The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 244 Kiritsugu's Road to Redemption

Vortex of Roots

The origin of all "cause" phenomena in the Moon-shaped world.

Since as long as there is a "cause", the "effect" can be produced, so for intelligent life, this is the "ultimate knowledge"

Yu is now in the vortex of this root.

There is no color, but it is like a collection of all colors. This is a world that can only be perceived by oneself.

Time, space, matter, energy and its derived concepts of destiny, cause and effect, creation, destruction, etc. have all shown traces here.

Here, as long as you have the corresponding 'knowledge', you can obtain the corresponding 'power', there is nothing wrong, you can get the 'knowledge' directly by touching the 'cause' of everything here, provided that you will not be affected by the infinite 'knowledge'. assimilation.

There is no such thing as turning back the bow here. Once you choose to obtain 'knowledge', congratulations, in this place where the concept of time is confused, you will be directly overwhelmed by 'infinite knowledge' when you choose to obtain it. This is the so-called The assimilation of the "three four seven" roots.

Greed can kill people.

The moment Yu came into contact with the source, Yu was recognized by the source. If you describe it, it is like changing from a foreign hukou to a local hukou.

But what's more important is that Yu's own material and energy, two rules from another world, are recognized and absorbed by the root, complementing the rules of the moon world, and at the same time, Yu has gained control over the new material and energy.

Expressed in the system of Eastern mythology, it is equivalent to Yuu's combination of 'material' and 'energy'. Although it is only the part that he originally possessed, but based on this, even if Yu is separated from the source, he can comprehend it. Study the part he doesn't hold.

After a while, the 'knowledge' acquired by Yu from other worlds was exhausted, and what was left was the original rules of the Xingyue world, namely the third method, the cup of a day.

In Yuu's mind, the magic theory derived from the third method of Einzbern continued to emerge, and then the 'magic theory' as knowledge turned into a holy grail pattern.

It was a pattern called "Magic Base".

If the world is regarded as a computer, the rules are regarded as hardware, and the magic base is the program on it, and magicians run these programs by consuming magic power to activate magic.

The root of why magicians maintain mysticism is here. The more people who use the program, the lower the power of natural magic, so they hide the existence of magic and ensure the existence of their own power and status.

When seeing the magic base, according to Gaia's information, Yu knew that the critical moment had come.

In the next instant, four tangled rules appeared.

Time, space, matter, energy.

You can see where there is a magic base on the body of the four rules, and at the entanglement point of the four rules, a magic base takes root here.

That is the magic base of the five magicians.

Except for the base plate on the time rule, which is dull, the rest of the base plate is flashing with splendid brilliance. This means that their masters, the four magicians, are still alive.

The first law - time

The second method - space

The third method - energy

Fourth Law - Matter

As for the fifth method, it is just like a hodgepodge at the entanglement point of the four rules, and can borrow part of the power of the four methods.

"Fuck, it's no wonder that all the magicians who have appeared in the world say that the fourth magic really exists, and they have seen this thing in the root." Yu looked at the magic base on the chain of material rules with a stunned expression.

At this moment, the chain of rules representing energy and matter, most of which resonated with Yu, were the rules that Yu had 'contributed' earlier and the part of the soul energy represented by the Third Dharma Cup of Heaven.

Two "magic bases" emerged, anchored on the material rules and energy rules, and then Yu's heart emerged to control the two rules.

The current Yuu can already be called the sixth magician who uses the third and fourth methods.

Yu took a deep look at the rules of time and space, then withdrew from the root cause and returned directly to the world.

Looking at it further, he was worried that he wanted to directly obtain the 'knowledge' of time and space and felt the taste of being assimilated. He must know that his golden fingers were unable to assimilate 'knowledge'.

In the cave of Yuanzang Mountain, Yu's figure slowly emerged.

From the window, the scorching sun shone orange into the guest room of the Fuyuki City Sanctuary Church.

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at his hands in despair, and his body was covered with countless scars, stab wounds, wood warehouse injuries, and even poison residues in his stomach. These were the results of his victory within an hour after he woke up.

"Why, I can't die! This is why!!!" Emiya Kiritsugu said frantically, clutching his hair.

"Now you are the embodiment of all the evil in the world. The evil has not disappeared. You are not dead. Thank you, Emiya Kiritsugu! You have gained eternal life." Kotomine Kirei stood in front of the window and smiled with his back to Emiya Kiritsugu. said.

"...What's your purpose of helping me?" Emiya Kiritsugu pointed to the sword and axe in front of him. These were all suicide tools that Kotomine Kirei had provided him.

"I want to see your misfortune that's all." Kotomine Kirei said happily.

"That God, the Lord you believe in should have a way to destroy me, doesn't he claim to be omniscient and omnipotent? Why doesn't he kill me, isn't he an existence known as the truth, goodness and beauty!!! Emiya Kiritsugu roared with a grim expression. ..

"...The Lord will only guide the world's self-redemption." Kotomine Kirei turned around and said with a serious face.

"Then why didn't he guide me?" Emiya Kiritsugu roared angrily at the statue of Jesus hanging on the wall of the guest room.

"Tohsaka Tokiomi's origin is "everything is wrong at this time", his magic power will guide everything in the wrong direction, and the wrong of evil is justice!!... This is the original word of the Lord. " Kotomine Kirei said in a flat tone.

"...Why tell me? Don't you want to see me not believing?" Hearing this, Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly looked at Kotomine Kirei suspiciously. With Emiya Kiritsugu's understanding of Kotomine Kirei, he Shouldn't say the key information that can redeem him.

Kotomine Kirei grinned and said with a nasty expression. "Because what I need is Tokiomi Tosaka's purest magic power!!! Thank you Dade, my teacher Tokiomi Tosaka happens to be gay.

The scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Emiya Kiritsugu's heart almost collapsed.

"Whether you give up redemption, or choose to go on the road of no return to seduce my teacher Tokiomi Tosaka to seek self-destruction, it is the supreme joy to me!!!

"Praise be to my Lord, who is omnipotent and infinite in power. 99

Kotomine Kirei knelt down in front of the icon and said with a frenzy.

Looking at Kotomine Kirei's appearance, Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly believed what he said. Could it be that in order to save the world, this is the only way to go?

A few hours later, Kotomine Kirei walked into the guest room with the information on Tohsaka Tokiomi's personality and hobbies with a cheerful expression on his face.


In the living room of Einzbern Castle.

Yu looked at Gilgamesh across the tea table and said regretfully. "Really plan to return to the Throne of Heroes? What's so good about that kind of boring place, I, who hold the third method, can completely make you a human living in this era.

"Little Yuko, I think you want to keep me and vent your desires on me, right?" Gilgamesh dragged a glass of red wine in his right hand and looked at Yu with contempt.

"Ahahaha, it's good that everyone knows about this kind of thing, don't say it! Yugan said with a smile.

"The interesting things of this era are just like that. I'm tired of playing these days. It's more comfortable to return to the throne and have a good night's sleep." Gilgamesh took a sip of red wine and shrugged helplessly.

The dark gray pupils reflected Gilgamesh's red lips drinking red wine, and the corners of your mouth rose slightly.

"Yeah, it's better to get some sleep."5

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