The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 255 This time I will execute the sentence

Roa, the snake of Akashic, is famous in the magic world.

He has many 'great achievements'


He deceived Bai Ji Erquite, causing the true ancestor of Millennium City to be bloodbathed by the runaway Bai Ji.

After being bombarded and killed fifteen times by the furious Bai Ji, she was still immortal.

There is also the "glorious history" of defeating Kuroji Eltluqi head-on

That is the glorious history of grinding teeth that made Eltluki hate. She was severely injured in the fair battle with Elquite when the knights were dragged by the true ancestors, and Roa who jumped out when she was running for her life chased her frantically. Kill, and just happened to be seen by some magicians in this process.

Ertuluqi was immediately regarded as the softest persimmon among the dead apostles, and was harassed by a large number of demon hunters and representatives of the Church of the Holy Church. Countless people tried to transfer the black and white knight and the white beast, intending to kill her. Be famous.

This disgusting situation lasted for more than two hundred years, until Eltluce signed a contract with Valezia Night, used a lot of human blood to restore her strength, and bloodbathed dozens of demon hunters. People organized, and the siege and suppression of the Holy Church was repelled several times before it subsided.

In fact, compared to Baiji Erquite, Heiji Ertuluqi is the one who hates Roa the most.

Now, Altluci has heard the happiest news for her in hundreds of years. "Brad, Yu asks you, are you sure?

"Extremely sure, this disgusting smell of blood emanating from the soul is nothing but the 'snake'." Brad looked at Roa's head in disgust, his tone sarcastic said.

"...As expected of the little girl Yu fancyed, she actually killed that 'snake'." Ertuluqi covered her mouth with a very happy smile on her face.

"Who would have thought that the new skin of the 'snake' was actually killed by a girl!!" Brad's expression was very strange. An ancestor of a dead disciple was killed by a little girl, and he couldn't even resist. Luo Ah's method of death can be said to be the most embarrassing one among the ancestors who were killed.

"By the way, Knight Yu, Brad. Yuji, you have some research on the soul." Eltluci, who was sitting on Bremet with her legs together, said with a smile, accompanied by love With Ertuluqi's smile, the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy.

"Leave it to me, His Highness Ji Jun. I still have a way to lock him in the random reincarnation." Brad crushed Roa's head, took out a dark breath, and bowed deeply.

"Then, rendezvous with Stuart, this time, we must get ahead of Yu's sister and send that 'snake' to hell." Ertuluqi narrowed her intoxicating red pupils and said in a cold tone.

"Is it really fast to escape?" You raised her head and looked towards the southeast, a small hillside four or five hundred meters away from the church.

A few seconds ago, the black knight Stuart was still wielding slashes, interfering with the power gathering of the defense mechanism, but after seeing Bremet dodge and retreat, he immediately retreated.

Contrary to Eltluqi's imagination, in Eltluqi's idea, the gods without actual body can exert the power of their heyday in the state of possession.

The concept power of the primate killer under his command is only aimed at human beings, the ace ghost rider of the white knight Brad is restrained by the concept of light, and the black knight Brad is held back by the power of faith.

Therefore, although her side has many people and powerful people, she was just conceptually restrained by Yawei. In order to avoid being killed by Yawei, Ertuluqi had to retreat strategically.

However, she didn't know that even though Yu possessed Kalian's body, although he was sure to deal with them, conceptually, he didn't actually have much advantage.

"...Richard!" Yu said to Richard, who was slumped on the ground because of his frightened legs.

Seeing the cute loli with white hair and golden eyes in front of him, a male voice popped out of his mouth, Richard's pupils shrank, and his face was full of surprise and surprise. "Fuck, it turns out that Karen you are a boy!!!"

"...Knight Richard!" Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and shouted in a deep voice.

"This voice... is the Lord Angel who gave me the artifact!" Richard said with regret after realizing that Karen was actually possessed by an angel instead of turning into a boy paper.

"Escort the Holy Maiden back to the headquarters of the Roman Church." Yu ordered lightly, and then, in order to avoid injury to Karen after the consciousness was withdrawn, she slowly lay flat on the ground and slowly withdrew from Loli's tender body.

The surroundings suddenly quieted down, leaving only the gentle breathing of Karen lying on the concrete floor.

Yuu was quite relieved about handing Karen to Richard. After all, he passed various tests to ensure that his orientation was correct and Richard, who had no interest in any women, and there were still others placed on Karen. Secretly, in order to make sure to eat safe reserves, Yuuka cautiously 0...


Einzbern's castle.

Yu, who was lying on the desk in the study, suddenly opened his dark gray eyes.

Yu, who had returned to consciousness, closed her eyes again, connected the record of her inhibitions, and checked her whereabouts through the image of Eltluci's breath earlier.

In the real world, neither of the two major inhibitory forces can show her personality will, and only has some instinctive responses. Unless there is a crisis that will destroy the planet or human beings, the inhibitory force will take the initiative to act.

Therefore, Yuzai is basically unable to borrow the power of restraint, and can only connect the records of restraint, which is equivalent to logging on to a search engine, exchanging some of the information he already knows for detailed information.

And Yuu, who had never seen Eltluqi and his party before, naturally couldn't find Eltluqi's whereabouts, but now that she's seen it, it's different.

"Southeast?" Yu raised his head, walked out of the castle, took out the flying Noble Phantasm that Gilgamesh had rented indefinitely, and flew towards the southeast at high speed.

In the early morning of the next day, the rising sun had just risen, and the orange sunlight shone on the earth, and the shady feeling at night was slowly dispelled by the mild sunlight.

"Brad, are you sure it's here?" Aerluqi stood on the top of a hillside, blocking the light from the sun with her 2.1, looking at the town not far away and said.

The size of the town is not very large, with a population of about 50,000 to 60,000. Alterucci and his party, who are at a high place, can have an unobstructed view of the simple French town below.

"Yes, His Royal Highness Ji Jun. Although there is only a vague sense, I can be sure that Roa is in the town ahead." Brad bowed to Eltluqi and said respectfully. .

"Roa XVII? This time... I will execute him! Ertuluqi raised her slender wrist and slowly clenched her palm into a fist.

above the sky.

The spiritual body moved his ears, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"It seems that there is no need to order the Church of the Church and Kenneth to collect information on Roa. 35

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