I Remember You!
“Do demon warlocks actually have the protection of angels?”
Stier stared at the huge incandescent wing behind Yuu with a jaw-dropping look, and the scene that was completely out of his common sense made his mind go blank for a while.
“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”
With a sneer, the golden mandala reorganized and unfolded behind Yu, like a peacock opening its screen, and golden patterns filled the entire space behind Yu.
One after another blazing white lightning spears appeared in the mandala, the surging pressure and terrifying energy fluctuations plunged the atmosphere into stagnation.
——”Savior of God Thunder”
It was an attack form that energized the divine energy that the gods gave to the savior Rama. After sacrificing his body, he appeared as a thunderbolt looking for the majesty of the sky, and strengthened the concepts of “penetration” and “salvation” to the limit.
Without the slightest pause, almost at the moment of formation, the thunder that was enough to destroy the island country dozens of times, blasted the silver-haired nun who collapsed to the ground in an instant.
The moment when the attack that reached the Divine Speed ​​Domain made Kanzaki Kaori not even react, it bombarded Index’s body.
The atmosphere was distorting, and there were even dark cracks in the space. However, the silver-haired nun who was taken as the target did not know when he was suspended in the air, with a pair of green eyes staring straight at Yu’s face. .
Undoubtedly, Index had already withdrawn from the state of “automatic secretary”, but those godless eyes also clearly told Yuu that it was not the pure white nun who was controlling the small body now.
Suddenly, Index’s eyes flickered.
The next moment, the order of gravity began to collapse, as if a celestial body collapsed, it was deep and pitch black, and the “black hole” that even light was captured by it was created in the small office.
Carpets, sofas, coffee tables, even air, light, and even time and space are all attracted and captured by the deep “cave”…
You snorted coldly, as if going back in time, everything that should have been crushed by the infinite gravitational force was restored like a rewinding videotape.
The office that had collapsed and collapsed was restored to its original state in an instant.
A surprised voice came from Index’s mouth. It was not the crisp and tender voice of the girl herself, but a mature voice as sweet as a girl.
You narrowed her eyes, and there was a glimmer of golden light in her eyes, which was still hanging on Index’s belly, and suddenly transformed the spear of Longinus that it had pierced into a snake-tailed snake with a dragon’s head and a snake’s body. The girl factor is blocked between the rings.
At the moment when the blockade was reached, the materialized body of the Ouroboros gradually became half-empty and half-solid, and matter and energy began to circulate and repeat within it.
“—Six Realms!!”
With Yu’s low voice, Index, who was blocked by the Ouroboros, seemed to have been pressed the pause button, her limbs, heartbeat, breathing, and even time were completely “stopped”.
If it were the original developer of this enchantment, Soren Araya would have been amazed at the skill of “stopping time and space”.
It was a great secret that brought the concept of “stillness” to the extreme, surpassed the realm of gods and demons, and reached the realm of inconceivable.
“…Finally a big harvest!”
Sitting in the chair, Yun slowly stood up and looked at Index, who was locked in the realm of Ouroboros and the Six Paths, and a smile flashed in his eyes.
“This…” Kanzaki Kaori looked at Index, who was blocked in mid-air, in disbelief, and the silver-haired youth who gradually stepped forward and approached Index.
It wasn’t until now that everything was over, she had just reacted, and it could be seen how fast the confrontation between Yuu and that unknown existence was.
“The saint is just a bonus…”
Kanzaki Kaori’s face stiffened.
“…The genius magician and the spy onmyoji are just scraps.”
Stiyl and Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who had been silent all this time, kept twitching at the corners of his mouth.
“…Even bringing Index here is just a matter of convenience.”
You slowly came to the bottom of Index, her body gradually floated up, she reached out and stroked the girl’s tender and soft face, and said in a low voice.
“I’ve been waiting for you to activate the ‘remote control spiritual equipment’, my dearThe “Greatest Bishop” Laura Stuart. ”
Hearing that name, the three magicians present could not help shrinking their pupils, looking at the young figure in the air in horror.
At this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly bloomed, as if planning to snatch the door and escape.
However, in the next moment, a golden ring appeared on Index’s hat, and with a bang, it was like a collar, and the dazzling white light was firmly blocked by the ring. Inside.
At the same time, on the surface of the entire “Talent Workshop”, the 23rd-floor high-rise building glowed a faint white light in the night sky, and a great secret called Inherent Barrier suddenly unfolded.
At this moment, the space based on a hundred meters around the building was completely cut off from the “world”.
Bai Mang, who was still planning to struggle, seemed to have lost his power source, and was silently suspended in mid-air, and even the dazzling brilliance gradually dimmed.
“Is it successful if I activate the inherent barrier? It seems that I don’t need to use the backhand I prepared separately.”
There was a slight smile on You’s face, he raised his hand, and slowly reached towards the “white light” in the air.
On the other side of the world, the British mainland.
Office in Lambeth Palace.
Under the surprised gaze of a nun who famously cleaned and sanitized, their dear greatest bishop was walking quickly on the luxurious carpet with an unprecedented embarrassment.
Indistinctly, they heard a murmur full of resentment, as if saying…’What a big loss? ! ’
“It’s really a big loss this time!!” After walking out of Lambeth Palace, Laura Stuart stepped into the temporarily summoned carriage with a black face on her skirt.
“Go to Buckingham Palace.”
Following the order, the coachman of the carriage immediately put up a whip and shouted for the horses to move forward quickly.
“The list of forbidden books is definitely included, and a trace of my soul is also attached. I even lost a saint and a powerful magician who have not yet been completely attracted. The spy arranged in the academy city must also be included…”
Thinking of her loss, Laura couldn’t help having a twitch in her stomach, and her face was as pale as white powder.
God is pitiful, when did Laura Stuart suffer such a big loss. However, according to the findings from the previous manipulation of the forbidden book catalogue, it must be a “Demon God” who shot the opposite.
“It’s not a loss, it’s not a loss, at least I know that there is a demon in the science side.”
Laura kept mumbling, the corners of her mouth couldn’t help twitching, but to be honest, she also knew that this news was actually no different from giving it away.
Without some high-end combat power as a trump card, how dare the science side fight against the magic side?
A long time ago, the senior leaders of the Crusaders suspected that there was a demon hidden in Academy City, or that there was a powerful person second only to the demon.
Right now, their Puritanism is just one step ahead of others, and they are sure that the other party has the presence of a demon.
“…Those lost chips probably won’t come back.” Laura bit her nails a little irritably. It is stupid to fight the devil, and it is even more stupid to ask the other party to take prisoners.
So, in fact, the things she lost were no different from total losses.
However, the most irritating thing was that if she didn’t want to lift the table, she could only swallow the bad breath bitterly.
“I was completely caught off guard!!”
Laura sighed softly, leaned on the soft and comfortable car mat, and rubbed her temples.
Thinking of the censure of the Queen of England, the chivalrous faction that she will face later, and the thought of having to take care of the aftermath of the unknown devil after she lost a lot of blood, Lola felt a stomach ache.
The tear-eyed biggest bishop bit his sleeve with hatred, his body was covered in black air, and he sent out a strong resentment towards the distance.
“You remember it for me, I will get it back sooner or later——!!!”

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