The End of the Battle
In the gloomy alley, Backside Water lowered his head silently. Beside him was Frontside Wind, whose calf had been pierced through by a gun, and was already unconscious due to excessive blood loss.
“… Is the cat-and-mouse game over?” A soft sigh came from the mouth of the water behind him, and he raised his head slightly, looking at the nuns in front of the alley.
To be more precise, looking at the snow-white cross sword that was almost in everyone’s hands, there was a bitterness on his face.
Zhishui in the back doesn’t know where the other party got the replica of the multi-stab Hang sword, but now he is very clear that he is at the end of the road.
“Surrender, Miss Shokuhou wants us to catch the living, please don’t make it difficult for us.”
Yanis, who was standing right in front of the team, persuaded the water behind to surrender with a serious face. Although she belongs to the Roman Orthodox Church, she doesn’t know the existence of God’s Right Seat.
In the final analysis, Yannis is just a member of the church who barely entered the middle class, so she naturally doesn’t know how prominent the two people surrounded by her are in the Orthodox Church.
However, for Yanis who had already deviated from the Roman Orthodox Church, it didn’t make much sense to say this. In fact, to be honest, Yannis is more inclined to put the two in front of herMighty enemy silenced.
However, in order to evade the divine scourge, they were eliminated by Shokuhou Caoqi. Although they defeated the opponent, they also temporarily lost the ability to kill.
“Are you alive?” Rear Zhishui’s eyes flickered, he clutched the stabbing Hangjian in his abdomen, and his pale face was full of solemn expressions.
The attributes of the saint made it impossible for him to evade the tool of thrusting Hangjian, and the wind in front of him, who lost consciousness, also proved the fact that the divine scourge seemed to be ineffective against the enemy.
Rear Zhishui, who knew that he was desperate, took a slow breath, then raised his hands and gave an instruction to surrender.
Yanis glanced at her, and the little nun beside her, a blond loli named Angelina nodded, and immediately raised a wooden shackle, a special spiritual outfit designed to block magic, even if it was a saint. Blocked, it also takes more than 5 minutes of struggle to break free.
The girl stepped forward cautiously, and finally put the shackles on the unresisting rear water.
Seeing that the water in the back was captured, Yanis asked a few nuns to rescue the wind in front of her, and she did the same to control it.
“Close the team!!”
Under the escort of the Yanis troops, the wind in front and the water in the rear, who were imprisoned, were led towards the talent workshop.

On the straight road, the four absolute powers stopped their rampage.
The earth like a crater, the tall buildings that were cut in half by a sharp blade, and the crimson flames on the charred trees that were shattered into several pieces, all proved the cruelty of the previous battle.
On the blackened ground, Takitsubo Rikou let out a heavy breathing sound.
The silk flag on the side likes to hold a member of Annihilation Baishu who lost his right arm and fell into a coma in one hand, and threw it on the ground beside him.
Looking around, there were already four miserable, partially mutilated or seriously injured hapless people lying flat on the ground.
Among them, Vasilisa, the captain, is the most miserable one. Her whole person is like being roasted, and her charred body exudes a strong aroma.
The girls who smelled that fragrance are definitely going to have a vegetarian career for the next month.
“Mai Ye, you are really violent. If this captain didn’t seem to have a strong regeneration ability, you would have achieved a mosaic already, right?”
Flanda, who was a little out of strength, pouted, and teased Mai Ye Shiri’s emotions with a complaining face.
“Shut up, Flanda, these guys are obviously not beaten!” Mai Ye Shenli poured himself a bottle of mineral water, with a happy expression on his face after venting his resentment.
To be honest, Mai Ye Shenli is very satisfied with Vasilisa’s sandbag, especially when she clearly understands that when she is not the opponent’s opponent at all in normal state, she is more happy when she is abusive.
“Hmph, there are no boss props, Mai Ye, you are more invincible than them!”
“Frenda! Do you want to die?!!”
“Can you only find four?” Ignoring the two who were arguing again, Takitsubo Rikou asked with a calm face towards Kinabalu’s favorite.
“The rest of the guys were hit head-on by Mai Ye’s atomic collapse. The four of them together are not enough to make a corpse. It feels very pitiful.”
Silk flag loves to spread out his hands, and with a look of pity, he casts a pity on the annihilated white book member who is screaming in a low voice.
“Four words are barely enough.”
Takitsubo Rihou cast a glance at the four people who were standing on the ground, frowned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the silk flag and said the most.
“Silk flag, please move them to the car, we are going to close the team.”
“Huh? Is the mission over, Takitsubo.” Flanda, who was still arguing with Shirley Muno, turned her head and looked at Takitsubo in surprise and said.
“Send these people to the workshop and they can be disbanded.” Takitsubo Rikou, who was walking towards the armored car, stopped and said to Flanda casually.
“Then do you want to go to KTV to celebrate? I remember that the prize money this time is 10 million US dollars, right?” Flanda raised her hands eagerly.
“Hey, Flanda, do you think KTV will be open today?” Mai Ye Shenli was stunned, and looked at Flanda speechlessly.
“Since the seventh school district is in the ultra-safe hinterland, where should the store be opened?” Silk flag favorite said while raising the weak Vasilisa.
“Although I really want to go, I still have some things to deal with in the workshop.” Takitsubo said in a flat tone.
“What about that night?” Flanda asked somewhat reluctantly.
Takitsubo thought for a while, and then replied somewhat uncertainly: “At night, should you be free?”
“Very good, that’s the decision, I’ll treat you today!!” Flanda cheered and raised the receipt, which caused the other three girls present to show a surprised look. That expression was like Ge Lang, who was desperate for money. It was as if Taiwan had thrown money to play, and was full of deep surprise.
However, in the next second, Frenda revealed her true nature.
“Well, Mai Ye pays, I remember her bank card is in the sixth row of the workshop lounge, and it seems to be in the third cabinet.”
“Go to hell, Frenda!!”
In the midst of the girls’ noise, the group led the seriously injured Annihilation Baishu member towards the talent workshop.

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