The very scientific Kihara Divine Fist!
In the back alley of the Fifth School District.
Like a spider-man, Misaka Mikoto was lying on the wall that formed the alley,The legs that were in contact with the wall were arcing.
“Is the timing wrong?” Misaka Mikoto frowned, looking at the slightly twisted knuckles of her right hand.
That was the damage caused by manipulating her body with electricity and attacking Accelerator with her fists. In fact, if it wasn’t for the first attack that was originally intended for testing, her hand would have been broken by now.
With the sound of Ta Ta’s footsteps, the silver-haired figure slowly walked into the alley.
Accelerator raised his head with a sneer on his face. He raised his head and looked at Misaka Mikoto with a playful expression.
“What? Jumping like a flea for five or six minutes, can you only run? Third place.”
Misaka Mikoto curled her lips with a displeased face, but she didn’t rush up to fight Accelerator in a foolish manner.
She frowned, moving her still throbbing fingers.
‘According to the ability development data, Accelerator’s reflex is activated at 0.015 seconds after the attack touches the skin. As long as he controls his body to withdraw the force of the attack at that time, the reflex mechanism can be used to let Accelerator hurt himself. Own……’
Thinking of this, Misaka Mikoto grimaced and muttered speechlessly.
“Withdrawal within 0.015 seconds, what can be done is not human at all? Where did the research institute with many numbers called Kihara come from extraterrestrial creatures! Even if I can control the electrical signals of my body, I can’t do it without preparation. .”
“Huh? If you don’t come down, should I go up?”
Like a cat playing a mouse, Accelerator grinned, his toes lightly on the ground.
The ground suddenly burst open, splashing at any time.
In an instant, Accelerator made a finger-snap gesture towards the flying gravel in the air.
“Tsk!” Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth. Under the action of the magnetic force, her figure quickly moved in a zigzag shape between the two walls of the alley, making it look like she was flying.
After Misaka Mikoto dodged, the bullet-like rubble hit the wall immediately, making a violent roar.
“Really, just like a spider.”
Accelerator scratched his hair irritably, then turned around and looked at the brown-haired girl against the wall again.
“Almost, I’m tired of playing, so I’ll kill you here.” Accelerator grinned and moved his neck.
Before the words could fall, the thunder light wrapped in a coin slammed towards her.
“A boring trick.”
The speed of Thunder Light shot towards Misaka Mikoto, but it was in mid-air, and it was completely consumed by the wear and tear of coins.
Accelerator was stunned for a moment, but at this moment, Misaka Mikoto, who was covered in lightning, rushed up from the right.
“Close up? Are you looking for death?” Accelerator who reacted was stunned, then sneered, and opened his hands like that, as if to hug Misaka Mikoto.
“Successful.” Misaka Mikoto’s eyes lit up, and the electric arcs on her arm were densely covered with the clenched fist, and she swung it towards Accelerator’s abdomen.
Snapped! The silent physical beating sound suddenly sounded.
With a bang, Accelerator knelt on his knees, his eyes seemed to pop out, he covered his stomach, and vomited out a large amount of digested food.
“Ouch—! What the hell! Ineffectiveness—?”
Without further ado, Misaka Mikoto, who had succeeded with one hit, raised her right leg and hit her knee with one hit, causing a second blow to Accelerator’s abdomen.
Like a sandbag being kicked away, Accelerator crossed a deformed parabola in mid-air, and with a bang, knocked over the trash can beside him.
Misaka Mikoto took a deep breath, looked at the figure buried in the trash can, and remained silent for a while.
Misaka Mikoto lowered her head and looked at her five fingers in surprise, which was a sequelae caused by the use of human electrical signals to forcibly manipulate the body.
However, if it wasn’t for manipulating electrical signals, it was really impossible for her to grasp the critical moment when Accelerator’s reflex ability was activated.
“It looks so simple…”
The number one student in Academy City was easily knocked down by himself, and he didn’t need to mechanize his hands like the researcher surnamed Kihara in the data.
All kinds of feelings made Misaka Mikoto feel unreal in her heart.
The fierce wind howled.
Misaka Mikoto’s expression changed, and a crackling arc emerged from the end of her hair, forcibly changing the position of several metal trash cans that were slammed into her.
bang bang bang-!
The trash can hit the wall of the alley, making a harsh metallic sound.
“Well done… Not bad, to be honest, I didn’t expect to have the reflex power on all the time, it would cause such a loophole.”
Beside the garbage dump, the white-haired figure who had fallen to the ground struggled to get up from the ground, revealing wild red eyes like a wild beast.
At that moment, Misaka Mikoto finally understood, what is… ‘killing intent’!
Even though her body twitched, the terrifying aura of the standing figure made Misaka Mikoto forget to move for a while.
“The strength just now, if I hit the head on the head, I would have had a concussion already? Is it really kind, why don’t you attack to death?”
Accelerator grinned, covering his still throbbing stomach, with a crazy smile on his face.
Misaka Mikoto swallowed her saliva, and she finally remembered. In the document, there is a reminder that says “Be sure to hit the head”. What exactly is it?what intent.
I’m afraid that was a necessary targeted interference to prevent Accelerator from continuing to activate its abilities?
“In addition to this, it seems that an ability jammer is needed.” Misaka Mikoto forced a wry smile on her face.
The ability jammer, the use of the reflection mechanism, and finally hitting the opponent’s brain hard, forcing the opponent to be unable to calculate the activation ability, this is the easiest way to defeat Accelerator from the information provided by Yu.
However, unfortunately, from the very beginning, Misaka Mikoto could not do the deliberate murder of hitting someone else’s brain.
…The outcome has been decided from the very beginning.
“As a reward for showing mercy, how about I leave you a whole corpse?”
Accelerator raised his hands along with the malicious words.
The ‘wind’ visible to the naked eye suddenly gathered in her palm, like the eye of a typhoon, the hurricane whistled and swirled, engulfing everything around her into the sky.
Misaka Mikoto bowed her waist and fixed herself magnetically to prevent being swept away by the hurricane.
At the same time, she reluctantly opened her eyes, looked at the white-haired figure holding the ‘Typhoon’ high, gritted her teeth, and said with a determined face.
“As of now… I can only give it a try.”
The girl raised her hand and pressed her chest. Beneath the Tokiwadai school uniform, a small slate used as a pendant glowed with golden light.
The next second…
…a thunderous light shot up from the sky.

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