On the aisle leading to the sixth laboratory, Uiharu Shiri tearfully looked at Saten Leiko, who had sacrificed so much for her, just like a corgi picked up by the new owner.
“Reassured, reassured, I’m sure of everything this time.” Saten Leiko happily hooked Yuu’s arm, while the other hand was holding Uiharu Shiri, slowly moving towards the goal moving forward.
“I don’t know it’s that lazy bug who reached the critical point 2 months later than expected?” Yu glanced at him, Satian’s face full of confidence, and ruthlessly broke the stage.
“That was an accident… an accident!!” Upon hearing Yu’s words, Saten Leiko’s body froze immediately, her eyes deliberately avoided Yu’s sight, and she responded with embarrassment on her face.
“Two months late?” Kuroko Shirai, who was walking behind the three, turned her head in confusion and looked at Misaka Mikoto.
Knowing what Shirai Kuroko was wondering about again, Misaka Mikoto shrugged and explained indifferently: “Actually, according to the calculation, if Leiko completes the course again, she will be able to successfully advance to the promotion 2 months ago!”
“Oh, so you cut corners in the course?” Kuroko Shirai understood the subtext in Misaka Mikoto’s words in an instant, and said with a face of sudden realization.
“Misaka-senpai?!! Can you not demolish the stage?” His eyes filled with resentment came from the front.
Looking at the girl who was full of resentment, Misaka Mikoto tilted her head slightly, scratching her hair in embarrassment. After all, in front of Yu, the ‘elder’, to dismantle friends and be lazy, really haveSome inappropriate.
“Don’t worry, Mikoto’s progress target is only 40% completed. Compared to her, Leizi, you have completed 85% at a high level. In the external training program, you used the ability to cheat throughout the whole process. It’s really yours, Mikoto! ”
Walking in the front, Yutou opened the way without looking back, his words were full of contempt.
“…Why do you know!” Misaka Mikoto shuddered, looking at the back of Yuu’s head in astonishment. She used electrical signals to enhance physical fitness and cheating, and she did it very obscurely! !
“Runzi has already reported your petty actions. In terms of electrical signal manipulation, she dumped you five streets!”
Without hesitation, Yu revealed the name of the traitor, so that Misaka Mikoto knew who she was in the hands of.
“Hyukaze-senpai? Impossible, how could she report her character… Wait, Shokuhou Misaki?!!”
Misaka Mikoto suddenly remembered that although that gentle senior wouldn’t deliberately report her, but if she was ordered by that guy who always targeted her, it wouldn’t be the case.
“I’m going to find her to settle the account!!” Misaka Mikoto turned around abruptly with an angry face, looking like she was going to ask Shokuhou to settle the account.
“Do you want to run away?” Yu turned his head and looked at Misaka Mikoto’s back silently with those ghostly, godless eyes.
Swept away by the godless gaze, Misaka Mikoto shuddered immediately, turned around in a timid way, and followed Yuu with her head down in dejection.
“What’s the best way to play the game of punishment this time? Use the limited-edition Guata pendant from the Kuroro store as a target for the railgun? Exercise your burst ability? Or swim three thousand in a row in a bikini with more than 95% exposure. Meter?”
Hearing the vicious voice coming from the front, Misaka Mikoto’s mouth twitched a few times, her hands clenched into fists, and she shouted in a self-defeating voice.
“Ahhhh-!! You bastard! I choose bikini swimming!!”
“Hey, why didn’t you take the scorpion as a target?” Uiharu Shiri turned around with an innocent face, and said blankly. In her opinion, the first punishment? No big deal right?
“Speaking of which, every time Misaka-senpai is punished, she always chooses the option with a high degree of shame and shame!” Saten Leiko, who did not know the truth, turned her head and looked at Misaka Mikoto suspiciously.
“…It’s an accident, it’s just a coincidence, it’s a coincidence!!” Misaka Mikoto turned her head away with a gloomy face, she didn’t want to choose it, but every time the content of punishment was to let her destroy those beloved limited edition Gutai jewelry, She is also very desperate!
If it weren’t for the fact that after completing another option, she could get the ‘destroy target’ in the previous option for free, she really wanted to run away!
“…Bikini~~!!” Kuroko Shirai covered her nose with blood on her nose, and glanced at Misaka Mikoto expectantly, then glanced again.
“Kuroko?!” Misaka Mikoto, who noticed Shirai Kuroko’s gaze, shouted with a smile.
“Hi!!” A voice full of joy sounded.
“If you dare to peek, you’ll be dead.” Misaka Mikoto rubbed her knuckles with a smile, and looked at the sweaty face of Kuroko Shirai with those eyes full of indifference.
“…I understand, big sister.” Kuroko Shirai sobbed a few times, took out a few tissues from his pocket, stuffed them on his bleeding nose, and lowered his head with tears in his eyes.
“Destination arrived!”
When the girl beside her stared blankly at Shirai Kuroko with a nosebleed, Yun slowly stopped, looked at the door of the sixth laboratory, and reminded her in a calm tone.

Kacha Kacha Kacha-!
The glass cover of the nutrition compartment was slowly pulled up.
Wearing off-white tights, Saten Leiko, who showed her beautiful body curves and lines in front of everyone’s eyes, coughed again and again, and slowly climbed out of the nutrition warehouse, looking like a girl idol taking a beach photo. .
“This nutrient solution is as choking as ever!”
“That’s just the adverse reaction of the nutrient solution being poured into the stomach. Just bear with it.” Yuzu held the book of cornerstones in his hands and responded to Saten Leiko without raising his head.
“Is this the end?” Kuroko Shirai said in surprise.
“Ah, that’s it for improving the ability. Don’t think it’s very simple. I remember that the cost of one liter of nutrient solution alone is more than 2 million US dollars.”
Misaka Mikoto, who was sitting on the sofa chair next to her, shrugged and responded weakly to Kuroko Shirai.
“It’s a lie!!” Uiharu Shiri covered her mouth in disbelief.
“Hey, it’s no wonder that there is a quota limit or something, this cost…” Shirai Kuroko blinked blankly, even if his family was wealthy, the cost still frightened her.
“Brother, did you succeed?” Saten Leiko said solemnly while wiping her hair with a towel as the nutrient droplets on her body tickly fell to the ground.
“…Success, congratulations on becoming a ‘superpower’, Leizi!” You slowly raised her eyes and smiled slightly.
“Hey!! What do you say about the quota?” The corners of Zuotian Leizi’s mouth rose slightly, and with a wicked smile, he threw himself into Yu’s arms, and wiped the nutrient solution on his clothes mischievously.
Compared to the level that was destined to be reached, in Saten Riko’s view, it is still more important to have a place to make friends.
Looking at the figure of the two rubbing against each other, the three girls covered their eyes in unison, and the boss, who opened his hands, looked at the sensational scene that could be called the Fifteen Bans with a flushed face..
After being rubbed against her delicate body for two or three minutes, Yu, who was still analyzing the rules, became distracted and had to wave her hands and surrender.
“Agree, agree! You let me finish things first!!”
“Great, early spring!!”
Saten burst into tears from Yu’s body and hugged Uiharu Shiori who was beside him.
“…This girl.” Yu shook his head helplessly, he was really helpless about Satian Leiko’s overly lively behavior.
“It’s almost enough to eat already raised~~” Silently sighed in his heart, Yu put away the book of cornerstones and said to Saten Leiko.
“For the ability test, remember to go to the underground laboratory to test. Regarding the registration of Uiharu Shiri’s registration, come back next Saturday.”
“Hey! I know.” Zuotian Leiko agreed, pulling Uchun Shiri and running towards the changing room outside the door.
“Then we too…” Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko looked at each other and immediately stood up from the chair beside them.
After taking a few steps, Misaka Mikoto looked at Yuu with an unnatural expression and waved her hand towards Kuroko Shirai. “Heizi, you and Leizi and the others go for the test. We will contact you by phone later.”
“Sister Sister~” Hearing this, Shirai Kuroko couldn’t help but light up a little, and knowing what was going to happen next, she immediately twisted her waist and tried to stay here in a deadpan manner.
“I’ve lifted the ability restriction.” You coldly reminded.
“Thank you so much!!” Misaka Mikoto nodded gratefully towards Yuu, then turned her head, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and crackling electric sparks suddenly emerged from the girl’s body.
“Do you just want to see my swimsuit? You pervert!!!”
With the angry shout, the dense blue and white electric current completely enveloped Shirai Kuroko.
The shrill screams broke through the sky.

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