The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 339 Asakami Fujino (Second)

(Six-year-old Asagami Fujino, cute to death me)

Asakami Fujino

Formerly known as Asagami Fujino, he is the heir of the Asami family, one of Japan's four major exorcists. As an exorcist family, this family has a powerful ability called "Twisted Demon Eye".

Although he is the heir of the Qianshen family, the once prosperous Qianshen family has long since gone bankrupt, and its resources have been taken over by the branched family.

In order to accept the resources justifiably, the current owner of the Asakami family, Asakami Yasuzang, took Asakami Fujino's mother and adopted the young Asagami Fujino, which is also the main reason why she is now called Asagami Fujino.

"Asakami Fujino!" You muttered the name in a low voice, looking at the blue-haired girl in front of her, her eyes gradually turned from surprise to pity, and after a while, she sighed slightly.

Yuu understood the reason why Asakami Fujino kept screaming in pain after the injury had healed.

Asakami Fuji is a born supernatural person, but the Asami family who could shelter her has long since disappeared, so she was persecuted by the villagers in her hometown since she was a child.

After finally being adopted, the separated family is just an ordinary capital family, which caused a tragedy.

His stepfather, Asakami Yasuji, who knew about Asagami Fujino's ability, was afraid of this ability as an ordinary person. When Asagami Fujino was six years old, he sealed Asakami Fujino's magic eye with medicine.

However, the consequence was that Asakami Fujino lost his pain. 410

Asakami Fujino, who was persecuted when she was young because of her strange ability, was afraid that the fact that she had lost the sense of pain would be exposed, so she would be persecuted again, so she pretended to be a normal person, obviously she could not feel the pain, but she tried her best to do it. Make an expression of pain appropriate to the situation.

"It's very hard, pretending to feel pain." Yu squatted down, stroked Asakami Fujino's dark blue hair, and said softly as if facing her daughter.

"..." Asakami Fujino was stunned, his face gradually darkened.

Tears flowed from Asaka Fujino's red eyes again, she lightly nodded her head, and responded with a cry. "…Um!"

He obviously couldn't feel the pain, but he had to pretend to be in pain. He was always afraid that his secrets would be discovered by outsiders. He survived for six years under this pressure that was enough to make adults collapse.

Unable to express his pain, unable to find the feeling of being alive, Asaka Fujino's personality has almost collapsed.

Yuu's palm on Asaka Fujino's head began to glow slightly, and the milky white fluorescence gradually spread out, like a white light curtain covering Asaka Fujino.

Magic is called 'mysterious science'

Whether it is human research, drug research, or even neurological research, in the eyes of magicians, they are all important knowledge that can be replaced by "power".

As for Yu, who obtained all the magic materials of the Magician Association and forcibly engraved it in his mind, although there is still a lack of experience, his understanding of the human body, drugs and nerves is enough to crush the seal designation of specialization.

Therefore, Yu continued to explore the pain caused by the drug effect in Fujino Asakami through the white light.

"Nerve necrosis, drug residues in the blood, and appendicitis!" Yu murmured to himself, closing his eyes tightly, sensing the state of Fujino's body.

When the abnormality was determined, the dark flames spread all over Fujino Asakami's body, annihilating the source factor of the pain, and then the necrotic nerve was born from nothingness, and the nerve was perfectly connected without the slightest rejection reaction. .

Asakami Fujino stared blankly at the jet-black flames emerging from his body. The panic that ordinary people saw when they saw the flames did not appear on her face at all. After all, she didn't feel the pain caused by the flames.

"...Hot! Hot!" After a short pause, Asaka Fujino subconsciously pretended to be people's expressions when they were scalded, and her tender face was full of panic and anxiety.

"Pretend!" Yuu rubbed Asakami Fujino's smooth hair angrily, raised her left hand, and gently flicked her head on her smooth forehead.


"Pain! 35 Asakami Fujino frowned slightly, quickly raised her little hand to cover her forehead, and shouted with pain on her face.


The wine-red eyes were full of astonishment, Asakami Fujino kept gently softly on his forehead and murmured in a low voice. "pain???

"I feel it, just now, I have cured you." Yuu gently touched the small head of Asaka Fujino and said with a smile.

In the next second, a pair of white and tender hands were held on Yu's wrist, Asakami Fujino raised his head and pulled Yu's fingers on his forehead with a look of hope.


You was slightly stunned, and with a pitying expression on her face, she flexed her index finger and flicked it on the white forehead again.

"It hurts!... Do it again." Asakami Fujino smiled, a pear blossom that brought rain, it was a smile from the heart.

The index finger flicked on her smooth forehead again.

Tears kept streaming down the girl's face, soaking the nun's uniform on her body.

"This child is so pitiful, Dad." Emerald, who had seen everything, sat beside Yuu and gently stroked the hair of Asaka Fujino, who was sleeping in Yuu's arms.

The white forehead was already flushed red, but even so, Asakami Fujino still had a bright smile on his closed eyes, as if he had dreamed of something beautiful.

The door slowly opened, and Amber walked in with a small nun's uniform. Seeing Asakami Fujino who was asleep, he was slightly stunned, and then said in a low voice. "Dad, I have brought Fujino's clothes to change."

As if to vent his fears for many years, Asakami Fujino's school uniform was already wet with the raging tears, and the whole person was as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"I'll help her change." Jade reached out and wrapped her arms around Asaka Fujino's waist and pulled it gently, she was stunned.

Asakami Fujino's small white hands tightly grasped Yu's clothes, and she could faintly see the dark green veins.

"I'll change it for her." Yu reached out and took the clothes in Amber's hand, and skillfully untied Asakami Fujino's uniform.

At this moment, Tono Akiba walked into the infirmary from the door, looked at Asakami Fujino who was stripped naked for a moment, and then spat softly. "Parents' meeting is about to start. Dad, wake up Fujino."5

"Well, I see. Asakami Kangzang and the doctor who prescribed the medicine for Fujino caught it?" You nodded slightly and said softly.

Hearing Yuu mentioning the two masterminds responsible for the tragedy of Asakami Fujino, Akiba Tono showed a look of resentment on his face. "Have caught those guys, do you want to deal with them?

Tono Akiba raised his hand and wiped his neck with a cold gaze.

"It's too cheap for them." Yu carefully put on Asakami Fujino's nun clothes, and said in a cold tone.

"Change personality and sell it to the cabaret theater in Shinjuku, Tokyo to pick up guests."

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