The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 371 The Sharp Witch (Part 3)

It's almost Christmas

This festival, which was only passed on to Japan a hundred years ago, has taken root in Japan after development and has become a famous "gun date"


Thanks to its influence, the affiliated town of Misaki City, Shemu Town, is full of shops and couples busy preparing Christmas trees.

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu walked silently on the streets of Shemu, wearing a black hat to protect against the cold, a black nun's uniform from Liyuan College, a black shawl around her neck, and even her gloves are pure black~warm type.

Coupled with Jiuyuanji Yuzhu's dark eyes and shoulder-length black short hair, if it weren't for the girl's white and delicate skin, I'm afraid she would be invisible at night like an African uncle.

A pair of lovers holding hands beside the road was reflected in the dark pupils, and Yuju of Kuonji suddenly remembered Yuu, who should be resting in the Tono Mansion, and said thoughtfully. "...Christmas-?"

Unknowingly, Youzhu of Jiuyuan Temple came to the center of Shemu Town. With the stone tablet engraved with the four characters of 'Shemu Park' on the gate, it came into view. Youzhu of Jiuyuan Temple got out of the state of distraction, and her delicate face returned to the past. The ancient well has no waves.

Although it is still the same as before, but at this moment, the doll-like face has a completely different "magic" than usual.


Thick leather boots stepped on the snow in the park, and the silence of the empty park was broken by the sound of stepping on the snow.

Although the time is approaching midnight, this is a park in the center of the town after all, and human traces should inevitably appear in the park.

Now, however, even Japan's numerous park-sleeping occupations (the homeless) have disappeared.

The clouds floating in the sky blocked the bright moonlight under the action of the breeze.

After the moonlight is lost, there is no light in the park except for the street lamps and telephone booths in the park.

This unusual scene is 'normal' in the eyes of Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu, and in this enchantment that has been arranged with the type of 'idlers to disperse', only such a scene is justified.

"It seems that I'm late." Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu said softly in a voice without the slightest emotion.

The enchantment was not arranged by her, so the enemy's attack site can be locked as the spiritual node of Shemu.

Thinking that the opponent's goal was the node he guarded, Jiuyuanji Youzhu was inexplicably relieved.

Although there are no words on the table, the witch of the fairy tale is unusually related to her cohabitant.

The next second, dog barks or wolf howls sounded one after another in the park.

The howling sounded directly into the sky. Under the wolf's roar, which seemed to be roaring at the moon, the clouds quietly fled, and the moonlight reappeared on the snow in the park.

Green fireflies drifted slowly from the forest surrounding the park square.

Looking at the green fireflies, Jiuyuanji Youzhu frowned slightly and said in a flat tone. "... a wild dog?"

As soon as the voice of Youzhu in Jiuyuan Temple fell, Yinghuo appeared guarding. It was a thin, stray dog ​​with fierce eyes. There were about 30 stray dogs. They came from all directions and rushed to Jiuyuan Temple. Surrounded by beads.

"Boring intimidation." Jiuyuanji Youzhu whispered. Such a manipulated stray dog ​​can't even scare apprentices of magic, but it is used to intimidate her, who is a witch, does the enemy think she is a delicate girl born from an ordinary family?

"It's really superfluous." A helpless and distressed female voice sounded slowly.

Hearing this voice, Jiuyuanji Youzhu's pupils shrank slightly, the heel of his left foot was lifted slightly, he turned around slowly, and stared in the direction of the voice.

The rustling of the snow being trampled gently sounded.

A tall figure walked out of the dark forest, crossed the wild dogs, and walked to the grounds in the center of the park.

The yellow-green coat exuding faint magic fluctuations formed a sharp contrast with the jet-black beaded body. A black scarf was neatly tied around her neck, and her lower body was full of tempting black fishnet socks and orange high-heeled shoes.

With a tall and slender figure, short brown-red hair that matches ears, and a straight and straight back, she exudes a heroic aura like a strong woman.

"...Aozaki orange." Kuonji Yuju narrowed his eyes slightly, while whispering the name of the person who came, while observing the other party.

When he saw Aozaki Orange's short hair, Jiuyuanji Yuzhu's pupils shrank, and his dark eyes suddenly became empty.

She saw a wolf, a golden wolf howling at her, as if trying to devour her.

The next second, Jiuyuanji Yuzhu's thoughts returned to her mind again, and she understood that what she had before was not an illusion.

Although it is a beginner, Yuzhu of Jiuyuan Temple has already learned the 'spirit vision', and the words Yu said when teaching her spiritual vision yesterday, rang softly in her ear.

0... ask for flowers·

Spiritual vision is a vision that 'sees through', sees through connections, sees through essence, and even sees through the future.

Female magician's hair is an extremely important magic material, which is sought after because of its low cost and strong effect, and hair is generally used as an important medium for signing faculties.

And now, Aozaki Orange has turned into short hair like her, so, was what the previous Spirit Vision saw her familiar?

The wolves are familiar, so the stray dogs in the vicinity are being driven? Yes, Aozaki orange does not have the low taste of manipulating stray dogs.

Although she had seen Aozaki Orange's familiar through Spirit Vision, she was not worried. After all, she had the three secret treasures signed by her hair, and nearly two thousand years of fairy tales gave her the courage to face any existence.

"Although I guessed it, I didn't expect it to be you, Miss Orange." Jiuyuanji Youzhu sighed softly. It was an unexpected irony that she was the first to mention but also the first to exclude.

"Ara, I thought Qingzi would guess it right away?" Aozaki orange with her right hand on her hips, showing her graceful figure, smiled lightly.

She clearly ruled out fifty 'well-made' familiars, but Aoko Aozaki didn't realize the identity of the enemy. Sure enough, her younger sister was not suitable to be a magician.

Aozaki Orange reaffirmed that the magic of the Aozaki family, put on Aoko, will only bring an unfortunate point of view.

"Qingzi said, you can't be so rich unless you sell your kidneys." Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu said quietly. She was very curious about how Aozaki Chengzi, a professional beggar for thousands of years, came back to become a local tyrant, which completely violated her impression of the Aozaki family.

Hearing this, Aozaki Chengzi felt the cherry lips and some two faintly painful positions, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Six meters apart, the eyes that had been purified by magic power accurately saw the unnaturalness on Aozaki Orange's face, and Jiuyuanji Yuzhu sighed slightly.

She understands that Aozaki Aoko may have guessed the truth, and it may even be more terrifying than Aozaki's description.

Kuonji Yuzhu has been determined, and in order to regain his possessions, Aozaki Orange has gone mad.

'Then, for Aoko. ' Kuonji Yuju narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the living room of the Kuonji Mansion, Yun slowly closed her eyes.

"It's started. No

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