The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 124 Obstruction will destroy you

Early in the morning, Yu opened his eyes and instantly appeared in his living room looking at the uninvited guests in front of him.

A middle-aged man with blond hair and black beard, wearing a dark gray kimono, with twelve huge fallen wings vibrating slightly behind him. Holding a bottle of red wine and two glasses in both hands, shaking constantly.

Fallen Angel Governor - Azazel.

Among the three powers of the biblical gods, the leader of the fallen angels is a super lecher who fell to the sky because he wanted to have a relationship with a woman.

"Come and have a drink, old friend?" Azazel placed the glass on the coffee table in front of the sofa and said with a smile.

"I'm not your old friend, Azazel. But since it's a toast from the Governor of the Fallen Angels, it's still worth a drink." Yu sat on the sofa opposite Azazel, grinning.

With a bang, Asachel opened the cork of the red wine, poured half a glass on each of the two glasses, and said while pouring.

"To be honest, I was shocked when I heard the news of your return. Now it looks like it's a reincarnation. I can feel your reincarnation.

Yu picked up the poured red wine glass, raised it to his mouth, took a sip, and said impatiently. "Let's go straight to the topic, are you here for the extra weak chickens in town?"

Azazel froze for a moment, then sensed the familiar atmosphere in the church in the town, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said with a look of disdain.

"Weak chicken? It's Kirkball! Indeed, he's just a minor character.

Afterwards, Azazel took the wine glass, poured it down violently, and said in a serious tone. "This time I'm here to confirm your attitude, Baal!"5

"War or Peace! Give me an answer!"

With an expressionless face, the mantra surging on the surface of Yu's body, looked at Azazel's serious face, and then chuckled. "Do you think you can win?"

"No, I knew from the moment I saw you, you have already reached that level!" Asachel said with a wry smile.

Unlike Sarjax and the Demon Archdukes, as the original fallen angel, his knowledge is naturally very broad.

The moment he sensed Yuu's magic power, he judged that the other party was a monster of the same level as the infinite dragon god Orpheus he had seen before.

"I want the artifact data you researched, as well as some samples of the artifact. In exchange, I will not exterminate the fallen angels." "Yu calmly threatened Azazel.

Asachel was silent for a while, picked up the half bottle of red wine beside him and poured it into his mouth, spread it on the sofa and sighed in a helpless tone: "Deal!

Then, Asachel disappeared into the living room.

After school in the afternoon, after receiving a short breath from Rias, Yu pushed open the door of the Mysticism Research Club and saw a scene of confrontation.

Rias and Himejima Akeno were sitting on the sofa, and behind them stood Asia, Tajo Kitten, and Kiba Yuto who had drawn the magic sword.

On the opposite side stood two girls in white robes, holding two great swords that exuded a lot of light power, confronting Rias and the others.

As Yu opened the door of the classroom, the eyes of both parties shifted immediately, and one of the white-robed girls suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Before the white-robed girl could shout, Yuu appeared behind her in an instant, hugged her in his arms, and carried her to the sofa beside him.

As her body was lifted up, the brim of the girl's hat covering her hair fell down with gravity, revealing her maroon hair tied with double ponytails.

The girl's brown pupils were stunned, and her delicate melon face had a hint of shyness. The moment she was picked up, she hurriedly put her arms around Yu's neck, with a hint of shyness in her shyness.

With a smile on his face, Yu hugged the girl and sat on the sofa with a smile. "Irina? Don't tell me when you come back."9

The chestnut-haired girl named Wisteria Irina is the daughter of the former priest of Kuwang Town and a childhood sweetheart who has been reincarnated.

Irina was stunned for a moment, then she ignored You Zuo's big hand and said happily. "I knew it, you'd recognize me!"

Everyone except Rias stared blankly at Irina, who happily met her childhood sweetheart, and the silver-haired scum who touched her.

Irina, who was taken as the focus of her line of sight, felt that something was wrong no matter how thick her nerves were, and then she saw the big hand that was making trouble in front of Xiong.

Clap! A slap sounded.

Wisteria Irina sat on the sofa, breathing continuously into her red palms, sitting next to another girl who had taken off her hat.

It was a tall and full-bodied girl, wearing a white robe, with short blue shoulder-length hair, and a bunch of green highlights on the bangs on her forehead.

The girl called herself Xenovia, and this time she and Irina Wisteria came to Kuwang Town as a special envoy of the church to complete a special mission, so she came to negotiate with Rias, the management demon of Kuwang Town.

Xenovia looked at Rias and spoke first.

"First of all, I must tell you that our mission has an extraordinary relationship with the Holy Sword."

Hearing the word "Sacred Sword", Kiba Yuto widened his eyes and looked at the sword body exuding divine power behind Xenovia, showing incomparably resentful eyes.

Xenovia undid the holy sword behind him, and a whole body flashed an arc. A giant sword with two edges and a model that is much larger than an ordinary long sword was presented in front of everyone.

Xenovia put it in his hand and said softly. "`々 The one-seventh of the sword of the Holy Sword King is in my hand, the holy sword of destruction.

"That, that! Yuu, I have a mimetic holy sword in my hand, which has the ability to transform into any form. Would you like to see it?" Irina handed the holy sword in Yuu's hand.

Xenovia roared at Irina with black lines all over her head. "What do you mean by handing the precious holy sword to the devil!!!

Irina was shocked and quickly defended. "What does it matter, you used to play this game when you were a kid..."

Seeing Xenovia's extremely gloomy face, Irina stuck out her tongue and closed her mouth.

Xenovia turned her head and said to the crowd with a serious face. "Not long ago, among the holy swords kept by the church, three of them were snatched by a fallen angel cadre named Kirkball from the fallen angel camp!"

"Our mission in this town is to take back the three holy swords that fell into the hands of the fallen angels (with money), and at worst, destroy them to avoid being used by the enemy!

"So, if we don't want it to eventually turn into a great melee between the three camps of demons, angels, and fallen angels, don't get in the way of our mission, the devil of the Gremory family!!

Irina clenched the mimetic divine sword in her hand and said solemnly to the people in front of her. "If you get in the way, I will destroy you all!"

Then he stuck out his tongue at You, and said Jiao~. "Of course, Yuu, I will let you go!!

Xenovia suddenly collapsed and hit Irina on the head, yelling angrily. "Where are you from?

Then with a face full of anger, he said to Rias angrily.

"So, what do you mean? Rias Gremory!"

Rias and the others looked at Yu Rang, who was expressionless on the sofa in Ge You's lying position.

Xenovia and Irina's eyes followed Rias to Yu's face.

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