The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 194 Are You Here To Be Funny? (1/3)

The bright red Command Spell passed through the scope to Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes, making his face gloomy.

Seeing Yu slowly emerge from the space crack, standing in front of Saber to resist Dirumdo's blade, Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes flickered.

At this time, Maiya Kuto's voice came from the communicator. "Kiritsugu, the new person has a Command Spell on his right hand! And the silver-haired woman looked at that person with a strange look, as if she was a lover?"

"Are you sure? Maiya!" Emiya Kiritsugu said in a low voice.

I'm sure. " Kuto Maiya said coldly-.

. . .

"It's hard to do this. Not counting the silver-haired woman, Einzbern's side has two heroic spirit-level combat power, and there should be a heroic spirit that has never appeared in the dark. Only us in Lancelot, the disadvantage. It's really too big." Emiya Kiritsugu sighed - said.

"..." Kuto Maiya was silent, she also understood the difficulty of the matter.

"Maiya, you continue to cooperate with Matou Zoken's familiar to monitor here, and report the situation to me using the communicator. 35 Emiya Kiritsugu ordered in a low voice, and then he looked at Dirumu through the scope. With one more look, he swiftly packed the sniper wooden warehouse and quietly left the yard.

He understands that if the Saber group is not resolved first in this Holy Grail War, then there will be no victory at all. The combat power of the three Heroic Spirits is simply too powerful. So in order to obtain the Holy Grail, he must act.


over the battlefield.

"Ah... ah... King Conqueror looked bewildered, slightly opened his mouth several times, but closed it reluctantly.

"What's wrong with you, Rider?" Webber was slightly taken aback, and he was naturally at the side of the Conqueror King, immediately aware of the Conqueror King's reluctance to speak, so he covered his mouth and asked in a low voice.

"He has said everything I want to say, I can't find anything to say!" King Conqueror patted Weber on the shoulder, leaned over to Webber's ear, and said with an embarrassed expression.

"Huh?" Weber was stunned, and then came to his senses. He heard what You said just now, but the King of Conqueror said that You had finished saying what he was going to say?

Weber said with a strange expression. "Meaning, you actually wanted to recruit a magician? And then the other side turned it on?"

"Well, that's what I mean, little master, you know how rare magicians are, but I don't have one in my Macedonian army. If I recruit a magician, my dream of conquering the world is not enough. It's a huge help!

The Conqueror said in a low voice.

"Ha, everyone has died and has become a heroic spirit, are you still thinking of conquering the world?" Hearing this, Webber suddenly said with a strange expression.

"That has nothing to do with whether I am a living person or a heroic spirit. As long as I still exist and can think, then I will not give up my dream of conquering the world." The King of Conqueror patted Webber on the shoulder and said with a serious face.

Hearing the King Conqueror's words, Weber suddenly showed admiration, but as the King Conqueror patted his shoulder, his face turned green, and he screamed while covering his aching shoulder. "To die! To die! To die!! Stop now~~~"

"Sorry, sorry!!" King Conqueror touched the back of his head and said with an embarrassed expression. Then, he turned his face to Yu, who was below, and said in a serious tone.

"Then, first of all, let me introduce myself, I am the King of Conquerors - Iskandar!! Therefore, O Magi, I refuse your invitation, because the King! will not submit to anyone!"

Hearing this, everyone present was dumbfounded, except for Yu, who knew the character of the Conqueror King. You must know that on the battlefield of the Holy Grail, the real name of the heroic spirit is the key to the strategy. Knowing the real name, you can find the information in front of him, check his weaknesses, and carry out targeted strategies.

Just like the previous Dirumduo, after the real name was revealed, Saber basically knew most of the weapon's abilities, which led to the fact that he was always at a disadvantage.

And now, there is actually a heroic spirit who was dissatisfied with being invited to join his subordinates and took the initiative to blow himself up? Isn't this handing the knife that can hack him to someone else's hands?

How could there be such a stupid person in the world? The world was almost conquered by this stupid conqueror? This sentence became the consensus of everyone except Yu.

From the shocked expressions on Saber and Dirumduo's faces, Weber noticed their thoughts, because he also thought the same.

"What are you thinking about, idiot!!" Webber turned around suddenly, grabbed the King of Conqueror's coat, and roared with a collapsed face.


The bull pulling the cart snorted and kicked Webber with a fierce look. Weber was suddenly startled, and his voice of protest fell silent.

The King of Conqueror ignored Weber's words, scrubbed his chin, hesitated for a moment, still unable to give up his desire for talent, and said in his heroic voice.

0... ask for flowers...

"That, the magicians and heroic spirits below, are you interested in giving me the Holy Grail and joining my subordinates, I can share the joy of conquering the world with you!!!"

Everyone's faces are stunned, this sentence is so familiar? It seems like I have just heard it.

Seeing everyone's dazed expressions, the Conqueror King immediately sat down and blurted out his debut. "The treatment is negotiable... eh?"

Saber and Dirumduo focused their eyes on the King of Conqueror strangely, and said in unison. "This sentence, it seems that someone just said it to you?"

The King Conqueror's expression froze, and the embarrassment in capital letters was immediately printed on his rough face, and cold sweat couldn't stop flowing from his forehead.

"Are you here to be funny?" "On the side, Weber said softly, but everyone present was clear-eyed and naturally heard Weber's words.


Hearing Weber's complaints, Iris Phil immediately covered her mouth, shaking her shoulders constantly, to hide her laughter.

Saber looked at the King of Conquerors with a strange expression, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, if it wasn't for the battlefield, she would have laughed softly like Irisviel.

With his empty left hand, Yu gave the King of Conqueror a thumbs up. As expected of a king, he was able to repeat his lines despite the embarrassment. This is too thick-skinned.

"Hahaha, although it was said in advance, it was indeed my true thoughts just now, so? What do you think?" The King of Conqueror touched the back of his head and said with a big laugh.

Hearing this, although Di Lumuduo's hands were still holding the hilt of the knife and Yu's fingers stalemate, he looked at the King of Conqueror above, and said in a serious tone.

"I admired you just now for your self-reporting family and your courage to express your inner thoughts, but it is difficult for me to agree to your proposal.

I will take the Holy Grail and dedicate it to my lord, this is the oath I made with the only new monarch in this world, King of Conquerors!"

"That's really a pity!" The Conqueror's face showed a sincere expression of regret, and at the same time he turned his eyes to Yuu and Saber who had yet to answer.

At this moment, cold voices suddenly sounded from all directions.

"As it is, to participate in the Holy Grail War, is this your purpose for stealing my holy relic? Mr. Weber Velvet.""

Hearing the sound, Weber's face changed greatly.

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