The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 170 Emperor Beast 666 [Two in One]

"Ow ooh ooh

A roar resembling a bear, a deer, a tiger, and a bull suddenly sounded.

A crackling sound of crackling sounded.

Cracks like spider webs appeared in the invisible space.


The space cracked open, revealing a huge crack with a diameter of 3 kilometers.

Behind the crack is the deep black mixed with colorful colors, which is a scene of dimensional gaps full of emptiness, dead silence and indescribable horror.

A black shadow with a ferocious appearance stood tightly in the gap of the dimension.

It was a hideous alien.

If the body is stretched out, it can easily exceed several hundred meters.

On top of the body of the opposite sex, there are seven heads.

Each head has the shape of a different creature, some like a lion, some like a cheetah, some like a black bear, and some like a giant dragon, without the slightest sense of unity. There was a strong sense of strangeness all over his body.

Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the opposite sex in front of him, and sneered. "Hey, big guy, are you a cross/cross of all mammals? Totally uncharacteristic.

The eyes on the seven heads of the opposite sex flashed a stern look, as if they understood Yu's sneer, and the six heads on the body slowly moved back, revealing the dragon head in the middle.

You froze for a moment, and looked at the dragon head in the middle of the alien.

The dragon-shaped head has ten horns.

On the ten horns, a crown like a crown is formed.

On the crown, three numbers were engraved with blood "Three One Three" full of divine power.


Seeing this number, Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at the minced meat in front of him with disgust, which was the only proof of existence left by Lezevim in the world. He pouted in dissatisfaction and said.

"It's okay to be a scum, even if you die, you still want to be a scumbag and get this guy out.

As soon as he saw the number, Yu knew the identity of the alien in front of him.

It is as famous as the "Great Red" True Red Dragon God Emperor and "Infinite Dragon God" Orpheus, but because of his lack of reason, his deterrent power is far greater than the first two ultimate emperor beasts - Emperor Beast [666]!!!

Looking at Yu in front of him, the eyes of Emperor Beast 666's seven heads all showed violent and maddening emotions.

"Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!!

An incomparably terrifying roar rang out from the ferocious mouths of the seven heads. From the huge ferocious shape, there was an indescribable burst that paralyzed all five senses, enough to sting people's skin, extremely evil and terrifying. The unknown madness fluctuated continuously, and it became more and more intense.

Even the sky in the underworld seemed to be affected by madness, thick dark clouds emerged, and after a while, lightning began to thunder, a scene like doomsday.

The crackling sound exploded, the emperor beast 666 moved its huge body, and seven heads slammed towards Yu.

66 "Tsk. 33 You's face turned cold, his hands crossed into a cross, and with one step, the land in a radius of ten thousand miles sank, and golden arrogance emerged from his body, and his whole body was like a comet, hitting the head of Emperor Beast 666.


The violent impact suddenly exploded, followed by a roar mixed with pain and shrillness.

“熬呜嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷————!!皇兽666被这凶残的一撞,撞回了次元缝隙之中,半响后,随着空间的自愈力,原本被皇兽666吼碎的The space slowly healed up.

Underworld, the capital Lilith.

In a magnificent building like Buckingham Palace, in a vast conference room, representatives of various mythological forces sat around a huge round table, and if they smashed a brick here, the person who smashed it must be A famous god.

The gods of many gods have held large and small conferences here since yesterday. The division of territories, the division of believers, and even the division of livestock management in the human world have all been brought to this meeting to argue.

"Hu~~ huu~~" At this meeting, the person representing the biblical gods was Asachel, and as a ten thousand-year-old fried dough stick, he had long known the purpose of these gods, and it was nothing more than deliberately disgusting him.

After all, these gods had a big blood loss in the previous agreement on the division of beliefs. Without ten thousand years of cultivation, don't think about being overwhelmed, and it is impossible without resentment.

Otherwise, that idiot will bring down the extreme things such as whether the gods and Buddhas should allow India to kill cattle or not, and discuss them at the gathering of gods.

However, Asachel had been listening to their spit-splattering arguments before, and in his eyes, these arguments were all the voices of defeated dogs—powerless screams.

Just when Odin satirized Zeus, the horse, and Zeus satirized Odin's billion-year-old virgin, the crackling sound rang in the ears of these gods.

Azazel opened his eyes in a hurry, the six pairs of fallen wings behind him shook slightly, and the roof of the conference room suddenly became transparent.

Crackling~Crackling~ cracking sounded again.

Looking up from the conference room, a huge space crack is constantly shattering in all directions of the sky, revealing the empty and deadly scene of the dimensional gap.

At this moment, from the cracks in the space, afterimages flashed continuously.


Following a brutal collision, the space shattered into hundreds of cracks with a diameter of 3 meters.

Facing the pause during the collision, many gods and Buddhas immediately saw the huge figure that was fighting.

"Then... what is that?"

The famous Shura gods and Buddhas from various mythological forces all stared blankly at the beast carrying the terrifying madness, and for a while, even their heads became blank.

All the Asura gods and Buddhas lost their ability to react, and all looked up at the terrifying alien, unable to say a word, causing the entire conference room to become dead silent.

Afterwards, Azazel and the god kings of the major gods present looked at the number "666" engraved on the beast's crown, and their faces became extremely pale.

"I wipe! I wipe! Isn't that thing used by the dead Yahweh to fool people?" Azazel stared at the sky in astonishment, his mouth wide enough to fit a watermelon, and growled in disbelief.

"The beast of the Apocalypse 666?? This thing really exists?" Zeus murmured while looking at the alien in a daze.

"Damn..." Feeling the ferocious aura, Odin even trembled all over his body.

"Who messed up this thing?" Di Shitian slammed on the table and roared.

"Puff————! 35

Emperor Beast 666 roared furiously as he looked at his torn head on the far right.

"Ooooooooooooo!!! - Ooooooooooooooooooo!!

A terrifying roar sounded like a storm falling from the sky, smashing down from top to bottom, as if an invisible pressure, ruthlessly impacted the Asura gods and Buddhas of the mythological forces.

At this moment, all the gods and buddhas in the conference room felt the pain as if their souls were being ripped apart. The eardrums were shattered instantly, and blood slowly flowed down.


Immediately, all the Asura gods and Buddhas covered their ears, bowed their heads, and let out a scream full of pain.

Azazel covered his ears and roared.

"Quick, quick!! Set up the barrier!!!

The Asura gods and Buddhas hurriedly swayed their divine power, and deployed colorful enchantments in the sky.

At the same time, in the dimension gap, the emperor beast with the name 666 moved.

It raised one of the remaining six heads, opened its hideous beast mouth, and spewed out a huge fireball towards Yu in front.

A fireball that was as huge as a burning sun shot towards you at a terrifying speed.

The sun burned everything that blocked it, and its scorching heat even spread to the underworld through space cracks, raising the temperature of the entire heaven and earth to an astonishing level.

You looked at the sun in front of you with disdain, and a flash collided with the sun.


The sound of a bubble bursting suddenly sounded.

Yu broke through the glorious scorching sun and rushed to the front of Emperor Beast 666, with five fingers close together, a miniature sun emerged from the palm of his hand, and the fluctuation was similar to the fireball spit out by Emperor Beast 666.

"Come, come, and taste your own energy bomb!!" Yu looked at the emperor beast 666, who was close at hand, with a wicked expression. With a slight toss, the miniature sun in his hand was thrown into a perfect arc and was thrown away. To the dragon head in the middle of Emperor Beast 666.

"Boom one one---||"

A violent roar sounded, and a huge sun suddenly appeared in the empty and dead dimensional gap, exuding infinite brilliance and heat to this dead space.

"Woooo~~!! 35

The Asura gods and Buddhas in the conference room swallowed their saliva in unison, and looked at the thin figure who was constantly tossing/devastating the emperor beast 666 in horror.

Many Asura gods and Buddhas touched their cheeks and looked at the blood stains in their palms, which were blood stains that flowed from the eardrums that had been shattered by the roar of Emperor Beast 666. They raised their heads and looked at the gap in the dimension. The wailing of the emperor beast 666 even roared out the whimper of the pet dog.

The faces of the gods and Buddhas were unprecedentedly complex.

With the constant resounding roar, Emperor Beast 666's ferocious body of the opposite sex has slowly disappeared, revealing the core of the body~inner and other people's heights, endlessly growing granulation, trying to restore the original body.

Yu stretched out his hands with a gloomy smile on his face, and two miniature suns appeared in his palms, spinning continuously.

The core of Emperor Beast 666 trembled suddenly, and a shrill roar came out, and then it shrank suddenly, and the infinite energy began to gather.

Yu's pupils shrank greatly, and he cursed in a low voice. "Wait, this is going to explode!!!"

——boom blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah——”

With the earth-shattering explosion, an extremely dark small black hole suddenly appeared in the entire dimension gap, exuding extreme gravity.

Yu burst out with infinite divine light all over his body, trying to resist this huge gravitational pull.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!!!

The enchantment under which many gods and Buddhas in the sky step down is constantly shattering.

Looking at the figure in the gap of the dimension, unable to move because of the constant resistance to the gravitational pull, the eyes of the Shura gods and Buddhas suddenly fluctuated.

After all, most gods and buddhas don't want the existence of a supreme emperor on their heads to divide their beliefs.

Seeing Yu slowly escape the traction of the black hole, Loki, who was standing beside Odin, couldn't help but let out a low growl. "Hands on!!!"

The divine artifact exuding heavy brilliance slammed into the sky and covered the ground. It seems that because they knew that Yu was immune to energy attacks, the Shura gods and Buddhas all took out their signature artifact and waved them wildly.

The divine artifact passed through the cracks in the space with colorful divine brilliance and smashed towards You.

Yu raised his head, and 2.1 looked at the Asura gods and Buddhas who shot him with a smirk.

"Not good!!!" Looking at the smile on Yu's face, a strong sense of crisis enveloped the heart of Shura God and Buddha.

The matter that constituted Yu was reorganized in an instant. Relying on the rules previously deduced from the energy of Emperor Beast 666, Yu appeared in front of the gods and Buddhas with the monstrous appearance of Emperor Beast 666 in an instant.

The seven alien-shaped heads suddenly opened their bloody mouths, their necks stretched out, and they protruded in an instant, swallowing all the gods and Buddhas that they shot, together with their artifacts.

Inside the desolate planet in the soul space, a large number of Asura gods and Buddhas appeared in the core of the planet with a panicked face. Facing the high temperature of 15 million degrees in the core, they were evaporated before they could even let out a miserable howl. 's clean.

Swipe!! The humanoid Yuu reappeared in the dimensional gap.

You stood in the gap of the dimension, scrubbed his chin, hiccups, and looked at the gods and Buddhas in the conference room who were left in the conference room because they didn't make a move, and pouted in disdain. "Tsk, count you acquaintances." 5

quack~~ a soft sound came.

Hearing the sound, he turned his head and looked at the front with a surprised look that had stopped expanding, like a fixed-form superminiature black hole.

After observing for a while outside the black hole, Yu's face changed slightly, and finally entered the black hole cautiously.

After a while, Yu came to the core of the black hole with gravity, where the core of Emperor Beast 666 was constantly regenerating and disintegrating, which seemed to maintain the existence of the black hole.

And in the core, in a crack the size of a football, a picture of the sky is reflected.

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