The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 284 Necessary Skills of the True Ancestor (Part 1)


A golden light flashed in Elquite's eye mask, and the realization of fantasy suddenly started. With the rise of Elquite's thoughts, the surrounding atmosphere rolled like waves on the surface of the sea at high tide. Especially because the starting point is surging towards You.

The sound of being cut out from the atmosphere rolled by the waves, if you look closely, the waves are clearly composed of indestructible steel blades.

"Imagine the air as a blade? After procrastinating for so long, everyone in the town should have been dispersed! After being used as a target for so long, I also have a temper! I looked at the waves with great interest. , raised his left hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With a hissing sound that surpassed the resolution of human ears, the anti-clockwise spiral air flow around Yuu suddenly formed, and the buildings in the town for several kilometers were fragmented in the breath.

Steel bars, cement, and wooden boards spiraled into the sky in an instant, and three feet of soil were scraped off the surrounding ground. With the airflow, they were rolled up into the sky, and a natural scene like a sandstorm appeared in the town.


In the whirlwind with a speed of more than 60 meters per second, steel bars, stone bricks, iron blocks and other objects were endowed with the terrifying power of rocket launchers. Coupled with the violently rotating spiral airflow, Erquit and Love stood on the ground. Ertuluqi's face changed suddenly.

The sharp claws and the blood whip were directly inserted into the ground, stabilizing the figures of the two, and at the same time constantly twisting their bodies, avoiding the construction debris that struck like cannonballs from time to time.

Golden pupils shone with golden light again, and Elquite tried to imagine an equal cyclone to counteract Yu's attack.

"Invalid?!!" Elquite's pupils shrank, and he said with a look of astonishment.

"The realization of fantasy is ultimately about the probability of things appearing. However, the sky is under my control. If you want to materialize a cyclone, you can't do it without my permission, Elquite. .35

Yu's flat voice sounded in the minds of Ertuluqi and Erquite. It was a sound that was directly transmitted to the mind through mental fluctuations. In such a whirlwind, it was impossible for the sound to be transmitted perfectly, so Yu made the sound. Out of the mental sensing this one engineering magic.

"Woooo! X2"

Two slight and slightly distressed voices came from the mouths of the two sisters. Although it was a magic project, but because of the use of high mysterious energy such as magic power, this magic directly added a strong mental impact.

"Conceptual attack? Or is it spiritual? This magic should be a project!" Ertuluqi frowned and said with a stunned expression. When did the lowest level of magic have such terrifying power, and even her spirit could be affected.

The stinging pain in his head made Erquite bit his lip, half-opened his eyes and looked at the blurred figure in the whirlwind ahead, with a trace of anger on his face.

"Sorry, my power always has this kind of additional effect in the world." You pouted and said helplessly.

The feeling of a heavy blow like a hammer hitting her head came again. Feeling the somewhat familiar fluctuation of power, Eltluqi's face changed slightly, and she blurted out. "Divine power? This force of deja vu?"

A week before the sound of Eltluce, that defensive technique on the outskirts of Paris hit one of her gods hard. A suspicious look was projected onto the blurred figure.

Divine power is like an ID card, Yuu's power is so similar to the power of God she has encountered, she will never believe it if there is no trick.

However, Aertuluqi wasn't worried that Yuu would be bad for her, but she was as curious as a cat's scratching for sure.

'Find some time to ask. ’ Eltluqi narrowed her red eyes slightly.

The stinging pain that came again made Elquette's pretty face extremely cold, and a dazzling golden light flashed from the golden pupil, and even a faint rainbow flashed past.


The two mental attacks completely angered Elquite, she began to subconsciously liberate her power to suppress the blood-sucking impulse, and then a hapless devil snake was swept by the cyclone in front of Elquite under the control of Yu.


Elquite looked at the demon snake floating in front of her with a stunned expression, but her body moved naturally amid her stunned expression.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Dozens of knife lights flashed, and the snake was cut into countless pieces, entering the stage of countdown resurrection.

"Yu?" With a suspicious look on his face, Erquite called out tentatively.

The cyclone suddenly disappeared, and the construction waste that lost its centrifugal force fell to the ground with a whistling sound, and there was a heavy crash.

"I've reminded it dozens of times before you found out, Elquite?" Yu looked at Elquite with dead fish eyes and a cold face.

"Aha~~ahhahaha~~" Elquite touched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

Yu looked at Erquite expressionlessly, and under that indifferent gaze, Erquite lowered his head, blushing pretty face, and counted the ants on the ground.

Suddenly, Yu said coldly. "Where do you want to run to?"

Elter Luqi, who was about to sneak away, froze all over, looking at Yoo with an expressionless face, cold sweat slid down her cheeks.

Elquite's pupils shrank, and she raised her head quickly, looking at her sister angrily. It was obvious that she found that the previous misunderstandings seemed to be caused by the guidance of Eltluqi.

Looking at the two people with fierce faces in front of her, Eltluqi's expression changed slightly. After hesitating for a while, she put her legs together, raised her white jade-like lotus arms, hugged her small head, and slowly squatted down. body.

"Who are you?" Yu looked at Aerteluqi's series of movements with a bit of astonishment.

"You said that if Yu made this posture called holding his head and squatting in defense, any mistakes can be forgiven..." Ertuluqi raised her head cautiously, and said with an embarrassed expression.

"Although I said it, but your sister?" Hearing this, Yu stopped and looked at Elter Luqi with a playful expression.

The pupils flickered slightly with golden light, and Elquite's face was cold, showing a hammer of the same height.

"It seems that the misunderstanding has been resolved." Stuart withdrew the real demon that fixed Mei Lian's arm, leaned down and grabbed his neck, intending to drag him forward.

Brad also pulled back his knight's sword and glanced at the church agent who was uphill like a formidable enemy. "Then, what about those church members behind? Bremet, please contact His Highness Ji Jun with a contract.

"Ow?" Bremet growled. Then he spoke. "His Royal Highness Ji Jun said it's fine to ignore them, and also said... It seems that the Church may no longer be an enemy?"

"Well, since that's the case, then let's go and meet up with His Highness Ji Jun first." Stuart pondered and said slowly.

Out of trust in Eltluqi, the three ancestors of the Dead Apostles spared the agents behind them and dragged the plum chain to the town.

hours later.

Where Stuart was standing, the land gradually loosened.

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