The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 242 For Humanity! Bang—

!Plop————Emiya Kiritsugu drew a perfect parabola in the air, and with a look of astonishment, he fell into the black mud. The black mud that was originally confronting the suppression technique on the ground suddenly stagnated, and then the black mud continued to tumble like boiling happiness. You's sudden action made everyone stunned, and the scene suddenly fell into silence. "...Little Yuko? What are you doing?" After a while, Gilgamesh asked with a strange expression. "This is what you said... is it useful?" Saber said in a strange tone with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. "Master Husband said it was useful...probably." Qingji said in general, and turned her head evasively. Hassan looked pitifully at the twitching legs that remained outside in the black mud. The black mud exuding endless malice in front of them would not feel good even if they were touched by heroic spirits, let alone Emiya Kiritsugu, a magician whose physical attribute could not even reach E. This guy - is dead. Such thoughts flashed through everyone's mind. "...Ah." Kotomine Kirei opened his mouth and looked at the struggling legs above the black mud. This was different from what he had promised, didn't he say that he would bring misfortune to Emiya Kiritsugu? Why did Yuu do it himself? However, Kotomine Kirei only lost his mind for a while, and then focused his attention on the boiling black mud. Compared to Emiya Kiritsugu, this thing brought him even more joy. Gao Sheng, in short, he fell in love with this world's evil one 347, although it was a pile of mud. "The origin of Emiya Kiritsugu is "cutting and overlapping", destroying intact things and gluing them together in a twisted way, this is the role of his origin. Yu said with an indifferent expression. Curious eyes suddenly focused on Yu, what did you say about the origin of Emiya Kiritsugu? "Hmm? Yu, is there any problem with his origin?" Er said with a puzzled face. "Evil in this world has no body, but it has consciousness. Although it is only a little stronger than instinct, it does have consciousness, and its purpose is to be born in this world and arouse disasters. Eru guides humanity into a twisted and shattered future. 35 "Huh? Do you want to fish?" Gilgamesh reacted instantly, squinting his ruby-like eyes slightly and said playfully. "Yes, for the evil of this world without a body, Emiya Kiritsugu with such a twisted origin is simply the best carrier for it. If it is born in the world, it will be solved." Yu grinned wickedly. said. If the evils of this world were born into the world through the shell of Emiya Kiritsugu, it would be easier to solve with a carrier than if it were entrenched in the Great Holy Grail, tangible things are better to destroy than intangible things. (adcb) As for the safety of Emiya Kiritsugu? Isn't he trying to save the world? Sacrifice him alone and save the world, he will accept it with gratitude. "¥%%...**(()" After Emiya Kiritsugu, who was buried in the black mud, heard Yuu's words, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the black mud pouring into his mouth. In the past, he used himself as a balance to measure justice. He sacrificed a few and saved the majority too many times. Until today, he feels the despair of the victims. It is obvious that he can save the world by sacrificing him, but he Unable to be happy at all, his survival instinct told him that he should hate Yu, but rationally he thought he should be grateful to Yu. The savior, Mr. Emiya Kiritsugu, was caught in a cycle of contradictions. Black mud wrapped Emiya Kiritsugu firmly. , It seems that the evil of this world finally realized the essence of Emiya Kiritsugu, and with a sudden shock, black mud surging into Emiya Kiritsugu's body. Mouth, nostrils, ears, farts, everything can get into In Emiya Kiritsugu's body~, the black mud all scrambled to get into it, and the essence of the black mud is an invisible malicious vortex, otherwise, Emiya Kiritsugu will burst alive in minutes. The turbulent black mud suddenly turned into Five pitch-black tentacles were doomed into Emiya Kiritsugu's body. The entire underground cave fell into a dead silence, and everyone looked at Emiya Kiritsugu, who was brutally whipped by the tentacle-like black mud and looked extremely miserable. Everyone present turned their heads in disgust, and even Yuu, who was the initiator, couldn't stand it any longer. Only Kotomine Kirei kept his eyes on the miserable Emiya Kiritsugu who was being tortured. "It's so beautiful." Now, it is so beautiful. Kotomine Kirei is extremely grateful to Yuu for letting him see this scene, the misfortune of Emiya Kiritsugu, whom he so desperately pursued, and the constant flow of the evil in this world that is now pouring out of his heart. Desires are now mixed together. The combination of happiness and happiness directly makes Kotomine Kirei look like a high court. At this moment, the inside of the Great Holy Grail realized that Emiya Kiritsugu's body had been transformed enough to accommodate it. After its existence, the invisible will of evil passed through the gap in the sky above the Little Holy Grail with malice and tried to pour into Emiya Kiritsugu's body. The evil of this world immediately took on Emiya Kiritsugu's personality, and for the first time possessed The ability to think. But in essence, Emiya Kiritsugu is still Emiya Kiritsugu, but he has an identity of evil at this time. Then, a spiral of contradictions was born. Emiya Kiritsugu's wish is to destroy this world The evil of evil, but he himself is the embodiment of evil will. Bang! A sound of wooden warehouse suddenly sounded in the cave, and then echoed continuously. After Emiya Kiritsugu regained his consciousness, he immediately took out the sack in his arms. Tekikura committed suicide. "...You bastard! What the hell are you doing, return the evil to me, return it to me quickly!!!!!" Kotomine Kirei rushed to Emiya Kiritsugu in horror. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and kept roaring. Emiya Kiritsugu, whose body was getting colder, looked at Yuu gratefully. As he was dying, he showed a relieved smile. He used his own hands to save mankind. "… Husband Sir? What is this guy doing?" Kiyohime looked at Emiya Kiritsugu's 'corpse' with a strange expression on his face


"To die with evil, isn't it normal for people who dream of saving the world? You shrugged and said in a mocking tone.

"Huh? This guy has become a heroic spirit? Did he sign a contract with Alaya before he died? Let me see, what has he become as the carrier of evil?"

Gilgamesh's eyes twinkled with the Omniscient and Almighty Star, and then she burst out laughing.

"Pfft---hahaha!! No Noble Phantasm, no attributes, just the ability to use malicious infinite resurrection, what kind of hero is this??"

"Your secret hand?" Saber glanced at Yuu with a look of contempt.

Yu shrugged, tacitly acknowledging this fact, since Emiya Kiritsugu is the carrier of this world's evil, of course Yu has a means, and what means is more effective than Alaya's heroic spirit contract in the Moon World? .

This pit directly pitted the evil of this world and Emiya Kiritsugu into Alaya's palm.

Knowing that the malice had been resolved, Yu raised his head and looked at the hole above the small Holy Grail, looking at the empty core of the Great Holy Grail through the hole, and pouted. "It seems that the energy has to come out on its own."

A few hours later, Irisviel prayed silently with her knees crossed under the Little Holy Grail, and the celestial clothes she wore slowly exuded a dazzling white light.

Within the Great Holy Grail, the 60-year-old leyline spiritual power began to surge.

the same moment. Three dazzling souls emerged from the Little Holy Grail, and in the blink of an eye, they passed through numerous spaces and returned to the Throne of Heroes.

The 'hole' leading to the outside of the world appeared.

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