Just as Hades' face changed, how to shirk the previous threat to Michael, Zeus leaned in front of Hades, struck the fist of thunder, and silently slammed into Hades' abdomen.

"Wow!!! You??" Hades suddenly arched his body and looked at Zeus with a dazed expression.

"Big brother!! What's wrong with you, did you relapse from your injury from the previous battle with the Troubled Group?" When Zeston was "shocked in shock", he quickly lifted Hades and said loudly.

Hearing this, Hades reacted abruptly, is he going to abscond? Thinking of this, he hurriedly covered his stomach and said in pain. "Yeah, the injury has recurred again..."

Hades turned his head quickly and said to Michael in a coquettish tone. "Lord Michael, I'm very sorry, my old injury has flared up and I need emergency treatment, and I won't be involved in the next thing from the Greek pantheon.

Hearing this, the god kings suddenly looked strange. From Hades's series of words, they felt deceitful intentions, did they want to run away?

Hearing this, Michael, who didn't know when he started to write hard at the round table, stopped his writing and picked up a stack of documents with a smile. With a flash of fluorescent light 03, the documents were scattered into the hands of the kings of gods, and said softly. .

"Don't go in a hurry, there is only one last step left. Now, this is the strategy of dividing up the beliefs that you discussed earlier. If you have no opinion, please sign it. 35

The god-kings looked at the documents in their hands with livid faces. The documents described the various unequal means of dividing up the biblical theology beliefs that they discussed earlier, but the gods they are now targeting have been changed to their own gods.

"No problem, I'll sign it!" Looking at Michael with a fierce face, Hades gritted his teeth and signed the agreement, then opened the gate of hell, and with the help of Poseidon and Zeus, who had a painful face, He limped away from this sad place.

Just when the gods were hesitating, their whole bodies trembled, and they slowly raised their heads to look at Yu, who suddenly appeared in the head of the round table with a smile, and lifted the pen helplessly.

"Thief hahahaha!

At 7 o'clock in the night, in the parlor of Lilith's Gremory mansion for the first time, Asachel danced and danced, smirking from time to time.

"The faces of those old guys are so funny!!!"

Taking a closer look, on the desktop beside Azazel, there are pictures, which are pictures of expressions taken by Michael when the gods and kings were forced to sign the agreement.

On the sofa next to him, Sazeks was holding several documents in his hand, looking at the signature on it, he suddenly picked up the bottled red wine on the table and took a few sips.

"Greek mythology, Indian mythology, Egyptian mythology, Mount Meru, Celtic mythology and Norse mythology have all signed treaties on the division of beliefs. In other words, such an unequal treaty is no different from unconditional surrender."35

"Give me a few bottles!" Azazel hurriedly ran to Sazex, picked up a few bottles of unopened red wine, and with a bang, broke the cork with his hand and poured it directly into his mouth.

"Ha~~ such a cruel treaty, it's really a shame they could come up with it, but they got themselves into trouble, Michael! You did a great job this time." After drinking the red wine, Asachel grew a breath, said with a smile.

"It was just a whim to record the contracts of those god kings. I originally planned to take revenge one by one in private, but I didn't expect that a few minutes later, the fine-tuning would be used."

Azazel and Sazex looked at each other and sighed with embarrassment on their faces. "Women's revenge mentality is really strong!!

Then the two looked at each other and laughed wildly.

They have reason to be happy. They must know that faith has the wonderful effect of serving as high-calorie food, supplementing energy consumption, and accelerating the improvement of strength.

And in the biblical pantheon, faith has a more important role, which can accelerate the reproduction of demons and create angels!!

This is only for the biblical pantheon that has a shortage of manpower.

Just as everyone was discussing fiercely, Yu, who had been holding Michael in his arms, raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

This time Yu can be said to be a big profit. The ability of the three Indian gods of creation, order and destruction of the trinity can be said to be the power of reincarnation in the world.

After gathering all three powers, the desolate planet in the soul space began to enrich.

Fish began to appear in the empty and dead ocean, plants were born, insects began to appear, and animals began to appear on the empty continent.

Except for the absence of intelligent creatures, it is no different from the normal life planet.

Feeling the life that is constantly multiplying and evolving in the soul, You narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth slightly.


At this moment, Michael let out a soft moan in his throat, and her delicate and small face suddenly turned extremely red, she turned her head slightly, and glared at Yun who was biting the tail of her angel's wings lightly behind her.

Afterwards, Michael hesitated for a while, and fine-tuned his posture so that Yu could bite more comfortably.

If it was said that Michael had to submit to Yu because of the orders of the Holy Son Rama before, then now she voluntarily obeyed Yu's actions and let him be frivolous.

Just a single complaint from Michael directly fought against Shiva, and quietly entered the heart of the archangel.

The act of rushing to the crown to be a benefactor can greatly increase the favorability.

"Shh~~" Seeing the intimacy of the two, Asachel quickly turned his head and whistled, as if I didn't see anything.

"Azazel, the diplomatic work is left to you, I'll take care of the logistics, then! Let the meeting!" Sazeks said solemnly.

Azazel and Sazexton disappeared without a trace.

"It's only halfway through the meeting..." Michael said with a trembling voice, and then his body shook suddenly. For an angel, the root of the wing is an extremely weak and powerless place.

An hour later, a magic circle suddenly appeared, and a figure appeared in the living room.

"Hey!!!!" An exclamation sounded.

The harsh scream made Yu frown, and after seeing the appearance of the figure, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and his hand reached out like lightning.

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