: Ratiri Dagururod
“Star Trail Gate”
This is a large company engaged in the development and operation of space elevators.
The function of the so-called cosmic elevator is similar to that of the elevator, but its function is exaggerated, and the elevator that originally transported people to and from high-rise buildings has become an elevator that transports people on the ground to the space station up to 36,000 kilometers away. Exaggerated equipment.
The result of exaggeration is naturally high cost.
Of course, compared with space rockets and space shuttles, the cost of space elevators is high, but due to its convenience and long-term use value, there are still many national governments that are willing to develop the space industry.
Therefore, with the support of these national forces, the completion of the cosmic elevator “Endymion” has come to an end.
As the president of the Gate of Star Trails, who was in charge of running Endymion, ‘Radiri Daguruode’, who was accidentally nicknamed ‘Goth Lolita President’ in the outside world, took advantage of the situation and proposed to serve Endymion. Weng Universe Elevator was completed, and the opening concert was held.
This kind of ‘reasonable’ request is naturally approved by the shareholders and the country behind the Star Trail Gate.
But now, the concert seems to have encountered a little trouble.
“Narugo Alyssa, who was selected through the concert 3 hours ago, can’t be brought back? The performance plan can’t be carried out, so apply for a replacement?”
In the president’s office at the gate of the star trail, Ratiri Dagururod really sat in an office that was several sizes bigger than her loli, with her hands on her cheeks, and her blue eyes were very interesting. She looked at the girl who reported her work in front of her.
“Sateola Sequenzia! The Black Crow Troop that Star Trail Gate spent a lot of money to set up and hired you as the captain with a high salary is not a joke.”
“I see.”
Standing in front of Letiri, the pretty girl with black hair and black eyes in a black tights lowered her head and said in a low voice.
The so-called Black Crow Forces are the ‘corporate private security forces’ created by the compromise between some large corporations with national backgrounds in the Academy City and the Academy City.
To put it bluntly, it is the ‘Anbu Army’ that is in the hands of a large company, and as the captain of it, the LV4 powerful person named Satora is a subordinate who is hired with an annual salary of millions of dollars.
The high annual salary is an affirmation and restraint for the girl named Satora, and in the past, it was a serious dereliction of duty to let the protected object, Naruto Eliza, be attacked or even fall into the hands of others. .
“Okay, let’s put your dereliction of duty aside for the time being, let’s talk about the fact that Naihu Alyssa was taken away by that side, right?” Leitili smiled sweetly, and simply let off Sateola’s fault.
In fact, the Gate of Star Track is only one of the funders of the Black Crow Force. Even if Leitili wants to dismiss the other party, it is something that can only be done by holding a general meeting of shareholders, so there is nothing wrong with investigating Sateola’s dereliction of duty. significance.
In contrast, Rattilie was more curious about the fact that the force would take the lead in snatching Naruto Alyssa, the singer she had already reserved.
Hearing Ratiri’s question, Sateola raised her head, looked at the blonde gothic loli in front of her with serious eyes, and said in a serious tone.
“Six hours ago, Narugo Alyssa, who was performing on the street, was attacked by someone who was suspected of being able to manipulate the flow of water, and it affected two women…”
Saying this, Sateola’s eyes flashed with fear, and she said solemnly.
“The two people who were affected were the targets of the protection of Anbu’s “Dead Servant”. Due to this sudden incident, Naruto Alyssa was taken away by the “Dead Servant” as a related person, and an hour ago, the “Dead Servant” 』Announces that Naruto Alyssa is under the protection of her related forces.”
“Anbu’s ‘Dead Servant’? It’s actually a genuine Anbu.” Ratiri narrowed her blue eyes slightly, jokingly said to Sateola. “However, what does that have to do with me inviting Naruto Eliza to perform at Endymion’s completion ceremony?”
Sateola’s face froze, she bit her lip and said helplessly.
“The headquarters of the dead servant, the talent workshop is an area where general communication is prohibited. The invitation letter originally sent to the personal mailbox of Naruto Alyssa was unilaterally intercepted, and when the dispatcher gave a verbal notification, the dispatched subordinate was sent by the talent. SquareThe staff’s tough interception, even relaying the request, was denied. ”
Sateola’s words were very euphemistic. In fact, the reply from the doorman of the talent workshop was like this.
‘roll! Ask again, kill you! ’
When he heard his subordinates repeat this sentence, Sateola’s face turned green with anger. Although they were not regular Anbu, there was a limit to how they looked down on people.
“What about unilateral rejection? Could it be that the essence of the child has been discovered?” Rattie dragged her chin and muttered suspiciously.
“What?” Sateola raised her head strangely after hearing the sporadic words.
“No, it’s nothing, since this is the case, you can go to negotiate with the top management of the talent workshop… Wait, the talent workshop?”
It was only at this moment that Rattilie recalled that the “Talent Workshop” was that person’s territory.
“I almost forgot, no, it should be said that I am more famous than the power? That ‘Demon God’ who reigns in modern times! Did that guy intervene!”
“The devil who reigns in modern times?”
Sateola repeated a bit in astonishment. As a member of the science side, she didn’t know the meaning of the name, but judging from Ratiri’s shocked expression, the other party seemed to be some great person.
However, Satora remembers that the superiors of the dead servant and the talent workshop are director Zhou You, one of the twelve directors of the Academy City, right?
“Ah, it’s normal for the people on your side to be unclear. Don’t pursue it. That’s something you don’t need to understand.” Lei Tili shook her slender hand, and her childish face showed a hint of thickness. expectations.
She completely ignored Sateola’s presence, dragged her cheeks, and whispered in a low voice.
“Speaking of which, how many guys have pretended to be demon gods these years, 20, 50? There seem to be 60, but it doesn’t matter, since you can see through the essence of Naruto Eliza, at least he is a saint…”
“Then, can this man who is suspected of being a devil be able to kill me? Hehehe!!”
Looking at Ratiri who was laughing recklessly in front of her, a drop of cold sweat flowed from Sateola’s face.
‘Is this guy crazy? ’

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