The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 176 Cupid's Arrow (3/3)

Standing in the Tosaka family's mansion in the deep mountain town of Fuyuki City, Tokiomi Tokiomi sat on a slightly ordinary but historical wooden chair and listened in the Tokiomi workshop set up underground.

What he listens to is a strange prop constructed from the head of a trombone-like instrument, which functions like a telephone, but is powered by enchanted gems of various colors.

As a traditional magician, Tosaka Tokiomi abandoned modern tools and insisted on using the magic tools of ancient magicians to live. Therefore, he would sit in front of this magic tool similar to a telephone and listen to the information collected by his friends. .

Kotomine Risei's voice came from the magic tool.

"Well, at present, the intelligence network of the Holy Church Church has not found any trace of Miss Chancheng. The other party was unexpectedly an extremely experienced hunter. 99

As a close friend of the previous family head of the Tohsaka family, Kotomine Risei naturally regards Tokiomi Tosaka as his own son and nephew, so at Tokiomi's request, he invoked the intelligence network of the Sanctuary Church to search for the city of Chan. Kwai's trail.

But, unfortunately, under the cover of the old crow, Kirkball, they have achieved nothing so far.

Tokiomi Tosaka fell into deep thought. After Chancheng Aoi eloped yesterday, he approached Matou Kariya through intelligence personnel, intending to recapture Chancheng Aoi.

However, what he saw was Matou Kariya, who was drunk with the owner of Teppanyaki and complained about Tosaka Tokiomi Yokoto's love in the new capital of Fuyuki City.

The moment he saw Matou Kariya, Tosaka Tokiomi knew something was wrong. How could Matou Kariya in such a state go to the church with Chancheng Aoi 20 minutes ago.

Therefore, he hurriedly asked Yanfeng Lizheng to use his contacts to search for the whereabouts of Chancheng 313 Aoi, and the traces of the silver-haired youth who appeared in his mind after the artificial artifact failed.

"Brother Shi Chen, Miss Chancheng has been missing for more than 24 hours, don't report too much hope, the person who shot it is estimated to be a professional magic criminal from Europe, and the time is enough for them to leave this country."

Kotomine Rizheng reluctantly sent his voice through the magic tool.

Tohsaka Tokiomi clenched his hands into fists and slammed into the wooden table in front of him angrily, making a loud noise of Peng!

Of course he knew that the matter was irreversible, and he had to know that once those magic criminals discovered a high-quality matrix, they would have to get it at all costs.

Chancheng Aoi, who has been missing for 24 hours, may even have been sold in the European market.

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Tokiomi's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

At this moment, Kotomine Rizheng's surprised voice came. "Hey, just received the information that Chancheng Aoi appeared alone in Fuyuki Park, and was walking???"

Bang! Tosaka Tokiomi stood up, grabbed the magic dress beside him, and rushed out of the basement.

"Wait, Brother Shichen, it might be a trap, you have to calm down." Hearing the clanging sound and rapid footsteps, Kotomine Rizheng's anxious voice came from the magic tool.

Tohsaka Tokiomi knew very well that this was most likely a trap, but he also understood that an excellent mother body was worthy of his suspicion, and he was not without means to deal with it. At this time, he should inform those who are willing to spend their lives on landmines.

In Fuyuki Park, Tokiomi Tohsaka stood under a big tree surrounded by five people, looking at Aoi Chancheng, who was blowing in the breeze, 200 meters away, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Aoi was kidnapped by a magician? Is it true? Tokiomi Tosaka!!" Matou Kariya's anxious voice came.

Originally in a state of hangover, he suddenly woke up when he heard the news that Chancheng Aoi was kidnapped by a magician, and as he was lingering in Matou's body, of course he knew how disgusting the magician's methods were. .

Worried that Chancheng Aoi would suffer, he knew that Tokiomi Tosaka had bad intentions, but he still came here resolutely.

Tosaka Tokiomi patted Matou Kariya on the shoulder and motioned him to look forward.

"Great, nothing happened to Aoi." Matou Kariya looked at Chancheng Aoi who seemed to be chatting and laughing with someone, and he was relieved.

Wait, who is Aoi talking and laughing with? Matou Kariya's pupils shrank and her eyes widened. In his eyes, there was not a single figure on Chancheng Aoi's body, but Chancheng Aoi had the same expression on his face as he was talking and laughing with his close friend.

"Have you found it?" Tokiomi Tosaka said indifferently.

"Is Aoi caught in magic?" Matou Kariya said angrily, and then, Matou Kariya slowly turned his head, looked at the hands rubbed on his shoulders, and said in a strange tone. "What are you doing? 35

"Kariya-kun, you look angry today, and you are unusually handsome. Tokiomi Tosaka's eyes showed deep longing.

Matou Kariya immediately got goosebumps all over his body, he stepped back again and again until he leaned against a tree, looked at Tosaka Tokiomi who was slowly walking towards him, and exclaimed in horror. "What kind of nerves do you have.

Huh!! A sound of arrows suddenly sounded.

"Uh..." Matou Kariya's body suddenly froze, his eyes widened, looking at Tohsaka Tokiomi in front of him, the words of Uncle Kawaguchi (adcb) echoed in his mind.

"Kariya, do what you want to do, do it boldly, even if it goes against the laws of the world, go boldly, the Lord is with you." Uncle Kawaguchi smiled in confusion.

"Uncle, I know the meaning of your words, I shouldn't reject this love." Matou Kariya said tearfully, when it was time to be happy, why could his tears be unstoppable? Flow it.

Matou Kariya and Tohsaka Tokiomi embraced each other.


Hearing the sound of the arrows, Gabriel's delicate and small ears twitched slightly, and he slowly turned his head to look at the woods 200 meters away to the right, his pupils shrank, and he covered his mouth in shock.

"What's wrong with Gabriel?" Chancheng Aoi cast his eyes in the direction of the grove suspiciously, and then spit out a shy tone. "Where are the couples from? This is an announcement occasion."

Afterwards, Chancheng Kui was slightly taken aback. How could those two figures look familiar? Could they be former classmates? Chancheng Kui looked suspiciously in the direction of the grove 200 meters away.

The mortal Chancheng Aoi naturally looked down on the exact appearance of the two figures, then hesitated for a while, and finally became curious, took Gabriel's hand, and approached the direction of the woods as if nothing had happened.

"Shi Chen, no one can stop us."

"Yes, Kariya, Aoi has disappeared, no one can stop us."

Hearing this, Chancheng Aoi looked at the two people who were like glue and no one else in front of him with a broken face, and said in a complicated tone.

"Kariya-kun, I used to think you were a normal person... that's right, living in a magic family, where would there be normal people. I'm sorry to bother you! And I wish you happiness! 35

Chancheng Aoi took Gabriel's hand and left the park without looking back.

Gabriel looked at the two people who were embracing each other with a puzzled face, and said softly. "Cupid's Arrow?? Does Cupid in this world like to make trouble too??"

In the Kobe Hotel, Yun slowly lifted the sword of salvation, looked at Chancheng Aoi who threw himself into her arms with a puzzled expression, and said softly. "What's wrong?"

"You... only like girls, right?" Chancheng Aoi said in a complicated tone.

"That's right, what's wrong?" You said in a daze.

"That's good, that's good.." Chancheng Aoi buried her head in Yu's arms and kept rubbing her cheek against Yu's chest, trying to forget something.

. .

After all, for Yamato Nadeko, who was born in the 1970s and came out of traditional education, gays are too hot for eyes.

However, if Chancheng Aoi raised her head, she would be able to see the evil smile on Zhayou's face above. Slag You is very careful, she is pregnant with his flesh and blood. If you are thinking about what other people will do, you have secretly used hints to induce Chancheng Aoi, and let her see Matou Kariya and Tohsaka. The scene of the minister being trapped by him.

The effect was outstanding. Obviously, Chancheng Aoi, who was a traditional girl at heart, could not accept the behavior of the two, and completely broke the idea of ​​​​the two.

Afterwards, Yu suddenly hugged Chancheng Aoi, taking advantage of the emptiness in the beauty's heart, strengthening his position in Chancheng Aoi's heart.

Then, strange noises came from the hotel.

In a dilapidated shrine in a remote place, a cute little girl struggled to open the door of the shrine from inside, and said crisply to the middle-aged man standing at the door: "Please come in.

The middle-aged man crouched down and touched the little girl's forehead.

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