The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 391 Interlude II (Second)

It was obviously daytime, but the sky outside the window was covered with dark clouds, making it extremely dull, making people feel as if their hearts were submerged in dust.

Every corner of Misaki City is covered with the white snow. Although the sky is quite gloomy, it does not bring haze to the people in the city, but brings a strong joy. If I want to say why, it is probably because today It's Christmas Day.

The hustle and bustle of the city, even at a great distance, made a fierce beast's ears perk up.

After lunch, the golden wolf, who was in the midday nap state, yawned and opened his blank vertical pupils. The wolf had a boring expression on his face, curled up, and lay lazily on the wooden floor. superior.

"It's so boring." After yawning, the golden wolf shifted his body, found the most comfortable position, shook his golden wolf tail, and said sleepily.

Its current name is Lou Beowulf, a golden wolf worshipped as the god of the forest in the age of mythology, a natural fantasy species.

Lu represents Lugar, the sun god of Celtic mythology, showing its origin in mythology. As for the later Beowu 03, it is its current shit shoveling officer, Miss Orange, who seems to be a big hero. name.

Although Beo thinks that the big hero, it is estimated that it is not enough to plug his teeth. However, it doesn't hate the name either, so the shit shoveling officer calls it that.

There was a screeching groan from the window.

It was a scream that was unbearably blown by the strong wind. Beo had long been accustomed to such a harsh sound, after all, it had lived here and lived for more than a week.

This is the old school building of Misaki High School. Since it is said to be the old school building, it represents the fact that it has been abandoned for a long time. The long-term abandonment has already overwhelmed the house, and it is not surprising that it collapsed at any time.

ding ding bang bang bang

All kinds of knocking and sizzling sounds, as well as the surging breath of magic power, passed into Beo's mind.

"Poor creatures with no sense of security." Hearing those knocks, Beo overturned the conclusion that the house would collapse at any time.

Although it is an alpha wolf, it is a wolf with only learning. The fantasy species is a species favored by the world, and it is born with a lot of mysterious knowledge.

Beo understands that Miss Orange is making all kinds of magic traps in the old school building, turning the entire old school building into her own magic workshop.

After being made into a magic workshop, the building will be strengthened by magic, and the old school building will naturally avoid the future of collapse.

Moreover, the magic workshop can strengthen the magician's strength several times, greatly enhancing the security of the magician.

However, the so-called magic workshop, in Beo's view, is also a matter of one claw. In order to improve the defense of that claw, the magician who makes traps and maintains the magic workshop every day, in Beo's view, is a living magician. Really sad.

Birth is a fantasy species in its heyday, unable to understand the thinking of the weak.


The broken teacher's door was pushed open, and Aozaki Chengzi, who had set up a trap, walked in. Behind her, was a puppet with the appearance of Aozaki Qingzi, slowly sinking into the wall. The specific purpose of the placed trap.

At the same time as the door was opened, Beo's nose moved, and after smelling the familiar smell, he raised his head and said, looking at the oncoming orange. "...Miss Orange."

"How about lunch? Beo." Orange pushed up his glasses and said softly.

"Ah, the steak is delicious." Beo lay lazily on the ground, choking.

The reason why Beo initially followed oranges was that, in addition to being fun, oranges could bring delicious and fun things to themselves.

Orange sees it as an experimental material and a pet thug, it sees Orange as a nanny and a shit shovel officer, the relationship between one person and one wolf is so strange.

However, even though it was used as an experimental material, Beo did not rebel, because he understood that the weak orange never showed it his intention to send it to the experimental rack, so it could not find the one to kill his own shit shoveler. reason.

Moreover, taking advantage of Beo's trauma last night, Cheng Zi also took the opportunity to deceive several jars of fantasy blood, and it was because of this that the two people who should have been more harmonious resumed their original relationship.

As for Orange, her purpose is to get Beo's blood safely and let it block the gun at the same time. If the purpose is achieved, the process will be fine no matter what.

Therefore, orange actually has an indifferent attitude towards losing a chance to permanently recover the fantasy seed.

"Miss Orange, if the hedgehog is delivered to your door today, you can eat it, right?" Beo said angrily as he slapped the floor with his tail and looked at the charred hair on his neck.

Beo, who was injured by Aoko last night and felt a pain, had a great change in his impression of Aoko, although it was only upgraded from a toy to a hedgehog that must be eaten.

When the topic came to Qingzi, Orange's face froze slightly, and he took off his glasses with a sigh. As the glasses were taken off, the style of painting suddenly changed, and his tone instantly changed from gentle to indifferent. "As you like, 440, I won't stop it this time."

Beo jumped up excitedly, and even ran after his own tail for a few laps, looking a little eager to try, as if he was about to rush out of the old school building.

"However, it must be after I see the magic of the Canozaki family." Cheng Zi said faintly, pouring a basin of cold water on Beo.

Beo froze suddenly, and with a snap, his limbs fell to the ground, pretending to be a real body, and complaining. "Don't you have to wait?"

Then, Beor paused and said in a strange tone. "Miss Orange, although I would like to meet Maura, does that hedgehog really know magic?"

For the Golden Wolf, since birth, the mysterious knowledge recorded in his brain has been talking about the danger of magic, and naturally he is curious about magic, but after the battle last night, although Aoko penetrated its defense, he To be sure, it must not be magic.

Even last night's life-and-death crisis didn't require magic, so it's no wonder Beo suspected that Aoko couldn't use magic at all.

"It will be clear at night." Cheng Zi lit a cigarette for himself and looked at the gloomy sky outside the window with an unusually complicated tone.

The night gradually covered the sky.

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