The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 398 Where is your integrity? (Part 3)

Looking at Qingzi who was kicking the fantasy species vigorously, Youzhu kept calculating in her heart.

In the past, Aoko's mana reserve was calculated as 1 unit.

From the first time he broke through all of Orange's defenses and directly penetrated the old school building, he should have used up one unit of mana.

After that, with the secret support of Moon Oil, Aoko's mana recovered up to three layers, but now, in just one minute of offense and defense, Aoko consumed 1.5 units of mana.

Moreover, Qingzi did not drink any of the magic potions she gave, which is obviously abnormal.

"It's too messy." Youzhu sighed slightly, with a worried look on her face.

Magic power cannot be generated out of thin air. In her opinion, Aozaki Aoko should use her life force into magic power. This method of fighting with lifespan can no longer be described as madness.

On the right side of the open space of the old school building, Aoko and Beo were fighting to the death.

The ferocious sharp teeth and the sharp claws sticking out from the pads of the forefoot are Beo's sharp weapons. The muscular forelimbs pierce the air with the whistling sound of the wind and grab at Qingzi's long legs.

The ferocious sharp teeth in the mouth are always aimed at Qingzi's fair and slender neck, waiting for the girl to relax for a moment, waiting for the opportunity to bite.

The neck and legs of the prey are the favorite places for predators to attack, biting the neck can make the prey lose the ability to resist, while the legs can make the prey lose the ability to escape.

It can be seen from the position of Beo's attack and his cautious actions that it does indeed treat Aoko as an opponent with the ability to resist.

However, the glorious deed of being regarded as the enemy of the fantasy species makes Aozaki Aoko completely unhappy.

At close range, Aoko's magic bullet could not successfully cast spells, but in hand-to-hand combat, although the young magician had learned fighting techniques, most of those attacks were aimed at humans, and no one taught her how to fight wolves hand-to-hand.

In addition, Qingzi's combat experience is extremely rare, and the opponent is a beast with rich hunting experience.

Every time the sharp claws approached, Qingzi relied on the keen sense of crisis to release the magic power one step ahead of time and instantly increased, relying on the suddenly improved physical fitness to forcibly avoid the claw attack, the price was a huge consumption of magic power.

A flash of electric arc flashed through her calf, and Aoko struggled to pick it up, dodging Beo's claws with the indecent posture of rolling carp, and then quickly got up.

The ferocious claws with golden flames pierced into the ground like tofu, effortlessly, the arrogance on the claws evaporated the snow, and the power reached the ground, piercing four deep holes in the snow.

Looking around, nearly half of the open space is covered with dense holes, and the scars on the ground seem to be accusing the tyranny of the golden wolf.

Sharp eyes glanced at Beo's wolf waist, and Qingzi knew very well about the common sense of wolves with copper skin and iron bones.

However, the golden wolf's thick and thin, cruel and naturally tempered cover movements made it impossible for her to start.

"If it goes on like this, even if the 'reserve' is too much, it will be consumed to death." Qingzi, who was dodging, secretly said in his heart.

"One blow determines the outcome." Qingzi's eyes narrowed, and he finally made up his mind.

Although Beo has been protecting her waist, Aoko is not sure whether the fantasy species is applicable to common sense, and time is not enough for her to think about countermeasures.


Qing let out a low drink, suddenly stopped, and stood leaning on the snow, facing Beo who was coming towards him.

Qingzi ignored the ferocious claws and stepped on the snow field with his left leg.

Using the left leg as the rotation axis, the other slender and strong jade leg rose from the ground, and the dense electric arc covered the entire right leg.

Qingzi squeezed out a lot of magic power in one breath, and with her soaring physique, with the inertia of rotation, she kicked a fierce and unusual roundabout kick towards Beo's wolf neck.

Beor was stunned for a moment, as if he was surprised that the enemy who had been dodging would suddenly resist, this moment of daze made it miss the dodging time.

The calf collided with Beo's neck.


The silent sonic boom was long overdue.

The next second, there was a rattle.

The sound of broken bones suddenly sounded.

Beo's green wolf pupils were wide open, his eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets, and the ferocious wolf's mouth was wide open, as if he was about to swallow a football.

Its neck was ruptured, and a tremendous amount of pain was sent to its brain from the nerve endings. He, who had not felt much pain since birth, tasted the second severe pain.


The huge wolf body fell to the ground, tears, snot and saliva poured out from the hideous wolf face, it seemed to be too painful, and the huge wolf body twitched from time to time.

..." Youzhu's eyes widened slightly, and she stared in shock at Aoko Aozaki, who was standing in the center of the arena, gasping for breath.

"Humans won the fantasy seed, or in the form of hand-to-hand combat?" Cheng Zi opened her lips, and the lady's cigarette in her mouth fell to the ground.

0.・・For flowers・・

"The ability to strengthen the magic power last night? Even if it is feasible, but to strengthen the body to the level of the fantasy species, where does the huge amount of magic power come from. Cheng Zi looked at Aozi with a shocked face, and there was a real idea in her head. Too many questions.

Suddenly, Cheng Zi saw Qing Zi's belly glowing with bright blue light, and the corner of his mouth twitched. "...Isn't it?!!!

At the same time, there was a bead standing beside him.

The rustling sound of stepping on the snow sounded slowly.

Youzhu quickly approached Aoko with an expressionless face.

"...We won." Qingzi looked at You who was walking in front of him, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, his hands resting on his knees, and Xiongyuepu said with violent ups and downs.


"Yeah. I won." Youzhu made a perfunctory sound, walked to Qingzi, squatted down suddenly, stretched out her hand, and pressed it on her stomach

"Huh?" Qingzi looked at Youzhu's unusual behavior with a stunned expression, and a strong sense of ominousness suddenly appeared in her heart.

With a bang, some kind of silencer sounded.

"It hurts!!!!" What followed was Aoko's piercing pain, and the severe pain made a lot of tears burst out of Aoko's eyes.

Kuonji Yuju looked at Aozaki Aoko's belly exuding huge magical power, and his eyelids couldn't help jumping.

"Oops, it was discovered!!!!" Aozaki Aoko looked at Kuonji Yuju with a look of horror.

"Is the huge amount of magic power piled up in the stomach a real body with infinite magic power? While fighting, squeeze the magic power at the same time? Use the magic power for this purpose..."

Cheng Zi stared blankly at Qing Zi, who was trying to prevent side leakage, and the capital letter was stamped on her face. She didn't know how to describe Aoko's "creativeness".

To a certain extent, this method works very well, as long as you discard your own integrity.

Should it be Aozaki Aoko? Unexpectedly taking away her inheritance, and unexpectedly defeating her, it is like a person who was piled up by accident.

"Where did it come from?" A voice without the slightest emotion reached Qingzi's ears.

Qingzi's complexion suddenly changed dramatically, and he looked at the empty beads in front of him with a bluish expression, slightly opened his mouth, and was speechless for a long time.

"Qingzi, you stole my things, my only 'thing'.

The witch's whisper slowly sounded.

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