"..." Jiuyuanji Youzhu stared blankly at the teasing and sneering blue eyes in the crack of the door.

Seeing Aozaki Aoko hiding in the crack of the door and peeping, Yun shrugged, but Aozaki Aoko saw that he was hugging with Yuju of Jiuyuanji, it was no big deal to him.

But for the fairy tale witch, it was an extremely shameful scene to be seen by a close friend, especially the lingering teasing and teasing in Aozaki Aoko's blue eyes, which added fuel to the fire.

Jingle~ Jingle~!!!

In the next second, Kuonji Yuzhu put his hand into the pocket of the maid outfit with an expressionless face, and took out a magic tool that was half the size of a girl's palm and looked like a violin.

"Ah!!!" Aozaki Aoko, who was peeking at the door, shrank her pupils. She understood what the prop was. The one-time fairy tale facilitator called the gluttonous banquet of the night was the foundation of the fairy tale magic of Jiuyuanji Yuzhu.


Aoko Aozaki hurriedly closed the door and fled outside the Western Pavilion with both hands and feet. As soon as she saw Juyuanji Yuzhu, she took out the gluttonous feast of the envoy of the night. She still didn't understand. If you don't run away, why don't you stay and be beaten?

clack! clack! clack!

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed throughout the corridor, and after only ten seconds, Aoko Aozaki rushed to the door of the mansion. With the acceleration of a sprint, the violent girl flew and kicked the door directly.

"Ah?" Aoko Aozaki, who was in the air, looked at Yuyu and Kuyuanji Yuzhu in front of him with a bewildered expression, and was stunned on the spot. Didn't she arrive at the gate, why did she run back? The girl who was in the air subconsciously forgot her situation.


"It hurts!" Aoko Aozaki rubbed her painful buttocks with tears in her eyes, took a few breaths of cold air, and shouted softly with a bared mouth.

"Where are you going to escape to?" A voice without the slightest emotion entered Aozaki Aoko's ears.

Looking at the maid skirt with white stripes on a black background and the black thermal stockings in front of her, Aozaki Aoko's face suddenly stiffened, and she raised her head tremblingly.

The indifferent expression of Jiuyuanji Yuzhu's incomparably empty expression was reflected in the blue eyes, Aoko Aozaki blinked, and quickly raised her hand, like a primary school student raising her hand to answer, and said in a cute and cute tone.

"Reporting to Teacher Youzhu, I have major news to say!!!

Hearing the teacher's name, Zhu Zhu's pitch-black and hollow eyes regained a hint of focus. As Aozaki Aoko's magic teacher, being called a teacher is naturally a matter of course.

However, because Aozaki Aoko was the same age as both parties, the face-lifting Aoko always called Kuyuanji Yuzhu's name directly. In the past two years, this was the first time she heard Aozaki Aoko respectfully call her "teacher".


"...What's the matter?" Jiuyuanji Youzhu said in a flat tone with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Seeing that her clothes were soft and effective, Aozaki Aoko quietly breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted her posture, squatted on the ground, looked up at Jiuyuanji Yuzhu and said. "Misaki City's spiritual barrier node has been destroyed!!!

There are five enchantment nodes shrouded in Misaki City, each of which is a vital spiritual node. It was precisely because she noticed that one of the enchantments in Misaki City had been destroyed, Aozaki Aoko hurriedly kicked open one by one. Looking for the figure of Yuzhu in Kuonji at the gate of the hall.

Then, she discovered the 'PY transaction scene between the beads of Kuonji and the magician', well, that's what she thought.

Lonely man and widow, in the same room, hugging each other, sitting in the same chair, is there any other possibility besides PY trading? It's impossible that Youzhu is asking for magic?

The girl subconsciously rejected the possibility of learning magic, how could Yi Yu be kind enough to teach Jiuyuanji Yuzhu magic to her unscrupulous hooliganism.

"Has another one been destroyed?" Jiuyuanji Youzhu raised her index finger and frowned against her chin.

"That's right, there's another disgusting pervert here." Aoko Aozaki nodded as if she was slaughtering rice, and when she said about the disgusting pervert, she gave Yuu, who was watching the play, a vicious look.

Since two years ago, Aozaki Aoko inherited the status of a magician, and for some unknown reason, the old magician of the Aozaki family died, and the gossip about the two girls guarding the spiritual veins in Misaki City became known throughout the country.

0... ask for flowers...

A large number of wild magicians jumped out to snatch the twisted core spiritual meridian of Misaki City, so that Jiuyuan Temple, who was responsible for guarding the spiritual meridian at that time, jumped with pearly feet.

Although the witches at that time were already very strong, and they had completely dispelled all incoming enemies, the cost of using magic in large numbers was a large-scale financial deficit.

Just a one-time use of the basic fairy tale magic - the night gluttonous banquet, the value is equivalent to 400,000 yen, which is about 24,000 celestial coins, and it is said that you will burn four or five in a magic battle. .

Thanks to her, the bankrupt witch had a cold face and vented her anger on Aozaki Aoko, who had just become her apprentice.

Generally, magicians who do not have a destination are the same as the so-called demonic crowds of the Celestial Dynasty, especially in Japan, a country with too much pressure.

In the process of tracing, Aozaki Aoko saw a collection of "perverts" all over Japan, so when dealing with foreign magicians, Kuonji Yuju and Aozaki Aoko are in the same position.

That is —— see and kill.

"No way, give priority to outsiders." Jiuyuanji Yuzhu stared at Aozaki Aoko, and said in a flat tone.

'I'm so soft, yet you don't want to let me go? Isn't that ruining a good thing for you?' Aoko Aozaki suddenly burst into cold sweat on his forehead, and secretly complained.

"Need help?" Yu leaned against the desk in front of him, crossed his hands, dragged his chin, and said with a smirk.

"No, it's not necessary." Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu turned her head and looked at You calmly and said softly.

"No need, we can handle this matter!" Aozaki Aoko patted her skirt and refused with a serious face.

Yu shrugged, he had long expected the reaction of the girls, after all, she was a girl who came out of Japan's education, and the idea of ​​not causing trouble has long been deeply rooted in her bones.

"Well, if that's the case, then forget it, but if you need help, just ask me directly." Nai.

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