The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 136 The System of God in the Bible

After the meeting of the three powers, Yu, who was originally the new top leader of the power, had to deal with the successive power integration matters, but he said that he was too troublesome and left all the affairs to Athena to handle.

And he himself hid at home alone, specializing in the accumulation of qi style deduced by eggs - the true emperor chapter.

After Yu defeated Rama, he continued to polish the golden core in his body, slowly gathering and compressing the shadowless and invisible earth rules that were originally filled in the golden core.

After this period of polishing, the rules of the earth that filled the interior of the golden core were finally compressed to half the original size.

In the early morning three days after the end of the meeting, not long after Yu finished the compression, he received a communication from Michael that the system barrier removal work was ready, and then Yu slowly opened his eyes.

He snapped his fingers lightly, and with a roar, a complex magic circle suddenly appeared on the floor of the room.

It is a magic circle with a diameter of three meters, the center depicts the appearance of angel wings, and dense lines are depicted around it, and at this time, the lines on it exude a faint white light.

The magic circle "two eighty three" was left over when Michael returned to the heaven.

You slowly got up, strode forward, walked to the very center of the circle, and suddenly launched teleportation.

The white light on the magic circle suddenly flourished, and with the dazzling white light, the living room scene in the eyes of the three slowly disappeared, replaced by a huge brown tree trunk in front of them.

That is the center of the celestial world - the trunk of the tree of Kabbalah.

"Is that Mr. You?" Beside You, a calm male voice sounded.

Then a sturdy man with eight wings on his back strode forward and walked in front of Yu. He knelt down on one knee and said softly. "I am the eight-winged angel Mekkalon who guards the circle, and was sent by Lord Michael to serve as your guide to the heaven.

Yu glanced at Mecalon slightly, nodded lightly, and said in a flat tone. "Take me to see Michael."

"Yes! Lord Michael is in the center of the system, I'll take you there!" Mekkalon got up quickly, raised his hand to paint intricate lines in the air, and then a magic circle with angel wings suddenly appeared.

Yu stepped into the magic circle again, and then appeared in a vast hall, and on a circular stone platform in the very center of the hall, Michael knelt down on the ground, and the Wings of Blazing Sky behind him slowly moved. Inciting, praying silently.

Mekkalon bowed slightly to Michael and Yu, and silently launched teleportation and left the system center.

Aware of Yu's sight, Michael slowly stood up, turned around, his eyes hit Yu's face, and said softly. "Lord Yu, look above!

You raised his head and looked at the sky above, the sphere of light emitting light and heat, which was the super artifact system created by the God of the Bible to manage the world.

In the sphere of light, Rama was wearing a white robe, in which he closed his eyes tightly and fell into a deep sleep.

Michael followed Yu's gaze towards the system and explained to Yu.

"That is the system left by the ancestors, which is used to help God manage the element distribution of the world, maintain the element attributes of the world, and at the same time respond to the prayers of believers in various ways.

After Michael finished speaking, he pondered for a moment and spoke again. "Lord Rama is expected to sleep for a year before he can perfectly fit the system and inherit the power of the ancestors. During this period, please do not wantonly destroy the inherent ability of the system.

Looking at Michael who was very nervous in front of him, Yu shrugged helplessly.

He certainly understood Michael's concerns. After God's death, the angels could continue to live and not be buried. It was because of the command given by God in the Bible to redeem the world before his death.

The system is in charge of blessing, mercy, and miracles. Although the functions are much more incomplete than when the gods in the Bible were alive, they can still bless and redeem the world to a certain extent. The system is an important part of the angels completing God's will.

If it weren't for the appearance of Rama, the holy son Jesus who can succeed the throne of God, and if Rama and Yu had a close relationship, Yu would not have the opportunity to contact the system at all.

Michael looked at his eyes calmly, sighed helplessly, and slowly performed the spell to remove the barrier around the system.

As Michael continued to push the spell into the system light ball above.

Crackle~ Crackle~!

Like the sound of glass breaking constantly, I saw cracks slowly appear in the space next to the system's light ball, and pieces of debris fell down.

About 10 minutes later, the enchantment banged and shattered suddenly, revealing the system emitting a soft glow.

At the same time, Yu dodged and appeared around the system light ball. After pondering for a moment, he slowly placed his hand on the system light ball.

In the soul space, the egg shook slightly, and endless negative energy surged out, linking to it through the arm that touched the light ball of the system.

The soft light originally emitted by the system light ball suddenly stopped and dimmed slightly.

Michael, who was supervising Yuu's every move below, froze slightly, clenched his hands several times, tried to condense the power of light to attack, and finally dissipated his power, lowered his head, and prayed silently.

At this time, the corners of You's mouth in the air slightly twitched and then returned to calm.

The eggs silently annihilate the energy of the system's photosphere in small batches without hurting the fundamentals, and continuously deduce the special rules inside the system's photosphere through the annihilation of energy.

In addition to possessing special artifacts (such as the White Dragon Emperor's light wings) that can restrain themselves, all the artifacts made by the gods of the Bible have backups in the system center.

Therefore, relying on the egg, Yuu deduced almost all the special abilities of the artifact in one go.

Huangtian Thunder Prison controls the weather and controls all attributes.

Created by World of Warcraft Create all kinds of World of Warcraft with imagination.

The ability to manipulate the different dimensions of the fog and build an ideal country.

The life and death of the Holy Grail of the Netherworld is reversed 0...

The various special abilities were continuously deduced by the egg, and in the end, the egg began to deduce its core ability to systematically manipulate all elements in the world and define the attributes of all elements.

Afterwards, it was combined with the sky rules of the Godslayer world, and slowly instilled into Yuu's body.

Among the golden cores in You, half of the golden core space is vacant, and the sky rules are slowly injected.

The sky and the earth are constantly blending, matter and energy are constantly intertwined, and finally, a yin and yang two-meter map slowly appears in the golden core, and continuously absorbs the energy in the golden core, and gradually grows.

As time went by, after a month, Yun slowly opened his tightly closed eyes, feeling the two yin diagrams in the golden elixir in his body that had not been filled, and laughed wildly.

The cycle of sky and earth is also the cycle of matter and energy. The condition for becoming a true monarch is to construct a complete cycle in the body, so as to create a real planetary world with one's own soul as the core of the planet and the golden core as the specimen.

And the true monarch relies on his own world to achieve his great cause beyond the three realms and not in the five elements, because he himself is the world, and he is the five elements, even if it is only a planet-level world.

However, although Yu had gathered all the rules when he was in the Godslayer World, due to the relationship between his body capacity and characteristics, he could only accommodate the rules of the earth, while the rules of the sky were stored in the egg, giving Yu a gradual understanding.

But it's too slow. It takes tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of time just to understand all the rules of the sky. You are only in your 20s. How can you be willing to spend so much time to slowly improve?

So Yu started looking for a shortcut, and eventually he also found a shortcut.

That is when the rules are deduced through the energy of egg annihilation, the method of extracting information and pouring into the soul, forcibly compressing time, and directly comprehending the rules of the sky.

As the representative of the god of the sky, Yahweh, the god of the Bible, devoted all the systems he created in 2.1 to manage the world, which contained a large number of sky rules and special rules, and became Yuu's target first.

Sure enough, after annihilating the energy of the system center, the egg was extracted into the complete sky rules, poured into Yu's golden core, and even added a lot of special abilities of the artifact.

And now, the only thing left to achieve the true monarch is to build the energy cycle and understand the soul.

The soul's understanding of Yuu has not yet had many clues.

But the energy cycle? What better subject to study than Orpheus, the infinite energy of the world of Demon High School?

And she's still a cute three-no-lori, completely in line with Slag You's preferences.

Just when Yu grinned and showed a bad smile, he began to plan the infinite Menglong.

In the world of the world, the sky in Kuwang Town was covered with dark clouds and thunder, and it was pouring rain.

In the back mountain of a remote shrine somewhere in Kuo Town.

A figure stood in front of an old stone tablet, standing there silently, reaching out and slowly picking up the shovel beside him.

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