There are quite a few RNG fans at the scene.

At this time, their hearts are clenched, and the disadvantages of RNG cannot be described as small.

But these fans still believe in RNG very much, they believe that RNG can turn over, so they shouted at the scene.

“RNG come on! Our goal is to be champions! ”

RNG fans just shouted a few words, and IG fans on the scene shouted one after another.

“IG awesome! IG never works overtime! ”

“Come on, Flute! Three to zero RNG! ”

According to the shouts at the scene, IG fans stood the majority, and now three of the four people are IG fans.

LPL’s commentary table.

The doll took advantage of the fact that there was no outbreak of fighting on the field and began to analyze the point of the RNG turnover.

“This one, I still don’t know how the RNG is going to turn over, if Wu Di didn’t come out of this mercury belt, I can think that it was Marzaha flashing the big move male gun, and then Olaf and the small cannon followed the output.”

Miller analyzed, “I’m Jedi, if Qinggang Shadow can drive a male gun, RNG still has a chance.” ”

“What’s the chance?” Rita directly covered her smile: “Do you remember Wu Di’s crazy move in Qinggang Ying’s big move?” ”

Hear Rita say this.

The other two commentators shook their heads one after another, so it seemed that RNG had no chance.

Many RNG fans in the live broadcast room started to spray 397.

“How to explain the three dogs on the table, disgusting me to death…”

“You guys say that the explanation is disgusting is really disgusting, the explanation is clearly the truth, do you still expect RNG to turn over?”

“Whimsical, if RNG can turn over, I will step on the horse to perform a handstand.”


This is too desperate for RNG.

After fifteen minutes, RNG couldn’t find any more opportunities.

After Wu Di completely controlled the wild area of the RNG, IG was already waiting for the big dragon.


But although UZI is getting better and better, the overall economic gap between the two teams is getting wider and wider.

At this time, IG was already six thousand ahead of the RNG economy.

In the voice of the RNG.


It is estimated that when the time of the big dragon, UZI’s electric knife endless cannon should be able to be made.

But by that time period, Wu Di’s male gun, I’m afraid (bafi) was already a wild knife green fork bloody hand mercury knife.

Twenty minutes.

The dragon refreshed, and RNG did not want to compete with IG.

This is the clearest thing RNG has done, and it has successfully made RNG hold up the clock.

After the big dragon buff was taken down, IG advanced in three ways.

The, Shy pushed onto the road, and the remaining three men of the male gun IG took the middle road.

When the three lines of troops reached the Heights Tower, Wu Di went to the middle road to prevent the sudden opening of the group on the opposite side.

However, Wu Di decided that you should not have to worry about the opening of the group on the other side.

The ability to open the group on the opposite side is a bit weak.

Although Marzaha can flash the group, he can only do so in small team battles.

In this four-V situation, Marzaha flashed in to start the group, which is no different from sending him to death.

Olaf of the fragrant pot has no control and is difficult to start a group for the RNG.

The only opening point of the RNG is Qinggang Shadow on the road, but Qinggang Shadow is now very uncomfortable with Jian Ji, and he must defend the highland tower on the road, and he can’t pull away from other roads.

The point tower ability of the big mouth is still very strong, and with the attack range of W plus, you can stand in a very safe position opposite the defense tower.


If this middle highland tower falls, all three highlands will be pushed down, because IG’s dragon buff will continue for a long time.

On the RNG field.

RNG quickly made a wave of decisions in the internal voice, that is, it must open a wave.

Let the emperor directly give up the highland tower tower on the road, and prepare to come to the middle road to open a wave.

This wave of RNG suddenly has a wave of five to four, if it can be won, then there is hope of turning over.

After the RNG is decided.

Let the emperor’s Qinggang shadow stand on the road highland tower, and is already beginning to look for opportunities. He must be very careful not to go directly to the middle of the road, otherwise he will be recognized by IG.

The opening of this wave of RNG must be sudden, otherwise The, shy, Jianji will react.

With five Vs, RNG will definitely not be able to win IG.

Let the emperor’s Qinggang shadow, when the emperor’s big mouth points the tower, he finally found a wave of opportunities.

An e skill of Qinggang Shadow at a long distance, hooked into the high wall, and then flipped out an E flash, directly controlling the big mouth.

Qinggang Shadow’s AQA’s damage was hit at this moment, and then Qinggang Shadow opened a big move and fell.

The other players of RNG knew that Qinggang Shadow was going to start a group, so they had already prepared.

The small cannon comes directly w, the e skill hangs on the big mouth, and then turns on the q energy crazy flat a.

Wei Huang’s big mouth, knowing that he would not survive, began to magnify wildly.

The damage of the endless hurricane is still very terrible, and the RNG does not have a front row, so although the micro emperor is dead, the blue steel shadow and the small cannon on the opposite side are already remnants of blood.

Wu Di’s male gun can’t keep his big mouth, and he can only beat Qinggangying madly.

In the end, although Qinggangying started a team battle, he also died.

Little Tiger’s Marzaha, at this time, came directly to the front, QWE made a big move, and wanted to directly control the male gun.

Wu Di’s male gun, the moment Marzaha’s big move suppressed, directly unlocked the control with mercury.

“Mercury solves in seconds, this reaction is too perverted, and while the mercury solution is controlled, it will also move to avoid Marzaha’s Q energy.” The doll looked surprised.

Miller is still explaining the team battle: “RNG this wave of the group is open, but the effect is not ideal, just use the single to exchange the AD, IG has already fought back!” ”

Rita continued: “If you say that IG is a four-guarantee lineup, this wave of killing the big mouth, RNG may turn over, but this one, IG is a four-core output.” ”

Kenji, male gun, rock finch, big mouth.

There are too many output points of IG, and a dead one cannot disintegrate IG’s combat effectiveness at all.

LPL’s commentary table.

The doll spoke: “Bloom used Q energy to break Marzaha’s shield, and then a big move, directly big Marzaha.” ”

“Bloom is resisting the tower, the male gun instantly hit Bloom’s passive, and the male gun AAEA attacked three times, and killed Little Tiger’s Marzaha!”

“What is the fragrant pot doing! Olaf of the fragrant pot opened a big move, but he didn’t dare to enter at all! Because the injuries of male guns are too scary. ”

The fragrant pot is a little empty.

Because the male gun has not yet used the Q skill, it only took three general attacks to hit Blom’s passive, and he killed Little Tiger’s Marzaha.


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