The Abu people were about to get dizzy, he had just banned the leopard woman, Wu Di’s blind man again.

Big head…

EDG and IG have played each other too many times, twice BO3 in the regular season and now BO5 in the semifinals.

Up to now, Abu Du still does not understand Wu Di’s weaknesses.

Lexey, Blind, Qinggangying, Olaf, and now there is one more leopard woman…

How can this person be so terrifying.

Seeing Abu’s ugly face, Ai Loli comforted Abu: “It’s okay, we will definitely win the bubble race.” ”

If EDG loses to IG, it will definitely be inferior to WE and RNG in the points of the spring and summer seasons, after all, these two teams are the champions and runners-up in the spring competition.

The scariest thing that Abu thinks about now is not losing to IG, but that after they lost to IG, IG did not win the championship.

In that case, RNG and WE, one of whom enters the S race as a summer champion and the other enters the S race with the first place in points.

And EDG, it’s time to go to the bubble race with IG!

This is the most terrifying, which means that EDG, which has entered the S race for four consecutive years, has missed the S race this year.

“Nima’s! After we lost to IG, we have to pray for IG to win the championship… This Nima is the most angry. The more Abu thought about it, the more angry he became, and he almost died.

On top of the screen in the lounge.

It can be seen that the prince has finished brushing the wild monster 397 in the lower half of IG.

Similarly, Wu Di’s blindness also reversed the upper half of EDG.

Since the prince controls two river crabs, the prince of the factory has one more wild monster than Wu Di.

In IG’s voice, Wu Di reported the prince’s point as usual.

“There are no people in the two wild areas on the road, most of them are in our lower half of the wild area, it is estimated that there are about ten seconds to catch it, you pay attention when you go down the road.”

Baolan played with hammerstone, and at this time was already close to the defense tower, ready to throw lanterns at Weihuang’s skateboard shoes at any time.

The prince of the factory came from the place of the IG stone man and was illuminated by the view of the triangular grass.

But this vision is useless, because the prince of the factory has been able to eq and fly Calista at this time.

EDG’s lower road combination is the same as IG’s lower road combination, control enough, high damage, once charged, flash can not be handed over.

The prince of the factory, EQ, went to the micro emperor, but the prince eq predicted the flash location of the micro emperor, and finally picked the micro emperor.

Wei Huang saw that he was being shown, and his face became ugly, “This is stronger than good, Wu Dige, how did you break him?” ”

The sister-buttoned Jewla has long been ready, and at this time she directly took control of Wei Huang’s skateboard shoes.

However, Jela’s level E only has a binding effect of 0.75 seconds.

After Wei Huang handed over the treatment, he did not die violently.

The royal blue hammerstone is also shot with the E skill, so that the prince cannot continue to output.

Iboy’s policewoman placed clips in the direction of Wei Huang’s retreat.

But Wei Huang’s skateboard shoes left directly with a hammer, and did not step on the clip.

The remnants of the Wei Emperor’s blood returned to the tower, and this wave did not die.

In IG’s voice.

“Brother Wu Di, how do you know that the prince on the other side is coming, and the Wei Emperor will not die, thank you very much Wu Di.”

“Fortunately, Wu Dige reported a little in advance, we played conservatively, and the location was relatively close to the tower, otherwise this wave will really die.”

If the AD flashes are dead in the early stage, I am afraid that they will be killed as dogs later.

The factory was so angry that it almost hurt, and it didn’t kill the skateboard shoes.

However, the factory decided to catch a few more times during the time when the skateboard shoes did not flash.

The other side.

Wu Di had already spoken: “Go back to the city, if you don’t go back, the prince will cross your tower.” ”

Wei Huang did not hesitate, willing to lose a wave of troops and return to the city.

This time.

The prince of the factory really came out of the grass in front of the stone man, and then stood between the first tower and the second tower, cutting off the way of the emperor.

Iboy is also pushing in frantically.

Wei Huang did not flash and heal, this wave looked certain to die.

Wu Di sighed, he knew that this wave of Wei Huang must be dead. (bafi)

As a fighter, don’t panic when other roads are caught, because it’s a normal thing.

Unless you completely suppress the opposite field and kill the opposite field to the point that you can’t go to the line, otherwise the opposite side will always catch and kill a few people.

At this time, the smarter ones will go to save a little resources back.

It is okay to control the dragon, control the canyon, reverse the wild, and arrest people.

Now in this time period, the canyon has not yet been born, the dragon is in the lower half of the wild area, and the upper half of the EDG field area has been reversed, so Wu Di can only arrest people.

Arresting people now, there is another advantage, that is, they will definitely not be squatted back, because the opposite field appeared on the lower road.

Wu Di did not intend to seize the middle road.

Even if the dragon king’s legs are short, the clockwork and blindness of the broiler are not hard controlled, and the early damage of the clockwork is not enough to see compared to other middle singles, so it can’t catch this dragon king at all.

So Wu Di finally decided to catch the road.

Ah Kuang already faintly felt something, he walked out of the tower and cast an eye on the triangular grass on the upper road.

But Wu Di’s blind monk, like the prince of the factory, came to capture it from the stone man.

This wave of wild fights between the two sides found an opportunity almost at the same time.

The factory on the lower road first crosses the tower, directly EQ company picks the flying micro-emperor, and then wants to walk out of the tower, and the harvest is handed over to the two people on the lower road.

At this time, Baolan, the E skill lifted up into the factory of the tower, and then the Q skill was released.

In the case of Hammerstone E, this hook is impossible to dodge.

So the factory ate a set of controls and was beaten into residual blood by the tower.

But fortunately, the position where the prince EQ even fell was better, and after the control effect was over, the bloody prince also walked out of the tower.

The royal blue hammerstone, a flash flat A match ignited.

The factory was stunned, he knew that he had been replaced.

Playing wild to replace AD, in fact, is not a very loss, because Wei Huang lost a large wave of experience, and the head was still obtained by the Iboy policewoman, which is very in line with the spirit of EDG to ensure the development of the road.

However, when the factory looked at the road, it almost closed itself.

Because the factory had just been replaced by Wei Huang on the lower road, Wu Di here taught him how to cross the tower perfectly.

When the army line entered the tower, The, the shy crocodile and the blind monk surrounded the barrel in front and back.

The, Shy’s crocodile attacks first, hitting W control.

Wu Diping started with a hand, and AEAQ attacked four times, and hit it in a very short time.

At this time, the control effect of the barrel has ended, and he directly turns on the W energy, wanting to reduce the damage of the crocodile and the blind monk.

Ah Kuang’s wine barrel also threw the q skill in the position of the The and Shy towers, wanting to replace the T and Shy crocodiles under the tower.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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