Located in the seventh school district, the “building without doors and windows” in the bizarre legend of the academy city is also the mansion of Aleister.
In the only space inside it, densely scattered all over the ground, the lines like golden patterns glow with a mellow golden light.
‘Zizzizi—! ’
There was a sizzling sound like electromagnetic interference in the air, followed by a girly voice full of doubts.
“It’s weird, is this instrument broken? There’s no reason, I’ve only used it a few times.”
Accompanied by a suspicious female voice, Pumbaa’s percussion sounded like noise.
Obviously, the lady on the other end of the communication device was venting her violence towards the poor and reliable device.
It seems that he can’t bear the noisy voice, or he just endures the stupidity of the person opposite, and has been hanging upside down in the “life”.Aleister from the “Maintenance Device” spoke first.
“There is no problem with the operation of the instrument, His Excellency the “Max Bishop”… Although you don’t mind if you destroy this 3 million pound instrument, please forgive me for charging the appropriate instrument fee for the next transportation.”
“Ehhh! How can this work!!”
It seems that because of the high price, the figure on the other end of the communicator hurriedly stopped his violent behavior, and the screen that was facing the ceiling also began to flip strangely.
“Oh ~ oh ~ I saw it, I saw it!!”
As if to discover that Santa Claus actually exists, the girl displayed on the screen showed a pure and natural smile.
She has crystal white skin that is as smooth as a baby’s, a pair of clear and transparent blue eyes are facing the screen with joy, and the innocent smile on her face adds a bit of clarity to her.
And what attracted the most attention was her shiny golden hair, which stretched to her ankles and was pulled up again, held in place with huge silver hairpins.
In terms of length, her hair is at least 3 meters long, and just taking care of this hair is enough to make any beauty-loving girl despair.
“Ah la la, Mr. Aleister, can you send me some more convenient props next time? There are too many buttons to operate this thing, which makes me very distressed!”
Like an ordinary girl complaining to a friend, the blond girl was full of distress, shaking her head carefully, and complaining in her tone.
“Unfortunately, it’s already a ‘dumb machine’ simplified to a certain limit.”
Aleister stared blankly at the complaining beauty in front of her slightly narrowed eyes, her face was completely unmoved.
—Lola Stuart.
Leader of the English Puritan Church.
“No. 0 Church, Supreme Bishop of the Church of Necessary Evil”
Although it was said that the duty was to ‘command the Anglican Church on behalf of the busy king’, but the order of the elderly queen, the “big bishop”, was enough to make the queen overjoyed.
In the face of such a scheming ‘politician’ who is completely unable to judge by appearance, Aleister cannot generate the slightest trust in each other’s every move.
“Ah le le ~ that’s really a pity.” Laura pulled her head, sighed slightly, and then raised her head with a smile. “How is our catalog doing now?”
“I’m currently enjoying dinner at the burger shop on A17 Street in the seventh school district.” Like a repeater, a mechanical report sounded from the instruments on the side.
“Oh, it’s really great not to be dissected by science~”
It was obviously the mastermind who secretly let Index enter the Academy City, but at the moment, Laura patted her chest with a heart-warming expression, like an older sister who was worried about her younger sister.
Aleister watched Laura’s performance expressionlessly. From the time of the meeting until now, he didn’t show the slightest change in his expression.
“Hey, the careful magician who attacked our Puritanism, does Mr. Aleister have any clues?”
Ignoring Aleister’s silence, Laura said in a relaxed tone while checking her nails.
“I don’t know the people on your side. Now I only know that there are people hiding in this city, and the specific way of hiding. You are experts in Puritanism in this regard.” Aleister explained indifferently.
“Ah la la, so it seems that the news of our alliance has really leaked?” As if she believed Aleister’s explanation, Laura rubbed her temples full of distress.
“…I don’t rule out this possibility.” Aleister slowly closed his eyes and said.
“Then, because of the existence of this unknown person, Index, who came for a friendly visit, seems to have no choice but to end this pleasant journey.” Laura spread her hands and said regretfully.
“I have no opinion, so the specific cooperation and revision matters…”
“Oh, it’s time to wash your hair, sorry, Mr. Aleister, this time is very necessary for a lady.”
The words that were so lame that people couldn’t help but complain came out of Lola’s mouth, followed by those little hands that were as white as ivory, which were constantly enlarged on the screen.
“That’s a pity. At the same time, I hope His Excellency the “Max Bishop” can be more accurate in Japanese next time.”
Calmly complaining about Lola’s grammar, Aleister silently glanced at the little hand that trembled slightly, and then the screen fell into pitch black.
Aleister was silent for a moment, then spoke again.
“The plan was modified by you, my ally.”
“Oh? Is that so? Isn’t that kind of thing something that can be modified at any time?” With a playful voice, Yuu’s figure appeared on a screen suspended in mid-air.
“The “Forbidden Book List” is a tool to promote the maturity of “Fantasy Killer”…”
“If it’s to attract magicians to experience the “Illusion Killer”, haven’t you prepared a lot of backup plans?” Yu sneered and said with a playful look.
As You said, it’s like a backup plan. It’s a strange thing that Aleister didn’t prepare it. Eggs can’t be placed in the same basket. This is a common saying that any adult can understand.
“…But the effect will deteriorate a lot.” Aleister said calmly.
“I’m lazy to guess riddles with you, tell me, what are you looking at?” You pouted in disdain and said straight to the point.
After a moment of silence, Aleister said in a flat tone: “‘Magic Base’.”
“…It seems that you still have nostalgia for magic?” You narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a sarcastic tone.
He is not surprised that Aleister knows the existence of the magic base. Among the “Dead Servants” released, there are magicians he killed during the Model Moon period. It is obvious that there are occasional leaks when performing tasks.
What’s more, some “dead servants” are bait that Yu intends to release, leaking secrets is almost inevitable.
Returning to the topic, the importance of the “magic base” as the most basic theory of moon magic is obvious.
Although it is undeniable that there are many limitations, but with Aleister’s ability, relying on this knowledge of this other world, it is almost certain to reproduce some magical means of his peak.
“…” Aleister was speechless. Although he didn’t understand why Yu was staring at Index, it was clear that the 103,000 banned books that were completely worthless to him had a special effect on Yu. .
In the same way, the basic theory of magic, which has no effect on Yuu, is also knowledge that has a special effect on him.
This transaction is bound to be successful from the beginning.
“Well, a piece of information in exchange for your concealment of Puritanism, plus Index’s subsequent placement, is not a loss to me.” You said with a smile.
In fact, if Aleister really combined the “magic base” with the magic of the magic ban, it would not be a bad thing for Yuu who wanted to act as a oriole.
As for increasing Aleister’s strength, at their level, if a basic theory can make people’s strength soar, the world would have been in chaos.
There are hundreds of magic theories in the magic ban itself. Isn’t Yu, who got a part of it from the dead servant, going directly into the original pillar realm?
To be honest, these things, at most, are just opening up ideas and adding a little means.
“It’s a pleasure to work with.”
“Happy cooperation!”
The two met and smiled, and tacitly didn’t talk about how the Puritans’ actions to reclaim Index would be resolved.
After all, there are too many ways to solve that kind of thing.
What Aleister should be responsible for is only to appease the Puritans after their defeat.
As for Yuu, he immediately began to think about how to concoct the incoming Puritan members.
For him, it’s not a loss for one, and two people make a huge profit… The so-called business without capital is so comfortable!

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