On the empty street, the drizzle began to sparsely fall from the sky.
The radio sound by the surrounding streets kept repeating the evacuation announcement, and the humming sound like the sound of mortar shells came from far away from time to time, and the ears of the people who were bombed had tinnitus.
And on such a street, Vasilisa is leading the members of Annihilation Baishu to drive a sports car borrowed by physical means from some unlucky guy, running wildly on the open road like a drag racer .
It is a convertible sports car that can carry 2 people, but there are 6 people standing on the trunk behind the seat of the car. Among them, there are men and women, each with one or both legs tucked into the trunk. On the iron sheet, in order to stabilize his body shape in high-speed racing.
Faintly, there were still a few people standing there with a bottle of vodka that was tall enough to drink….The tough side of the Russians can be seen from the members who annihilated Baishu.
“Hey, captain, don’t be in a hurry to drive. What’s the order from above?” A seductive woman with heavy make-up sitting next to Vasilisa said lazily.
Hearing this sentence, standing on the trunk and putting the members of the Annihilating White Book, they naturally stopped drinking in their hands, looked around with their slightly flushed faces faintly smelling of alcohol, drunk but still Said vigilantly.
“Really, except for Sasha and those support staff, the main combat force to annihilate Baishu is here.”
“Wow, the 8 of us can actually gather together to deal with it. The most evil person in the legend is really scary~!”
“Compared to this, I still care more about the meaning of the higher-ups, whether to bring back the opponent’s head, or to punch and then run away like a brown bear.”
Hearing the curious voices of the team members behind her, the corners of Vasilisa’s mouth curled up slightly, with a gentle smile on her face, a smile that didn’t match the sturdy car speed of 120 yards in front of her.
“Listen well, little ones, we have only one mission, to bring Sasha out of that talent workshop. As for the most evil magician, let Orthodox and Puritanism fight to the death.”
“Hey, hey, the latter one is the order from the higher-ups, right? Rescuing Sasha or something is just your personal order, the captain, right?” The alluring woman sitting next to Vasilisa said with a smile.
“Yes, yes, yes, Captain, you usually love Sasha the most. Really, you don’t even come to love me.” A sturdy Ukrainian laughed and joked.
“I’ll go, Antacroft, do you like the tone of the captain? Didn’t you say you like a tough guy like me?”
The team members on the side said in feigned astonishment, as if they couldn’t accept it at all.
“You bastards, if you keep talking nonsense, I’ll throw you down. Also! If Sasha can’t be rescued, I’ll use you as experimental objects in the interrogation center after the mission is over.”
Driven by the tumultuous environment, Vasilisa cursed with a smile and swears.
“Don’t worry, it’s just letting Puritanism and Orthodox Church stand in the way, what a joke!” The strong man named Antacroft said indifferently.
Just like the Puritanism in the Eagle Country wanted to let the Right Seat of the Gods and Annihilate Baishu and Yu Sike, the senior leaders of the Adult Education naturally had the idea of ​​letting the Puritanism and the Right Seat of the Gods live in the academy city.
After all, compared to crusade against the most evil mage who was hunted down by the whole world but survived into the new century more than 70 years ago——Edward Alexander. The senior leaders of Chengjiao believe that it is more in their interest to let Eagle Country Puritanism and Roman Orthodox Church take the lead.
In fact, they also estimated that the other two major sects probably had the same thoughts, but this did not prevent them from giving the same instructions.
Because compared to the Eagle Kingdom Puritanism, which successfully hunted down Aleister, and the Roman Orthodox Church, which the opponent hated the most, the Chengjiao, which had little conflict with Aleister, obviously would not be the opponent’s first target.
So their task is probably to make Puritanism and Orthodox Church and the academy city die to declare success on the premise of ensuring that they are safe.
And the extra task they were given by Vasilisa was probably to rescue the unlucky girl who was bent over by the power of the archangel God, Sasha Kreutjev, who had a witness report a few days ago and was in the talent workshop. That’s all.
“If you know it…”
Just as Vasilisa spoke, her eyes swept over the armored vehicle in front of her, and she saw the blond girl standing above, holding an individual bazooka.
Her expression changed slightly, she hurriedly stepped on the brake, opened the car door, and jumped.
At the same time, the members of Annihilating Baishu in the car also tried their best to jump away from the car.
“The reaction is a little too fast?”
Frenda looked at the member of Annihilating White Book who jumped out of the car and fled in amazement, but her skill was not slow at all. The moment the other party jumped out of the car, she locked on to the alluring woman in the passenger seat and buckled down. the trigger in his hand.
Accompanied by a violent sound, the RPG missile specially made by Academy City immediately soared into the sky. Amidst the loud noise, it turned the sports car in front of it into a gorgeous fireworks.
“The other party’s reaction is super fast, it’s not mediocre.” Wearing a hooded dress, Kinuhata chewed bubble gum the most, walked out from behind the armored vehicle, and said with a dignified expression.
“Whatever, one person and two, kill them all.” Standing next to Kinuhata’s favorite, Mugino Shirley lightly tossed the black crystals, and his mature and gentle face was glowing of tyranny.
“The enemy is the anbu army that wiped out Baishu and Chengjiao. It can be said to be Russia’s top ace team, so don’t be careless and use all your strength.”
Takitsubo Rihou slowly opened the car door, jumped out of the armored vehicle, raised his head, looked at the member of Annihilating Hakusho who had taken out his weapon, and said with a calm face.
“Hey, are you going to use it as soon as it comes up? I remember that experimental product is a one-time prop, right? It’s a pity.” hesitate.
“The main task this time is the experiment, so consumption is out of the consideration.” Takitsubo Yu still said softly in her unique soft tone.
“ok, I get it.”
“It’s super understandable here.”
Accompanied by the three people’s responses, the girls took out a bag from their pockets one after another.A round slate with an Ouroboros pattern printed on it.
next moment.
——The golden wings of light gradually stretched out on the spacious eight-lane.
Standing on the opposite side, Vasilisa couldn’t help widening her eyes, looking at the wings that covered the sky and the extremely conspicuous sacred halo with an incredible look, and muttered.
“Just kidding? There are actually four angels in the base camp of science!!!”
In the dazzling wings, the girl with short black hair slowly opened her amber eyes.
“The leader will be captured first, the rest will wait…
… at will. “

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