The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 147 The Habits of the Cat Mandrill

As early as a month ago, the three parties began to prepare for integration.

The angel, one of the three forces, has already fallen under the brilliance of Rama, the savior of the world, because of the belief in the God of the Bible.

After all, even the unmanned super artifact Bible God system regards Rama as the savior Jesus, not to mention those middle and lower angels and church members who are unaware of it.

The moment they saw Rama, they felt the guidance of their faith and bowed their heads directly.

As the god ancestor Rama, who was enslaved by Yu with the sword of salvation, he naturally obeyed Yu.

As for the fallen angels, although Asachel was said to be a lecher who fell to the sky just because he wanted to play with a woman, he betrayed the God of the Bible, Yahweh, but he had to deny that his eyesight was extremely strong.

He could see the general strength of Yu at a glance, and just by the breath to recognize the general identity of the goddess that Yu brought out from the world of the godslayer, you can see how high his eyesight is.

Therefore, after Asachel announced that the Fallen Angels had been accepted for inclusion in 03, he rushed back to the Fallen Angels headquarters, first to assist Athena in the inclusion work, and then to abdicate the position of Governor to Baiqiu, the fallen angel cadre with whom You had the deepest relationship.

With extremely high eyesight, he saw that the strength gap between the two sides was too large. If they resisted, the fallen angel would only be exterminated. Therefore, he actively cooperated with Yu's inclusion and maximized the benefits for the fallen angel.

And as the last demon force, it is still the same.

When the integration of angels and fallen angels was coming to an end, the demon society was still peaceful and stable, even if Sazex ordered the integration, they were indifferent.

This is because the demon forces, one of the three forces, have a complete social system (the Four Demon Kings system) and a strong racial concept (pure blood supremacy).

Let them integrate with the fallen angels and angels who are mortal enemies, and even if it is ordered by the four major demon kings such as Sazex, they can also be used as toilet paper.

After all, the current position of Demon King is just like the president elected by the human world. If the chaebol of the seventy-two pillars are displeased, they need to be replaced.

The behavior of yang favoring yin against yin is not uncommon in this month.

Therefore, the goddess Athena, who was being integrated with the blame, became impatient. As her wife, she naturally knew that Yu had the power of the servant of death of the Marquis of Vauban. Therefore, with this power as the core, she directly sent the uncooperative demons to the top. The sweeping plan was launched.

Sazex actually knew a little bit of the inside story. In his opinion, You probably planned to use the gathering of the new generation of demons to put pressure on the upper echelons of the demons, and use force to oppress the demons for integration.

However, he never imagined that You would actually have the power of a servant of death. Now that's it, You will directly centralize the power in the devil's place once and for all.

Although the future demon society will be very core, but thinking of the scene of meeting with corpses every day in the future, the four demon kings have a headache.

After Yu had cleaned up the disobedient demon executives, he waved his hand and left the integration matters to Sazex and the others. He did not participate in the next new generation demon friendship competition, and ran away.

That night, in the luxurious room provided by the Gremory family, he fell asleep.

The crunch sounded suddenly.

Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

In fact, after Yu became a saint, he could abandon sleep. For him, sleep was no longer a means of replenishing energy, but a habit.

Therefore, as long as there is a slight movement, Yuu will wake up from her sleep, so the sound of the door being opened immediately turned her attention to the direction of the sound.

At the door of the room, a white-haired cat-ear girl wearing a pure white kimono with a pair of white playful and cute cat ears on her head walked in, and it was the figure of the Tacheng kitten.

The snow-white cat's tail was bent continuously behind her, like a grass blown by the breeze, with a certain rhythm, bending the most tail part and wagging back and forth.

You narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the red-faced kitten, and walked staggeringly in front of him, as if he was drunk.


The kitten in a white kimono bit her lower lip and let out a cute cat meow.

Then, the kitten jumped to Yu's side and lay down with a dazed look.

From jumping to lying down, Yuto looked at the kitten silently until a female voice rang in his ear.

"Well, cat mandrill? Is there such a rare monster race in this world?" A cold voice sounded in Yuu's ear.

The silver hair fluttered in the breeze, with vertical pupils like the dark night, the goddess Athena suddenly appeared beside Yu, and carefully looked at the Tacheng kitten.

"What's going on? I don't remember doing something that caused the kitten's instinct." Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The cat mandrill is a high-level monster that can use fairy magic and a rare race that can manipulate the energy of nature. The habits of this race are exactly the same as those of cats. It can even be said that it evolved from cats, so it is called cat mandrill.

Since the habits are the same, the cat will naturally possess the fa love period of some animals, but the kitten is still young, the timing should not be reached, and the method to advance this period requires the kitten's own courtship. right.

However, the kitten who faces Yu is always expressionless, the only expression that is 300 is the contempt of looking at the scum, and it doesn't look like it's because of the desire to court.

Athena slowly raised her hand and put her finger on the kitten's eyebrow.

The dark divine power poured in along Athena's fingers, investigating the origin of the kitten's abnormal behavior.

After a while, Athena narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a surprised expression.

"There are two kinds of blood in the body? One is the cat and the other is the devil blood.

Some are overactive, demon blood! So the cat mandrill's blood is fighting back? Is that what's causing the anomaly?

Yu suddenly showed a clear expression. Bai Tianyou's yelling to hell has the effect of promoting the activity of the devil's blood, and then he used the sword of salvation, attacking with an artifact specially designed to restrain demons.

And all these behaviors, Tacheng Kitten watched on the scene, the activity of the demon blood in the body was threatened by the savior of the devil's savior after going through the hell amplitude.

Under such double stimulation, the kitten's demon bloodline ran wild, while the catfish bloodline originally possessed by the kitten naturally resisted desperately, causing the kitten to enter adulthood ahead of schedule and its instincts to erupt in advance.

Yu looked at the kitten who was holding his arm coquettishly, and his expression became a little strange.

This situation seems a little troublesome.

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