The magic workshop in the basement of the Tohsaka House.

Tosaka Tokiomi, who was sitting alone on the wooden chair, kept tapping the armrest with his index finger, with a thoughtful look on his face, and after a while, he said in a serious tone.

"Kirei, how was the banquet going?"

"It's almost coming to an end, the magician on Einzbern's side is speaking, and it is expected to end in 5 minutes.

Kotomine Kirei's tone of voice was a little blunt.

Tohsaka Tokiomi's brows furrowed into a ball. After learning about the King of Conqueror's banquet, he made a small calculation and planned to let Gilgamesh sneak attack to kill Yu, the biggest threat. In his opinion, the King of Heroes is the biggest threat. The degree of hatred towards Yu probably won't resist this request.

But after all, he is the magician who is in charge of the space law. If he fails to kill him, he will never have peace at all. Just imagining the assassination of a magician makes his heart shiver, but when he thinks of obtaining the Holy Grail and reaching the root Long-cherished wish, Tosaka Tokiomi's heart swayed.

In the end, the longing for the root conquered everything, and after thinking for a while, Tokiomi Tosaka sighed. "Kirei, what do you think the success rate of sneak attacking that magician is?"

"I can't be sure, teacher. Although Gilgamesh is extremely dissatisfied with that person, and wants to kill him quickly, but after all, it is a hero's 330 banquet. I am afraid that with the style of that king, he will not make a sneak attack at the banquet."

In the basement of the church, Kotomine Kirei closed his eyes, looked at Gilgamesh's helpless expression towards the naughty junior through Hassan's perspective, and said indifferently.

"Oh, what a misstep. I never expected that the king's character would be so arrogant, it seems that he can only use the Command Spell to force an order.

Tohsaka Tokiomi said in annoyance. Not knowing that Kotomine Kirei had already betrayed him, he naturally believed Kotomine Kirei's words without a doubt.

"With all due respect, forcing an order will only be against the King of Heroes, which is not good for the next battle." Hearing that Tokiomi Tosaka was going to use a Command Spell to force Gilgamesh to attack Yuu, Kotomine Kirei's expression changed slightly, and he spoke out to stop him. road.

Tohsaka Tokiomi nodded, affirming Kotomine Kirei's opinion, but his face gradually showed a winning expression and said.

"I know that now the seven masters and heroic spirits have not left the stage, and it is the last resort to have unpleasantness with the hero king now."

"But since there are several Heroic Spirits and Masters on the scene, I think that if Gilgamesh is caught off guard with an EX-class Noble Phantasm to attack and sneak, there is a very high possibility of killing the audience.

"It's really like this (adcb)." Kotomine Kirei said in a flat tone.

"But before that, we have to let Hassan, who is hiding in the dark, take away the container of the Holy Grail. Kirei, can Hassan do it?" Tokiomi Tosaka said slowly, rubbing his chin.

From the perspective of the hiding Hassan clone, Kotomine Kirei saw the figure of Loli Hassan eating silently, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said.

"Although Hassan will be exposed, but it can be done! But, Sensei, what about Emiya Kiritsugu's party who didn't attend the banquet?"

"That killer? It's really good for him to deal with the heroic spirit not around. You let Hassan attack Emiya Kiritsugu, and even if it doesn't work, you have to rescue Kenneth and control Dirumdo.

Tosaka Tokiomi said calmly. Through Kotomine Kirei's 'information', he believed that he had mastered everyone's movements, and he seemed to have heard the call of the Holy Grail.

"Kirei, we are sure to win!!!"

After hearing Tokiomi's confident words, Kotomine Kirei knew that he had made up his mind, so he immediately contacted Hassan at the banquet through a Command Spell, and asked her to delay Tosaka Tokiomi's arrangements. out.

The corners of Kotomine Kirei's mouth rose slightly, revealing a pleasant smile. He was looking forward to Tosaka Tokiomi's desperate expression after his defeat, especially when he knew that everything stemmed from his betrayal.

"Instruct him, Gilgamesh, to use his deviance sword with all his strength towards everyone present."

After Tohsaka Tokiomi finished speaking, he changed his sitting position and poured another cup of tea into the cup at the same time. He sniffed the black tea happily and waited for the results of the actions he had ordered.


The originally dignified face was extremely gloomy at the moment, Gilgamesh looked at her trembling hands, her red eyes filled with murderous intent, and a murderous voice spit out from her red lips.

"As a minister, you dare to make a mess and commit an order to this king, you are so courageous, time!!!

The Conqueror King, who was drinking a little wine and admiring the Shura Field, immediately noticed Gilgamesh's abnormality, scratched his head, and said with a puzzled face. "Hmm! Hero King, are you?"

Hearing Gilgamesh's angry roar, Yu narrowed his eyes, stretched out his right hand, crossed the space, and covered Kiyohime's red lips, which was spitting out shamisen fire, and said with a serious face. "If there is a situation, if there is a joke, continue in private.""

"Woo~~woo~" Kiyohime, who was covering her mouth, pointed at Yoo's big hand around Saber's waist and made a woo-woo protest.

"Okay, okay, listen to you." Yoo shrugged and let go of his hands.

After realizing that the arm that bound him was released, Saber hurriedly dodged in front of Irisviel, glared at Yu sullenly, and then focused on Gilgamesh who resisted the command curse.

Compared to taking revenge on Yu's frivolous act, she was most concerned about the safety of Irisviel, who had a very good relationship with her, so she temporarily let go of Yu.

Yu breathed a sigh of relief and asked Hassan. "what happened?"

"Tohsaka Tokiomi gave Gilgamesh an order to kill everyone present with the Deviance Sword with a Command Spell." A cold voice came from Hassan's mouth.

Hearing this, Weber's face changed greatly, and he shouted in panic. "Rider, let's run!! 35

In his eyes, the Master's Command Spell has absolute command power, and he doesn't want to face the terrifying attack of the Deviating Sword.

"Hmph, I want to use this kind of trivial thing to work on this king, let's talk about it three times." Gilgamesh snorted, the blue veins burst out on his forehead, and he forcibly regained control of his body.

"...Uh!" Looking at Webber, he was stunned.

After a while, Webber looked at the King of Heroes who, although trembling a little, didn't draw the Deviance Sword after all, and said with a puzzled face. "Huh? Isn't it an absolute command?

"It is absolute for the Servant, but the heroic spirit body is not necessarily." Yu said lightly.

"Eh, the heroic spirit itself?" Webber looked at the King of Conquerors in shock.

"Yeah, but the restraining force has issued an order not to expose it, so as to prevent humans from peeping into the mysteries of the heroic spirits, but the son on the opposite side said it, it doesn't matter." The King of Conqueror said carelessly.

"However, the King of Heroes, who has no magic resistance, can actually resist the third-method creation of the Command Curse by willpower. I deeply admire this. Come, have a drink." The King of Conqueror raised his wine bottle and said with admiration.

"Humph!" Gilgamesh snorted disdainfully, but still picked up the wine bottle and drank it with the King of Conquerors.

"Ha~~ the wine is finished, the wish is finished, then the referee! Are you going to announce the result?" After drinking a glass of wine, Conquer Wang turned his head slightly and said to You with a serious expression.

"Yes, that's right."

Yu nodded lightly and raised his hand.

The whole body is golden, like a wine glass made of pure gold slowly appearing in his hand.

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