The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 327 Glasses are switches (first more)

"Not enough..." The indifferent voice sounded slowly.

"Oh?" Yu raised his brows and looked at Aozaki Orange with a look of surprise in front of him, waiting for her next sentence.

"Conditions plus the release of the seal designation." Aozaki Orange looked at Yuu in front of him with cold eyes. As a qualified magician, Aozaki Chengzi doesn't care about using her body as a bargaining chip, even if the other party wants her to bear children for him.

Aozaki orange, who was raised as a magician's egg since childhood, has the purest way of thinking.

‘As long as you can successfully reach the root cause, anything can be discarded. ' At this moment, the words of grandfather echoed in Aozaki Orange's mind.

Aozaki Chengzi was very calm. What Yu had promised before was to let her leave London safely. At most, she just left with the magic tools and funds she had accumulated over the years.

However, she was designated by the seal and would definitely be chased by the executors. No magician wanted to be in a chase environment all day long, because it would affect the time they spent studying magic.

Since Yuu's goal was her bloodline, then using this as a bargaining chip should not be a problem in exchange for an environment where she could study magic quietly. Because this is just a word for the other party.

Aozaki Orange calmly judged the gains and losses.

"...The conditions are very reasonable, I agree." Yoo leaned on the back of the sofa, rubbed his temple lightly with his right hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Cangzaki Orange with a dignified expression.

At this moment, Yu's impression that magicians are all psychopaths is even more profound. Normal women have no response to this almost coercive reaction. Chills.

Compared with Lorelei, who has a familyist ideology and can tease him in various ways, Aozaki Orange, who was expelled by the Aozaki family, is more in line with the definition of a magician, cold, ruthless and root-oriented.

You can guarantee that even if he has her body now, as long as the benefits are enough, he will probably not hesitate to wear a hat for him.

Hearing Yuu's response, Aozaki Orange, soaked in the nutrient solution, raised his finger slightly, and a red light flashed at his fingertips.

Gollum—! Gollum—!

The nutrient solution in the container slowly sank, drained along the pipe on the base of the container, and flowed into the waste water pool of the workshop.


The glass cover of the container was slowly lifted up, and the delicate toes like jade stepped on the ground, splashing droplets of water, and the green nutrient solution flowed down the white and graceful body on the ground.

Aozaki orange lightly raised his toes expressionlessly, walked slowly towards Yu, and stood in front of the sofa, there was not a trace of shyness in Yu's eyes, and some were just cold.

"Then, sign this contract." Yu raised his hand slightly, snapped his fingers lightly, and a roll of parchment appeared out of thin air, floating in front of Aozaki Orange.

Aozaki Chengzi raised her hand, pinched a corner of the parchment, and looked at the content on it. After a while, she looked at Yuu with a strange expression. "Ha, the content of this contract, do you want me to be your property?

Aozaki Chengzi felt that she had misunderstood something before. Originally, she just thought that Yu had taken a fancy to her puppet skills and planned to study the bloodline through the offspring she gave birth to. But now, how did she feel that Yuu had taken a fancy to her beauty?

This is not magic. According to her understanding, the magicians who have reached the root should be the purest magician with terrifying strength and madman-like personality like her grandfather.

But now, Yuu, the fifth magician in front of her, seems to have something known as human nature.

That's right, Yuu's lust and greed are the surviving manifestations of human nature in the eyes of Aozaki Orange. Although his character is still bad, he is already a good person compared to those magicians who annihilate human nature.

"Sign or not?" Yu squinted at the naked Aozaki orange in front of him, dealing with a madman who was a pure magician who completely put the interests of the magic way first.

This kind of female magician who can wear a hat at any time is really terrible, without some precautions, Yuu really can't let go...

"Oh, the protection of a magician? I really got a big deal." Cangzaki Chengzi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, raised his right hand, and bit his thumb lightly, the handwriting with blood was reflected in the complete On parchment made of contract concept.

With the inscription of the bloody handprint, the parchment spontaneously ignited without wind, and an inexplicable connection connected Yu and Aozaki Orange.

"Huh? As expected of a magician, this kind of contract concept that goes directly to the soul level can be used easily." Aozaki Chengzi felt the contract in his head with surprise, and then turned his eyes to Yu. "Then, the next step in fulfilling the contract. 99

The corner of You's mouth twitched, looking at the indifferent girl in front of him, he sighed and said, "Your character is really annoying."

Cangzaki Chengzi was silent for a while, and then sighed slowly.

"...Give me glasses." Aozaki Orange said in a flat tone.

With a lot of doubts and incomprehension, Yu made a pair of black-rimmed glasses and handed them to Aozaki Orange.

Cangzaki Chengzi hesitated for a moment, and slowly put the glasses on her face. The next moment she put on the glasses, her face instantly became extremely rosy, and her eyes were filled with indescribable panic and shyness. ...please let me go, please, please let me go!! 35

2.1 Yu looked at Aozaki Orange, whose painting style changed suddenly, with a confused expression, blinked, and after a long while, he spat out a sentence.


Yu grabbed Aozaki Orange who was struggling to escape, looked at the panicked expression that didn't seem fake at all, and said in an uncertain tone. "Dual personality?"

He remembered that Aozaki Orange seemed to be an artificial patient with dual personalities, one was a magician and the other was a normal female. And glasses seem to be her personality switch...

Hearing the sound, Cangzaki Chengzi trembled all over, but the expression on her face became more and more frightened.

"Okay, I like this setting. The corners of your mouth grinned slightly, and with a wicked smile, he threw Aozaki Orange on the sofa.

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