The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 297: Do One Kindness Every Day (Part Three)

Lorelei suddenly opened her eyes and looked calmly at the face that was close at hand.

"Yo, wake up." Yu, who was sitting beside Lorelei, greeted with a calm expression.

Lorelei frowned slightly, resisting the feeling of weakness in her body, leaning on the support of her arms to straighten her body, then picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on, buttoning the buttons expressionlessly.

"Hey, miss. I didn't expect it to be so calm." Yu looked at Lorelei in surprise. He thought that the other party would want to kill people violently, and he also thought that the other party could not bear the possibility of committing suicide, but I didn't expect Lorelei to be so calm~

"Is there anything strange?" Lorelei said coldly. There was no ordinary young girl panicking.

In fact, this is also the case. For magicians, as long as the interests of magic are sufficient, they can give everything. In terms of philosophy, their moral values ​​are the same as those of mad scientists.

Although Lorelei is a clock tower noble with some sense of morality, the nobles also put their interests first, and from the point of view of interests, if you can obtain the genetic factor of a magician, even if you pay a certain price, it can be considered a good deal. .

"It's too bad, originally I was bored and went to the bar to have some fun, but I was inexplicably played by you, and I felt a little uncomfortable." Yoo rubbed her chin and glanced intently at Lorelei's Jiao Ke. .

Although she was attacked by Yu's hot gaze, Lorelei still looked as cold as ice. She ignored Yu directly, picked up the clothes on the ground, and threw Yu's clothes in front of Yu roughly, venting her feelings. anger.

The education of the Bathermelo family is extremely closed. From birth to adulthood, they are educated in a closed environment. The concept of magic has indeed been poured into her mind.

But her nature is unavoidable. Rationally, Lorelei is prepared to give everything for magic, but emotionally, she still can't stand Yuu's ridicule in such a situation.

After all, she had just stepped out of her family's closed education and faced this cruel world of magic for the first time.

Yun shrugged, put on her clothes in front of the gloomy Lorelei, walked to the door, and then looked thoughtful.

Lorelei narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Yuu with some doubts.

After a while, Yu took out ten five-hundred-euro banknotes from his pocket, put them on the cabinet beside the door, and opened the door.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Lorelei, who was leaning against the chuang screen, was slightly taken aback when she saw Yu's movements, and said with a little doubt.

The door closed slowly, and Yu's helpless voice came in.

"Will the prostitute not give money? Although the cooperation is not very good, the quality is very high, and the sound is very pleasant, so I will give 5,000 euros, after all, she is a noble lady of Barthemelo', it is normal to be expensive. Wait. Wait, it seems that my blood is lost, after all, the white tadpoles of the magician are invaluable. That's all, just do a good deed that day.

Hearing this, Lorelei gradually widened her eyes, and she could no longer maintain that frosty face.

0... ask for flowers...

At this point, she still doesn't understand. From the very beginning, her secret skills and disguise have been seen through by Yu, and the other party has approached her for the purpose of playing with the women of Bathmelo's family from the very beginning.

"Drink--! Drink--! Drink--!"

Lorelei unlocked the secret technique in an instant, smashed the wooden chuang shop under her with a punch, and then exhaled violently in the pile of broken wood.

"What... shame! To actually... dare to treat me Bathemello as that kind of inferior person!!!" Lorelei grabbed her head abruptly, veins bursting out of her arms.

Lorelei suddenly stretched out her hand and pressed her lower abdomen, intending to remember this shame in a self-mutilating way.


A golden light flashed across Lorelei, and she felt the strange runes in her mind through magic, her eyes gradually filled with a strong cold light, and she said word by word. "Mandatory...contract...contract?"

Feeling the contents of the contract, Lorelei's face collapsed. "Keep your body like a jade? Don't commit suicide...he~he~he~"

After a while, Lorelei sat on the floor, stroking her belly occupied by white tadpoles, showing a creepy smile.

Yu, who was walking on the street, shivered inexplicably, then shook his head, glanced at the hotel behind him with some doubts, and then walked into the distance.

On the outskirts of Tours, a group of figures appeared in the suburban forest where Lorelei and Eltluci faced off before.

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