Indelible Hate
When the group saw this ray of light, Lancelot immediately dismounted and stood up, speaking to the divine sword.
“My lord, the ‘King of the Last Appearance’. Although I don’t think so, but…”
Lancelot’s honey-colored hair fluttered in the wind with a distressed expression.
“Have you forgotten my face?”
“No…” A thin figure suddenly appeared beside the divine sword.
The hair is long and pale. He is a handsome young man with a handsome face. However, what was engraved on the upright beauty like rust was the toughness of the battle and the irreversible exhaustion. Wrapped around his body is a blue hoodie and slender trousers, as well as a pure white cape.
He slowly—as if he was touching something disgusting, as if an ordinary person had to grab the stool with his hands. He slowly grasped the hilt of the divine sword.
“Of course I do, Hippolyta, the knight of the spear. There is still a day when I will meet you again… Fate is unpredictable.”
“It’s a long-lost name. Now my name is Lancelot Dulac.” Lancelot stroked the head of his beloved horse, showing a bright and brisk smile.
“Really. You finally got a new name.” A refreshing smile appeared on the tired beauty on his face like your son. At this moment, the rusty expression converged, and it was replaced by the temperament and graceful attitude of a naturally noble person. This is his own way of showing the joy of the romance with Lancelot.
However, the momentary change ended quickly, and the ‘King of the End’ stopped smiling.
At this time, Genievia walked up to Rama with a look of anticipation, holding the Sorcerer Grail.
Your son hesitated for a moment, and finally put his hand on Genievea’s head, scrubbing her golden hair, and showing a rather distressed look on his face. “Goddess of White… I tried too hard.”
Genievea froze when she heard the sound, and looked at the grey-haired nobleman with tears in her eyes. “My lord…”
Rama stared at a certain god standing at the back of the group, the ‘King of Wind’ who used a cloth and mask to hide his true nature. The war god who served the hero who annihilated the demon king from the place of myth, bowed his head, as if to apologize for forcibly awakening him.
Rama silently shook his head and gestured with his eyes.
It’s like saying something like ‘it’s not your fault’. The King of Wind nodded, stepped aside, and dissipated as a hurricane.
This is an exchange between masters and slaves who have formed a deep bond and can exchange ideas without opening their mouths.
“You really are tired of fighting.”
Lancelot’s whispers contained sadness, and there was pity in his eyes staring at Rama.
Silently listening, Rama showed a tired smile and nodded towards his ally who had reunited after 1,500 years.
Genievia’s eyes widened, she quickly hugged Rama’s waist, and kept sobbing. “I’m sorry, my lord, Genievia didn’t know about you… I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry…”
Like a child who apologized in the arms of his parents when he did something wrong, Genievea kept apologizing with tears.
Rama comforted Genivia with a dumbfounded expression, patted her on the back lightly, and said in a low voice. “I forgive you, I really forgive you…”
Genievia raised her tender face with pear blossoms and rain, and looked at Rama expectantly. “.real?”
Rama nodded frequently, the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a bitter smile like crying.
The water vapor kept gathering in Genivia’s eye sockets.
Rama quickly changed his face, and the inner cow showed a bright smile on his face.
Genievia stopped crying immediately, slowly let go of his hand, took a few steps back, summoned the Holy Grail of Magic and handed it to Rama.
After hesitating for a while, Rama stretched out his hand…
At this moment, the ground of the floating island suddenly shook violently. Not a single shock, but a constant shaking. Small islands floating in satellite orbits are unlikely to have earthquakes. The group noticed it immediately.
Someone summoned the floating island to the ground——the floating island fell. The move shook the entire island.
Leviathan, the disobedient serpent wandering above the Western Heavenly Palace, showed an extremely ferocious expression, disregarding the injury that had not yet recovered, and screamed in the sky.
The hissing sound resounded in the sky.
“With the authority of the mother goddess, I will pull everything back to the mother earth. All things, please don’t hinder my will!”
The floating island fell like a meteor.
Although it fell to the ground like a meteor, it suddenly collided with the hill beside the West Heaven Palace.
However, the impact and explosion of a real meteorite did not occur.The Valkyrie, Princia, leaned against the gate of the West Heaven Palace, her whole body surging with divine power. As the goddess of the earth, she guarded the earth with her power to prevent it from being hit.
However, this shelter did not include the floating island, because Valkyrie felt an unparalleled aura that made her extremely disgusted from above.
The floating island was shattered by the impact of the fall, and shattered rock fragments and earth and sand were scattered all over the ground.
When there were still two or three hundred meters away from the ground, Genievia used the witchcraft to eliminate the gravitational force, and the group floated several hundred meters in the air.
Because he was in the sky, Rama’s field of vision was extremely wide, so he immediately noticed the figure of the Snake who was full of murderous aura.
“Did you let me come again? What’s the name?”
“Ansheela… You killed the living Leviathan 2,000 years ago, ah… ah. I didn’t expect, really didn’t expect that because of the restoration of the body of the gods, it briefly recovered a long time ago. What about the memory?” The giant snake god, 300 meters long and 5 meters wide, uttered a deafening voice.
“Well, unlocking the seal of the dragon and snake has a chance to restore your memory, so what do you want to do?” Rama nodded lightly and asked Anxela.
“Kill you…kill you…” Anshera’s body trembled, repeating these three words continuously, roaring at Rama.
After hearing the words of Angela, who had no hidden murderous intent, Rama nodded. No reason was asked. He just lowered his eyes for a moment.
It is precisely because he possesses the ability to subordinate the ancestors of the gods to his own position that he understands it better than anyone else.
If the proud soul of a goddess recovers after becoming a goddess, it is not surprising to see his current despicable attitude.
Your son still raised his head and looked at the giant snake god with awe-inspiring eyes.
“I understand why you see me as an enemy. Do you want me to duel with you?”
“Kill you…” Ansheela continued to repeat these three words.
“Then I can’t refuse.” He answered immediately with a serious attitude towards his sins.
Rama slowly pulled out the divine sword from behind, took off the divine sword of salvation along with the scabbard, and handed it to Genivia.
Genievia hurriedly turned the sword and Lancelot back several hundred meters together, standing in the air watching the confrontation between Rama and Leviathan.
It’s not that he looks down on Anshera, Rama’s eyes contain a sincere heart to respond to the opponent who challenged him with his soul and dignity.
Holding the Divine Sword of Salvation is basically the same as turning on an instant kill for the snake god, which is extremely unfair to Anshera who bet all his revenge on Rama, so he put down the sword.
Even though Rama at this time did not absorb the earthly essence contained in the Holy Grail, and his whole body was in a state of withered strength, but Leviathan was not badly wounded. So this fight is fair to both sides.
The snake’s tail twitched heavily, drawing towards Rama with heavy afterimages.
Rama rushed up with his bare hands and met the snake god head-on.

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