The Unreasonable Reality
The main entrance on the first floor of the “Talent Workshop” headquarters building.
Knowing that she saw the famous building on the dark side, Teristina finally confirmed the identity of the person she was about to face.
Another “uncrowned king” who parachuted into the academy city a year ago and ruled the academy city with absolute force.
No one knows his specific name, and no record of his existence can be found in the whole world. It’s like something out of nothing. When he appeared on the first day of junior high school, he was the “absolute king” of the city of King’s Landing Academy.
“Heh~, maybe I’m the first person in the Muyuan clan to meet that illusory king of science?” Terestina said with a slightly self-deprecating tone, her lips curled up slightly.
The Kihara clan is a crazy clan. Almost all of them are scientists. They almost embody the darkness of science. It is not too much to say that they are the deepest darkness of the academy city.
And the one who supports Kihara, the biggest darkness, is the highest level of the Academy City——Aleister, the chairman of the board.
Now, almost everyone who has been in contact with the dark side of the academy city understands that there are two “kings” standing at the top.
As Aleister’s lackey, another king of science, whether from a heartfelt point of view or an interest point of view, is completely forbidden to them.
“Where is the data of the ability body crystallization?” Looking at Terestina who did not resist, Kiyama Harusheng said impatiently.
Things were slightly different from what she expected.
Facing the man who seemed rather lecherous, Terestina, who had not resisted from the beginning, and was quite beautiful, was very likely to get Yu’s ‘favorite’.
This highly possible development made Mushan Chunsheng almost completely unable to settle down, so he had an urgent need for what he asked for.
After all, if she didn’t get the data from the initial sample, the possibility of her awakening her sleeping students was almost zero!
Under such circumstances, Kiyama Harusheng was completely unable to calm down and wait for the final outcome.
“Even if you want to extract data to save your comatose students, all judgments must be confirmed by the “King” before you can act. ”
Andos, who was escorting Terestina, turned his head and glanced coldly at the impatient Mushan Chunsheng, his eyes full of warnings.
“…I understand.” Hearing these words, Mushan Chunsheng clenched his fists, and then nodded with a dim vision.
“Oh, she is really a humble woman, and she feels anxious because those experimental items cannot be rescued?” Terestina looked back at Harusheng Kiyama with a face full of ridicule.
“Shut up!” Kiyama Harusheng glared at Terestina angrily.
“It’s just some experimental animals, what’s there to care about.” As if she didn’t know how to restrain herself, Terestina continued to speak with mocking eyes.
“Shut up!” Kiyama Harusheng shouted with disgust.
At this moment, a surprised female voice sounded.
“What happened? Miss Kiyama?”
The two who were still arguing turned their heads and looked at the bottom of the front steps. There, Saten Ruiko, who was carrying a handbag, was bending her head and slowly walked out of the white Lexus.
“…Saten Leiko?” Kiyama Chunsheng’s pupils shrank slightly, and then he said with a stiff face. “If you’re here, that means.”
As Kiyama Harusheng expected, Yu opened the car door and got out of the car.
“Amon, help me drive the car to the underground garage.”
Yu casually threw out the car keys and ordered the old white-haired guard who came forward.
“Understood!” Amon returned the key with a smile, then opened the door, started the Lexus, and slowly drove to the underground garage.
“Are you arriving earlier than I thought?”
Looking at the three people above, Yu narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a cold tone.
At this moment, Saten Leiko who was on the side narrowed the distance with Yuu with small steps, put her hand in front of her mouth, and asked in a low voice. “Brother, who is the mature woman in the middle?”
“Probably the one who forced Kiyama Haruno into a corner and could only use the fantasy hand? I remember who was from the Kihara clan, seems to be Terestina?”
Yu raised her eyebrows slightly, and then explained to Saten Leiko. For these useless little characters, he only had this impression.
In contrast, the crystal of the ability body that is generally recognized as a person who can produce absolute ability after correct use has a very profound impact.
…for things that can improve his strength, Yuu almost always has some impressions in his mind.
Hearing this explanation, Saten Leiko looked at Terestina with some hostility immediately.
She had just faced off against the imaginary beasts in the morning, so she naturally understood the whole story from Kiyama Haruno’s mouth, so she faced Terestina, one of the culprits. The girl naturally regarded the other party as an enemy.
“It seems that you have seen the deity?”
Terestina glanced at Andos, who was kneeling on one knee, looked at Yu below, narrowed her eyes slightly, and concealed the fear in her eyes.
Facing Mushan Chunsheng, and even facing Andos, if the other party can kill her, Terestina doesn’t have much fear.
But facing the king of science who was side by side with Aleister and could destroy the Kihara clan, Terestina couldn’t help but feel a little terrified.
Holding Saten Leiko’s hand, you walked up the steps slowly, walked in front of the three of them, looked at the trembling Terestina and said.
“Are you Terestina?”
“Yes.” Like an elegant and noble lady, Terestina straightened her body and bowed slightly towards You.
“The sample data of the crystals of the ability body, as well as the development data of the absolute ability person, you should have them all, right?”
You glanced at the somewhat apprehensive Mu Shan Chunsheng, shrugged helplessly, and said calmly.
“Yes.” Terestina nodded, then straightened her face slightly, and looked straight at Yudao. “If you want these materials, please allow me to inform Aleister-sama…”
Yu directly ignored Terestina’s bullshit behavior, glanced at the hall in front, and said in a cold tone.
“It’s good to know, Andos, “dispose of” her cleanly.”
“What…!” Terestina’s eyes widened, and she looked at Yu’s indifferent face with an incredible look. She was not a fool, and she naturally knew what Yu’s treatment meant.
but why?
Mingming was still asking for information from her before, but now she isWhat to put her to death for?
Just because she mentioned Aleister, is she going to talk about the tiger’s skin? This makes no sense at all!
However, the reality is so unreasonable, without much to say, Andos, who received the order, stretched out his hand like lightning, and directly pierced the back of Terestina’s head with that pale finger.
Terestina, who was hit with a fatal blow, shrank her pupils and trembled a few times, then fell to the side softly, and was firmly held in her arms by Andos who was prepared behind her.
“Deal with it? Hey, why did you suddenly pass out?” Zuotian Leiko blinked, looking at Terestina, who had fainted, in confusion.
“It’s just to make her become a human again.” The corners of your mouth twitched slightly, and he explained to Satian Leiko with a smile.
…The servant of death, that is the terrifying power that turns the person killed by the bearer into a servant of death.
In terms of its ability rules, there are not many restrictions on the means of killing, such as letting Andos, who is a dead servant, take action, it is also enough to achieve the condition of ‘killing’.
For Yu who just wanted to get the information in Terestina’s mind, it was very convenient to make her into a dead servant.
Unlike Saten Leiko’s doubts, Kiyama Harusheng, who saw the whole process of Andos killing Terestina, was stunned for a while, and then said in shock.
“…It was an unexpected result.”
As far as she is concerned, whether Terestina lives or dies does not prevent her from extracting the data of the initial sample from the other party, so Haruo Kiyama doesn’t care much about the life and death of the other party.
“The agreement must be followed.” You said with a smile, looking at Chunsheng Mushan.
Mushan Chunsheng stared blankly at Yu’s face, and then he laughed. “…Looks like I have to change my mind about you.”
At this moment, along with the sound of Ta Ta’s footsteps, voices full of disgust slowly sounded in the spacious hall on the first floor.
“Really, seeing this scene at once makes me not even in the mood for dinner.”
“Huh?” Seeing the honey-haired girl walking slowly, Saten Leiko’s face froze immediately.

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