been on the ban, but I didn’t expect that the last one was released, and Wu Di showed it again.” ”

On the field of IG.

Kim Myung-so didn’t know what the second hand should do, so he asked Wu Di.

“Xia Luo forbidden one.” Wu Di said.

After Kim Myung-so heard this, he directly instructed The, Sy to use Kasumi.

EDG’s third-hand ban, Ban Olaf.

There was nothing wrong with this hand, and in the summer tournament, Olaf was taken out twice by Wu Di, and both times he played very brightly.

IG’s third-hand ban, ban the big tree.

IG’s side, in fact, is not afraid of taking bastards on the opposite side, because the factory is general, The, shy to always suppress the opposite side’s orders.

I’m afraid that Ah Kuang will not develop himself, and if he goes to help one or two waves down the road, it will be a little troublesome.

The control of the big tree is very good with the teammates.


“EDG began to select people, and this EDG took Kerry out directly.” Su Xiaoyan was a little puzzled.

IG’s side also began to be a little confused.

Could it be that EDG suddenly changed his mind and wanted to make Ah Kuang the hero of Carry?

If you are poor, you will change.

It seems that EDG has finally figured it out, and it is not okay to keep pinning its hopes on the next road.

Wu Di pondered.

If EDG really shifts its focus to the road, Wu Di must also take more care of the road.

After all, The, shy are a bit of a head, Wu Di must go to the road to help one or two waves, otherwise The, shy will die once and again.

“Take the sword Ji out first.” Wu Di patted The, Shy’s shoulder, “You can beat this one well.” ”

The, Shy’s Jian Ji proficiency is very high, and if Jian Ji beats Kerry, it is still very good to fight.

Kim Myung-so commanded The, Shy, and then took out Verus first under Wu Di’s signal.

Verus, who was the first to the emperor, although he was killed by a single person, was also crushed online.

But there is no way around it, the strength of the micro emperor itself is weaker than that of Iboy, and the strength of Baolan is also weaker than that of the sister button.

If he didn’t take Verus and take other heroes, I am afraid that he would die even worse.

Verus version of the strong hero, but also a hero with high proficiency of the micro-emperor, do not take nothing.

A few seconds after IG locked Verus.

EDG directly locked the ice woman and the praying mantis.

At this time, Wu Di and Kim Myung-so understood at the same time.

EDG wanted to take the ice girl in the last hand, but because he disabled the praying mantis, he was noticed by Wu Di.

So EDG took both the ice woman and the praying mantis directly in the second and third hands, so that IG had no way to target the ice woman.

The hero of the ice woman, in this version, is still very strong.

Ice Girl and Gario’s types are very close, Q is the AOE damage skill, W is the control, and E skill is both Rush.

The two are very similar, the ice woman’s control is more stable, and Gario’s damage and support ability is stronger.

So IG is ready to give broiler Nagario.

But at this time, Wu Di felt that he should take down the field first.

Wu Di and Kim Myung-so discussed.

“No wonder Olaf is also disabled.” Wu Di opened his mouth and said: “And I know why EDG wants to take Kere, EDG wants to play stronger in the wild area, so the line must be obtained online…”

“To put it bluntly, EDG just wants to me in the wild.” Wu Di saw the problem clearly, “EDG did not want Ah Guang C, but let Ah Guang come to the wild area to help the factory after pushing the line.” ”

After analyzing the overall tactics of EDG, Wu Di felt that the heroes to fight the wild must be very flexible, the skill CD should be short, and the sustained damage should be high.

In this way, in the face of two or three people, you can also operate a wave.

And on top of the heads-up, you have to be able to open up with the praying mantis.

There is really one such hero in the alliance, Wu Di has already thought of it.

That’s the leopard woman.

The leopard woman is a very well-rounded hero, in the hands of people who can play, the flash is very high, and Wu Di is a person who can play.

When the leopard woman was in the S6 World Championship, every game was on the banzhu.

So at the end of the S6 World Championship, the leopard woman was weakened a lot, so it was difficult to see it in the professional arena.

One more point.

That is, the leopard woman, like Jess Rambo, is basically a more skilled hero on the LCK side, and few people will play the wild on the LPL side.

So it’s harder for leopard women to appear on the LPL field.

This is also the first time Wu Di has used the hero of the leopard woman in the arena.


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