The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 291: Lorelei's Heart Is Filled (Second)

The primeval forest on the outskirts of Tours.

Fifty-one figures maintained a neat formation and trotted through the lush forest. The intricate trees in all directions did not affect them in the slightest, and the team maintained a steady pace.

Obviously everyone is advancing at a sprint speed of 100 meters, and the ground of the forest is full of withered leaves and branches, but these figures do not make any sound as they advance, only full of serious cold breath. .

Obviously more than 50 people are advancing, but it exudes the momentum of thousands of troops.

However, in fact, even the 10,000-strong modern mechanized corps would be brutally slaughtered in the face of these fifty people.

Chorus Clone Brigade, this is a magic "three seven seven" army composed of first-class magicians, directly belonging to the Barthémello family, who specialize in combining magic, they are a veritable "war"-level army.

Suddenly, the woman in the lead stopped, and the high-speed crowd behind her also stopped in an instant from the state of motion, silently arranging into a strange formation, standing behind the woman with a look of indifference.

As always, Lorelei wore a white suit, brown riding boots, and tied her brown waist-length hair in a ponytail and hung it behind her head. The difference was that her arrogant and delicate face was full of coldness and murderous intent.

"Lord Bathermelo." In the queue behind him, a middle-aged man stepped forward, stood behind Bathermelo Lorelei, and shouted softly with a low eyebrow.

Lorelei immediately understood the intention of her adjutant, cast a glance at the tree beside her, and told him the reason for the sudden stop.

The adjutant's pupils shrank slightly. He believed very much in the sensing ability of the head of the family in front of him. He quickly groaned. With this groan, the movements of three people in the crowd behind him changed slightly, either extending their fingers, or bending their knees, or It's leg shaking.

In the blink of an eye, the highly lethal magic of the Three Projects suddenly formed.

A gust of wind sharper than a steel knife enveloped the tree that the two of them were embracing, cutting it into fine sawdust within two seconds.


On the branch of the big tree, a pale blue crow only had time to scream, and was cut into flesh and bone slag by the strong wind.

Unleash big magic on the crowd behind you in the blink of an eye

"Whose familiar is this?" Lorelei asked the adjutant behind her with a cold and pretty face, exuding an unusually cold aura.

As a young family owner who led the Clone team on a mission for the first time, when encountering something he didn't understand, he would directly ask the adjutant behind him who had experienced many battles.

"According to the pale green skin and chaotic magical properties, it is initially judged that it is Nero Kaos' chaotic herd." The adjutant directly stated the characteristics, enriching the master's knowledge base.

For Lorelei's cold attitude, the adjutant expressed his understanding. The fledgling arrogant nobleman was played around by his own family's nemesis, and naturally he was not in a happy mood.

The mortal opponent of the Bathermelo family is the seventeenth ancestor of one of the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead disciples - Duke Baiyi.

The first task of each generation of patriarchs after taking office is to hunt down this extremely cunning ancestor of the dead apostle, but each new generation of the new family will be played around by the old bat, which has been a practice for hundreds of years.

The reason why Bathemello would maintain this practice was to express his determination to kill Bai Yigong on the one hand, and to hone the fledgling family head on the other hand.

"The chaotic herd of the tenth ancestor? Has that guy summoned his subordinates?" The corner of Lorelei's mouth rose slightly. The fact that Duke Baiyi summoned his subordinates made her feel a lot better, which represented her pursuit for nearly a month. Killing has already made Bai Yigong feel threatened.

The fact that her nemesis had to admit that she had moved to rescue soldiers made Lorelei feel a little happy, and said immediately. "Keep going!"

"Patriarch, Bai Yigong's actions this time are somewhat unusual, and it is necessary to consider the matter of retreat." The adjutant's face became solemn.

It is basically the default practice of both parties that the new master of Bathemello pursues and kills Duke Baiyi. One is to make a statement, and the other is to be afraid of the old monsters of Barthemelo. However, if there is a chance to kill each other, both sides will act immediately.

If the old Bathermelo was present, the adjutant would not have spoken out to stop it, but after all, Lorelei is the new master, even if the battle strength is sufficient, after all, the experience is still 0...

Lorelei looked contemplative, of course she knew that she was inexperienced. Although she had the strength to fight, she had to rely on the combined magic support of the team behind her to defeat Duke Bai Yi, and adding Nero was indeed a bit tricky.

"Ahead should be Tours, the central city of railways in France, where should we retreat back to England." Lorelei said blankly, her tone full of suppressed anger.

Although the two ancestors and their dependents were sure to kill, but Bai Yigong's circling behavior these days made her feel a great threat, so she chose to give up the task, even if it was a big deal for her self-esteem. blow.

The adjutant sighed helplessly as he looked at Lorelei, who clearly held a grudge against Duke Bai Yi. It was a common practice, the first defeats of the previous dynasties were basically given by Bai Yigong, and the reason for the initial hostility had long been forgotten.

"Let's go!" Lorelei slowly clenched her silver glove's palm, stretched out her hand and waved, and the team continued to move forward silently.

A minute later, Lorelei, who had just stepped out of the forest, suddenly froze, and the chorus behind her suddenly stopped.

Lorelei looked at the three people and one dog in front of her, including the members of the Clone team who had been expressionless behind her. After seeing the three people and one 2.1 dog, her face gradually darkened.

"Guian, the current owner of Bathmelo~" Ertuluqi took a step forward, closed her legs slightly, and lifted the skirt of her dress gracefully.

"Ow~~" Bremet, who was being held by Eltluci, barked lightly at Lorelei.

"Bathemello? You, do you know who that is?" Elquite looked at the crowd in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"I heard a little, the great noble of magicians." Yu rubbed her chin and looked at Lorelei, who she had met by chance, with pity on her face.

"The Black Princess of the Eclipse! The True Ancestor's White Princess, plus the Primate Killer..."

Seeing this group, Lorelei didn't know where she was, she was miserable by White Wing.

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