The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 393 The Pain of Learning Scum (Part 1)


A dazzling arc of magic power flashed on the long legs wearing calf socks, and the power of the 'magic power release' made Aoko's physique a multiple of the amplitude, like a Hulk who entered a state of rage.

Hearing Aozaki Chengzi admit to making her own inflatable doll, the anger in Aoko's heart made Aoko lose his mind a little, and he opened the trump card regardless.

"Qing... son." Youzhu's face changed slightly, showing a stern expression, and scolded softly.

The trump card shouldn't be revealed so early, the meaning that Youzhu wants to express is very obvious, and she understands that Qingzi can understand her meaning.

But Youzhu did not understand, and there was a gap between understanding and obedience.

The long legs that were flashing with the arc suddenly bent, exerted force, and made a bang! The snow suddenly burst, and a large amount of snowflakes splashed, directly lifting the snow layer on the ground, and on the hard ground below A well-textured shoe print is printed.

Whoa, whoa--!

Youzhu, who was behind Qingzi, couldn't dodge in time, and all the flying snowflakes poured on her body, and the black hat and shawl were sprinkled with white stars.

After the cold snowflake touched Youzhu's fair and delicate cheek, 440 was melted by the girl's body temperature.

The icy and biting chill entered Youzhu's mind as the snowflakes melted, and the witch's eyes were suddenly full of anger, even faintly revealing murderous intent.

Youzhu's physique was a bit chilly, and the touch of snowflakes made her feel extremely unhappy. However, what made her even more angry was Qingzi's behavior of not listening to the advice, completely ignoring the two's battle plan, and making decisions without authorization.

Relying on these two points, Qingzi got a small book in Youzhu's heart.


The furious Aoko did not realize that he was hated by the witch at all, and the high-speed charge swept up a lot of air, producing a harsh whistling sound.

In less than two seconds, Qingzi was already in front of Chengzi, and the distance between the two sides was shortened from thirty meters to less than three meters.

As long as he takes a step, the orange will enter the attack range of Aoko, and Aoko, who is surrounded by magic arcs, only needs one physical attack, whether it is a fist or a kick, can completely defeat the orange.

"It's still the same irritability." Cheng Zi sighed helplessly, the palm of the black glove waved a mysterious trajectory in the atmosphere, and the rune inherited from Odin was engraved in this short moment. in the atmosphere.

A raging flame suddenly emerged from the orange's fingertips, and it gathered into a huge fireball in the sky. The scorching high temperature melted the snow instantly, and the high temperature contained was enough to make people talk instantly.

Cheng Zi waved his arm, aiming his fingertips at Aoko who was approaching quickly, and slammed it, as if he had pulled the trigger, a huge blue-purple fireball blasted towards Aozaki Aoko with absolute high temperature.


Qingzi's pupils shrank enormously, and the huge fireball continued to expand in those azure blue eyes. The creature's instinct to fear fire prompted her to hurriedly jump away and avoid the path of the fireball.

Fortunately, the release of magic power is an all-round strengthening of the physique, which made Aoko's nerves react enough to avoid the flame's attack by a tiny margin.

The fireball passed through Qingzi, and after traveling for more than ten meters, it suddenly exploded, raising a huge white smoke, which was a manifestation of the high-level vaporization of the snowflakes.

The white fog covered the entire open space in an instant, depriving the three of them of their vision.

"——!!!" An electric arc flashed in Aoko's mind, and he rolled on the ground instinctively, staggering the huge fireball that flashed by.

Before Qingzi could stabilize her body, it was densely packed, with roughly a dozen fireballs the size of door panels smashing towards her frantically.

"This kind of attack can actually be fired in bursts!!!!" Qingzi roared furiously, using his superb evasion skills like a gymnast to avoid the huge fireballs.

"Oh, it's thanks to Beor's selfless contribution, after all, is this the true power of rune runes?

(adcb) Cheng Zi glanced at the test tube clenched in his right hand, looking at the boiling golden blood in the test tube, and his magic power that had been multiplied more than ten times, the corner of his mouth was slightly warped, and he continued to wave his left hand.

With the wave of his left hand, Orange's palm seems to have become a flamethrower, spewing out dazzling sparks, although the size of the sparks is really too huge.

Just as Yuu's spell casting spells will gain high mysterious bonuses, Orange's Fire Rune, cast by the blood of the Phantasm, also gains a huge bonus.

"It's no wonder that the modern rune statement is not obvious. It turns out that the power of the rune varies from person to person? Will there be such a bonus when using high mystery?" Scenario, frowning and thinking about the principle of magic.

Regarding the situation where Qingzi was bombarded by targets on the spot, Youzhu had no intention of helping her in the slightest. Who told her to be snowed by Qingzi before.

'This is the family business of the Aozaki family, and I can't interfere. ’ Youzhu stood outside the arena, completely forgetting who was fighting in Shemu Park last night to protect Qingzi and Orange.

Qingzi rolled with a carp, dodged a fireball again, stood up quickly, and stared at the vast white scene around one meter away, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he shouted angrily. "How on earth did you lock me in this environment!!!!""

"Oh? You haven't even learned the basics of magic perception? How did you become a master, Youzhu?" Cheng Zi raised her brows and looked at Youzhu in surprise. on the cheek.

It is clear that the weaker Qingzi is, the more powerful he is to himself, but Chengzi is seriously dissatisfied with Qingzi being badly taught by Youzhu. To be honest, she herself doesn't understand how she is feeling now.

"She's so stupid." Youzhu retorted with an expressionless face. Although magic perception is only an entry-level skill for magic micro-manipulation, it is impossible to learn the fine operation involving magic power. Aoko Aozaki is such a fool.

"Ah, I can't refute it unexpectedly." Hearing this, Cheng Zi's face was stunned for a moment, and she shrugged helplessly.

Although they were talking, the movements in Chengzi's hands did not drop at all, and they still transformed into an infinite fort, venting the terrifying firepower towards Qingzi, looking forward to the moment when Qingzi was scorched by the fireball.

"You bastard has beads, which side are you on!!!" Aoko, who was covered in electric arcs, jumped over a fireball in a vaulting posture and shouted frantically in mid-air.

"Seek truth from facts." The dark-bellied witch satirized Aoko with her emotionless tone, giving the girl a serious mental blow.

Qingzi's brows jumped, and she wanted to withdraw from the battle and fight with Yuju for 300 rounds, but Orange's unrelenting attack completely slowed her pace, and the foggy environment left her in a situation where she could only passively fight back.

"Tsk, if you go on like this, you will be killed by a kite, you have to find a way." Qingzi frowned and pouted.

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