The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 311 Deliberation of the Magician Association (Three in One)

London, UK - Clock Tower Headquarters

In the Great Hall of 10,000 people, which is 80 meters long and 50 meters horizontally, there are some figures standing. They number less than 50. At the same time, they are concentrated in the center of the hall, making the whole hall seem extremely empty.

However, with less than 50 people, the entire Great Hall was plunged into a strange and demonic realm, and all the members were glowing with a strange and inexplicable light.

The hall is clearly divided into three factions, one of which has more than 40 people, while the other two are standing alone.

"The nobles of the Clock Tower are really friendly." One of the old people standing alone said in a flat tone, but it was particularly harsh among the nobles of the Clock Tower present.

At this moment, a man dressed in green with lemon hair came out from among the nobles.

"Director Kenneth, be careful, the other party has been releasing hostility. In the group of nobles behind 35, a noble reminded in a low voice.

Kenneth waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to worry, then tidied up his clothes and opened his mouth to the old man. "Since the two of you are also participants, why are you exuding murderous aura like this, it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings. 35

"Huh? You are? Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald!" Another thin middle-aged man standing alone said with a certain look.

"Oh? Since you know my name, there's no need for me to report it. Can you please introduce yourself?" Kenneth narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the faces of the old man and the middle-aged man, and chuckled lightly. said.

"That's right, I'm the great alchemist of the [Atlas Institute], Peter Mezaha." The middle-aged man sorted out the white robe he was wearing, which was a specialty of the desert region, and said solemnly.

"The old man is the Guevilla of the [Wandering Sea]." The old man dressed like an old English gentleman in the 19th century took off his hat, bowed, and said in a flat tone.

The faces of the nobles behind Kenneth suddenly became solemn.

[Atlas Academy] and [Wandering Sea], an organization with the same reputation as [Clock Tower], the overall strength of the three is equal, and in order to resist the Church of the Holy Church, they together form a huge organization that controls the magic world-Magicians Association .

But in secret, it is the Clock Tower that controls most of the rights of the Magician Association. After all, the other two organizations pursue a policy of escaping from the world and focusing on magic research, which is completely different from the Clock Tower actively recruiting and cultivating magic geniuses all over the world.

And most importantly, the three major forces of the Magician Association are currently in a sinister relationship that is inseparable from each other, and even hostile to each other.

And this sudden meeting, even the representatives of these two forces were invited, which shows the importance of the meeting.

"Big event!" The three big characters kept appearing in the minds of many nobles.

Tower! Tower! Tower!

The sound of riding boots stepping on the tiles sounded slowly.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the door of the hall, where, with a cold face, Lorelei in a white suit walked slowly towards the center of the hall. Following the very rhythmic footsteps, Lorelei behind her head. Her ponytail also danced in tandem.

"Lord Bathermelo!" XN

The noble magician who belonged to the clock tower bowed solemnly.

When she reached the center of the hall, Lorelei stood still and glanced at the faces of everyone in the hall with sharp brown eyes like knives. She paused slightly when she saw Peter and Guevilla, and then He spoke indifferently.

"Okay, since the representatives of the Wandering Sea and the Atlas Academy have also arrived, let's start the discussion directly.

..." The nobles present suddenly became serious.

With a cold face, Lorelei snapped her fingers lightly, and a virtual screen full of text and pictures appeared in front of everyone present, she said coldly. "That's the main reason for initiating this council."

"At 6:00 pm on January 17th, the fifth magician who walked in the world, 'Yu', was sighted and reported in the city of Tours. Accompanying: Black Princess of the Eclipse, White Princess of the True Ancestor. Appendix: Pictures"

"At six o'clock in the morning on January 18th, the event of the gods coming into the world in Tours. After the incident, the 16th ancestor of the dead apostles, the black-winged male, Granzog Brackmoya, disappeared, and the 20th Zumeilian Solomon disappeared. The five magicians are suspected of being 'God'."

The hall fell into a dead silence, and then instantly fry the pot.

"The magician has an affair with the princess of the true ancestor? Hey, it's really 'big news', the lace news of the magic world can come to the headlines of the previous year. 99

"Are there women in your head? Look below, that magician is actually suspected of being a god, and he is also the God of our mortal enemy church!!!99

"Damn, I finally understand why the church has repeatedly performed miracles in recent years, and the gods have returned!!!"

"It's a bit bad. God fought us openly and secretly when he was away. Now that God returns, those mad believers will definitely fight us."

Except for Kenneth, who had already taken refuge with Yuu, everyone's faces turned ugly. For the magicians who pursued their roots, it was not in their interests to fight with the church, but the current situation seemed to be beyond their control.

Listening to the discussion, Lorelei, who had been cold-faced, opened her mouth several times, but forcibly closed it again, looking like she was about to speak.

"Lord Barthémello seems to have something to say." Kenneth was isolated by the nobles present because he had already been informed of his surrender, so he was the first to discover Lorelei's small movements.

"My father's meaning is... to invite the fifth... 'Magician' to come to London for talks." Lorelei's pretty face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and she gritted her teeth.

Lale Leia, who was treated as a prostitute ~ a whore, hated Yuuko to the bottom of her heart, and wished that the Magician Association and the Church of Sanctuary would go to war, but she was a woman who put the family's interests first, since her father believed that the peace talks would be beneficial to the Barthémello family. , then she can only bear it no matter how much she hates it.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

No one dared to refute the suggestion made by the nearly 100-year-old magician who commanded the clock tower, but this sensitive period invited the magician who was suspected of being a 'God'. The clock tower?

The words 'assassination' and 'decapitation' kept appearing in the clock tower magician's mind.

"Oh, is the previous generation of Bathemello the same as what I thought? 35 Guevilla moved, the brim of the gentleman's hat, and said calmly.

"Oh? Does the old gentleman in the Wandering Sea have any peculiar ideas?" Kenneth raised his brows, looked at Guevilla in surprise, and said softly.

There was a sudden chatter in the silent hall, which naturally focused everyone's attention, and their searching eyes were constantly directed towards Guevilla's face.

"Have you not noticed yet? The previous generation, Lord Bathermelo, meant to invite the fifth magician to come and gather!" Guevilla sighed and said slowly.

"Even if you repeat it, I'm sorry, because the information is too shocking, our heads are still a mess. Please clarify, old man. After all, most of the representatives here are new leaders." Kenneth frowned slightly. , said with a look of doubt.

A large number of young and young nobles in the rear, no more than thirty-five, nodded in unison. Compared with the old fried dough sticks who were proficient in conspiracy and tricks, these young people still couldn't understand the old fried dough sticks.

As for why the aristocrats of all major families are young and still young, it is because the inheritance of magicians is still relatively fast, basically every 30 years, and the clock tower has just experienced a rotation period recently.

As for the reason for the rotation, the reason is very simple. All orthodox magicians basically study magic with the root as the goal.

And researching magic naturally requires a lot of time and energy. If you are a part-time family head and hold the position of a clock tower, how can you study magic and how to get to the root?

So basically most of the lineages will abdicate when their heirs reach the age of 25 and the three views have matured. Just like the great elders of a certain sect in Xianxia novels, they start a deep retreat (studying magic, reach the root).

It can not only serve as a nuclear deterrent to ensure the safety of the family, but also contribute to the magic of the family, and sharpen the next generation who have not yet tasted the taste of power and the confrontation with the magic way, why not do it.

"If the information is correct, the research theme of Wandering Sea is the magic of the gods. It seems that he has a unique insight into the magician who is suspected of being a god?" Feelings.

"Ah, the leadership of the Clock Tower is really young. Well, I'm not going to be rude. According to my records, there are 23 known types of magic in the Age of God that can directly enslave the gods, and even 6 types can be destroyed. The consciousness of the gods, thereby manipulating the body of the gods.

Guevilla pulled the brim of his hat again, and his wrinkled face was full of solemnity.

"Hey, it means that the magician may have destroyed God and directly topped it?"

"How is that possible, that is the god called the only god!!""

"Why is it impossible, isn't magic synonymous with miracles!!!'

The quarrel suddenly came, and the young masters were blushing, and some even started a fierce hand-to-hand battle on the spot.

"Quiet!!!! Looking at the conference hall like a vegetable market, Lorelei's face turned gloomy, and she shouted directly with magic.

Silence re-entered the conference hall.

"Mr. Guevilla's guess is correct. My father thinks that the other party is very likely to be a magician, but it is an indisputable fact that the other party manipulates the gods suspected of being God.

With the strict faith of the Church of the Holy Church, there is a great possibility of accepting his rule, so the other party can already be said to be the substantial leader of the Church of the Holy Church.

Coupled with the relationship between the fifth magician and the true ancestor's black and white princess, it is an indisputable fact that the power in his hands exceeds the sum of the magician's association. It is necessary to invite him to come for a while to determine the direction of the magic world and even the real world. "5

Lorelei recites the script on the small screen in front of her expressionlessly.

"What is the opinion of the Wandering Sea and the Atlas Institute?" Lorelei said indifferently as she looked at Guevilla and Peter.

"The purpose of the Atlas House is to maintain the status quo, so I will stay in London for a while to participate in the talks and wait for it to end." Peter said solemnly with a stern face.

"The purpose of the Wandering Sea is also the same. However, the old man wants to ask, everyone in the Clock Tower, is there any way you can get the sorcerer to come to talk? After all..." Guevilla patted the crutch in his hand. , said with a puzzled look on his face.

Although Guevilla didn't say everything, everyone in the room understood what he meant. Which top-ranking boss would accept this invitation to enter the base camp of the hostile forces.

However, everyone present understands that it is not enough if you don't invite them here. After all, where is the basis for the magic of the Clock Tower in London for two thousand years? Only here, old Barthémello and other hundreds of antiques can arrange the two The thousand-year-old magic base resists that magician one or two.

What if you invite people to another place for a meeting, and your boss is killed on the spot? No one dares to take this risk.

Thinking of this, all the clock tower members present focused their attention on Kenneth, and only Kenneth in the clock tower had a clear allegiance to Yuu.

As for the head of the securitization department, whose young daughter was played by you, she has always maintained an ambiguous attitude, and everyone expressed their understanding. After all, she is just an abandoned girl, and her status is estimated to be just a plaything.

"Patriarch Archibald, my you have been applying for those magic engravings for that magician, right?" Lorelei closed her eyes, covering up the murderous intent in her eyes, and said indifferently.

What Hate House and Wu are talking about is Lorelei, who made her Bathermelo's house a prostitute. How could this kind of trampling on her family's honor make Lorelei not hate it, if it wasn't for Kenneth in the clock tower Is the lord status, it is estimated that there will be his figure in the sewers tomorrow.

"Indeed." Kenneth nodded casually.

The fact that Kenneth applied for those clock towers for Yu to collect magic engravings for thousands of years is basically known to the nobles.

The magic engravings that can be collected by the Magicians Association are not those low-end goods, such as Emiya Kiritsugu's Shishiyu, the second-method inheritance gem magic of Tosaka Tokiomi, who died in the original world line, and other high-level magic inheritances. Collected by the Clock Tower in the Secret Vault

Only those old antiques and masters of big families have the privilege to apply for a study for one month within a year.

Even though Kenneth's status has been on the rise recently, through some connections, he can only apply for 10 coins a month and give it to Yu for research.

It is because of this that Kenneth is so obsessed with You. After all, You only need to annihilate a little bit of research to deduce the complete content. One piece only takes ten seconds.

You Bing believed that if you want a horse to run fast, you need to feed the horse grass, and the remaining 29 days were given to Kenneth. With a lot of inheritance, how could Kenneth, whose magic practice skyrocketed, not work? Grateful.

And now Lorelei's intention to mention this matter is obvious, it is estimated that it is the invitation letter thrown by the old Bathermelo.

"How much?" Kenneth said flatly.

"All stocks, but can only be researched for at most 7 days." Lorelei said with a serious face.

0... ask for flowers...

"Give me the things and send them to the crown prince. As for the crown prince who won't come?" Kenneth spread out his hand, as if I could do nothing.

"One month!!! Lorelei clenched her fists and said through gritted teeth, a raging fire burst out from her brown pupils, it was emotional instability, and the substantive anger that caused the magic violence.

Kenneth pursed his lips and still kept the gesture of my powerlessness. Although the meeting is normally considered to be not dangerous, who knows if this meeting is a hoax specially opened for him, and he is only a subordinate after all, why? May arbitrarily decide for the master.

Kenneth, whose interests had long been tied to Yu, knew very well that when his boss was alive, he would be nourished. If his current backer fell, he could consider sleeping in that sewer.

There was a strong murderous intent in Lorelei's eyes, and the howling wind shrouded her side.

"Would you like to send things over in advance, at least show some sincerity?" Facing Lorelei's murderous intention, Kenneth, who had a taste in his childhood, resolutely admitted his counsel and put forward a suggestion.

"No! Yes! Yes!" Lorelei said word by word, her tone full of indescribable chill.

If I really want to send the magic engraving, what should I do if it is gone forever? It's not her Lorelei who takes the responsibility, and with Lorelei's impression of Yu, the probability of it being gone forever is too high. .

"What else are we talking about?" Kenneth shrugged, crossed his hands, and strode out of the conference hall.

In the conference hall, the people who belonged to the headquarters of the Clock Tower silently watched Kenneth's departing back. The previous conversation was equivalent to a direct conversation between the clock tower and Yuu, and they didn't dare to speak out because of their lower status.

If there is an accident in the end, and they are used as punching bags, it will not be fun, but there are still people who can speak out.

"Astra Academy suggested that it would be more appropriate to send the magic engraving to show his favor in advance." Peter still kept his serious face and said.

"The Wandering Sea is here for reconsideration. We must negotiate with the other party to avoid war. What we want is only the root cause. War is not in the interests of the Magicians Association." , to press Lorelei into submission.

After all, it is the Clock Tower that loses the most money, and there is no pressure on the two organizations that are in a vaguely hostile situation.

Besides, if you are successfully invited, you will definitely have to pay back the magic engraving after you have used it up. Wouldn't it be nice to grab one or two votes then?

You must know that among those magic engravings, there are unusually many that involve taboo fields.

"I don't have to worry about Wandering Sea and Astra Academy. The Clock Tower will try its best to facilitate this peace talks." Lorelei took a deep breath, kept her expressionless face, and said calmly.

"So good!" X2

Guevilla and Peter looked at each other and nodded in unison.

The highest section of the clock tower headquarters, the base camp of the forensic science department ruled by the Barthemelo family, the clock tower.

The ancient clock tower built at 2 AD has always kept the clock tower.

And above the big clock at the top of the clock tower, there is an astronomical observatory, and Lorelei is standing on the observatory tower looking down at the entire clock tower headquarters.

She is in a very irritable mood now, and just when she went to the secret room to negotiate with her father, she was given instructions to reach a meeting. However, she has nothing to do now, so she came to this place that she used to relax.

clack! clack! clack!

The sound of footsteps with a sense of rhythm came slowly.

"Adjutant, you just rushed back home, aren't you going to rest?" Lorelei looked into the distance and said in a complicated tone.

"Sorry, I heard that Lord Bathermelo encountered a problem, so I dared to come." Adjutant Chad, standing at the entrance of the stairs, said solemnly.

"Really? Do you have any suggestions?" Lorelei leaned against the railing, dragged her chin, and said calmly.

The adjutant Chad has been with the Bathermelo family for more than 40 years. It can be said that she is an elder who has watched her grow up. She still attaches great importance to the advice of the older generation. After all, it can be turned into her background. Food that enriches her knowledge.

"First of all, let me take the liberty to ask, how did you and the magician stay at the Le Hao Hotel in Tours that night..." Chad looked at Lorelei's expression and asked cautiously.


The 1800-year-old stone railing was cracked by Lorelei's elbow, and after a while, an icy, bone-piercing sound came slowly. "Why do you know!!!

"In the early hours of the morning, my subordinates were responsible for distracting the magician's pursuit, and finally witnessed the confrontation between the magician and the burial agency." Cha De said with a look of joy.

"Really? At that time, it was you who led him away?" Lorelei said in a complicated tone, recalling the scene at that time.

The watchtower fell into silence.

"That guy just played with me, it's impossible for him to come here." Lorelei said indifferently.

She understands the purpose of her adjutant's mentioning this, after all, she had previously mentioned the problem of coming to contact her, and suddenly mentioned this matter, except for this purpose, she thought not to do what he thought.

"Then, if you lied that you were pregnant, what are the chances?" Chad said indifferently.

"Do you want to die?" Lorelei's pupils shrank, she turned her head slowly, and looked at Chad with murderous intent.

Chad still maintained that indifferent face.

"...I don't know." Lorelei glared at Cha for a while, turned her head to look at the distant sky, and said indifferently.

Lorelei understands that magicians attach great importance to the inheritance of children, but she really does not know whether Yu, who has reached the level of magic and holds the third method of immortality, will come because of the deception of children.

"So, what about the well-known words? In the words of fishing reels?" Chad said indifferently.

Thump! Thump!

The howling wind cut off Chad's arms in an instant, and Lorelei turned around, passed Chad indifferently, and walked down the stairs.

It was clear from the investigation that Lorelei acquiesced to his proposal. After all, he made the news that Lorelei was pregnant by Yuyou to be known to everyone. It was completely trampling on Lorelei's dignity. It's the default.

"In this way, the task is completed." Tears flashed on Zha's cheeks, he picked up his arms on the ground, and placed them on the wrists that would break. In the next moment, the arms were instantly intact.

Castle outside Tours.

Yu, who was resting on Elquite's leg, suddenly opened her eyes, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. "I got some good news!" Nai.

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