Immortal Witch!
Accompanied by the sound of brakes, a red Ferrari sports car stopped at the main entrance of the talent workshop.
With a click, the blond professional woman in a black lady’s suit got out of the car, then came to the passenger seat, opened the red car door, and bowed respectfully.
“The destination has been reached, President.”
“Thank you for your hard work. I’ll take care of the rest by myself.”
Accompanied by the loli voice from inside the car, wearing a Lolita dress with a square pattern and a crimson cloak, the blond little loli, who was playing the role of a witch, stepped out of the car, using her slender eyes Legs stepped on the ground, and said in a high tone.
However, the blond little loli, who needs to raise her head to talk to her subordinates, can’t reflect her superior status at all. She can only strongly express the cute and cute elements, making people want to hold her in their arms and ravage her.
With the little girl’s outstanding appearance, even the white-bearded guard sitting in the guard’s room couldn’t help but take another look at her.
After the female subordinate left respectfully, Le Tilly tilted her head, looked at the tall buildings in front of her with regret, and said in a disgusting tone.
“It’s different from what I imagined, it’s really an ordinary base.”
As the president who occupied the world’s first cosmic elevator, Endymion, a building on the 23rd floor seemed a little too ordinary to Rattilie.
With a place like this as her nest, Le Tili couldn’t help but look down on the demon god who had never been masked.
But for Ratiri, who has a different purpose, appearance doesn’t really matter, as long as her sad wish is fulfilled, everything is negotiable.
Thinking like this, the blond little Loli took elegant steps, like a classical aristocrat, slowly stepping into the realm of the talent workshop.
However, at the moment when she crossed the railing and was about to pass through the guard room, the strange aura around her immediately turned her face aside. She raised her head in astonishment, and looked at the tall building in front of her in disbelief.
“The laws of physics have been changed? You actually turned the entire building into another world?”
Even in magic, it is a huge project to alienate a local world, and it is still a few hundred square meters of space, including the airspace and the ground, all of which are alienated. Just the materials needed to cast spells are conservatively estimated at least. It requires a huge sum of $1 trillion.
If it weren’t for the huge amount of funds, the three major churches that now occupy the mainstream of the magic side would not have set up a ‘barrier’ in their old nest that was inferior to the alienation.
“I’m looking forward to it more and more, maybe the guy this time is the real one.”
As a witch, and a witch who has survived for nearly a thousand years, Le Tilly is very aware of the harsh requirements of alienation on the caster, and it is precisely because of this that she is looking forward to her visit this time.
…If the other party is really the legendary Demon God who can grant all wishes, she should be able to fulfill her long-cherished wish, right?
“Hey, young lady, you have been standing here for a long time. If you want to visit, please register here.”
The white-bearded old man who was guarding the gate, who was replaced by the old man Gu Xin, patted the glass window, and shouted to Rattilie, motioning for the other party to come over to register and report.
“I understand.” Rattilie, who was awakened by the voice, turned her head and nodded towards the doorman with a smile on her face.
Gu Xin lowered his head, took out the registration form and credit card machine from the drawer, put his hand out of the window, placed it on the table in front of the window, against the outside wall of the guard, and motioned for Ratili to fill in and use it.
Seeing this scene, Lei Tili did not hesitate, took out her ID card, swiped it on the card machine, then picked up the signature pen, and wrote her name and the person she visited on the registration form. The registration form was then handed to the guard.
Just when Gu Xin stretched out his hand to take the registration form, Lei Tili shrank her small hand, looked at the old face of the other party, and said with a smile.
“The stench of the devil is almost overflowing, old gentleman.”
“It’s the same here. I managed to hold back the witch’s foul smell, a guest with impure motives.” The old man grinned, and a strange smile appeared on his old face.
“Can you put your paws away? I came here with great sincerity this time.”
Rattilie looked at the doorman who only had half of her body exposed in the window in front of her, and the rest of the body was hidden in the dark. She tilted her head and glanced at the other’s left hand, which was blocked by the wall.
If nothing else, there should be a demon’s claw there, ready to grab the wall and tear her body apart.
“Sorry, that His Majesty’s job for us is to intercept bad guests. If you let me through, I will be very troubled.”
Gu Xin smiled and looked at the beautiful appearance of the blonde loli in front of her, her eyes were full of cruelty unique to the devil.
“Although I don’t want to leave a bad impression on the first visit, it seems that things are unavoidable. Really, I didn’t want to do it.” Leitili sighed and pulled back the cloak, revealing the pure white underneath. Flawless, at first glance, it is a small hand that is often maintained.
“It seems that I have been underestimated. This is really irritating.”
The demon who advocates violence can’t tolerate the fact that he is regarded as a trash fish, especially when the woman in front of him is only a bit stronger than him in terms of breath, and it is not enough to crush the gap at all, it is even more intolerable.
However, just when the demon was about to tear off the disguise and shred the offender in front of him, Gu Xin suddenly stopped, turned around, and lowered the demon’s noble head towards the building.
“My subordinates understand, so I’ll take this young lady upstairs.”
Lei Tili, who was preparing for battle, was stunned for a moment, and then her expression changed. She glanced at the building beside her in surprise, and said with some surprise in her eyes.
“It seems that the Demon God is willing to see me?”
“Come with me, unpleasant little guy.” Gu Xin pushed open the door of the guard’s room, walked out, and walked ahead with a somewhat calm expression.
“You can make a monster like you be so frightened, yet you only dare to get angry at me. To be honest, I’m looking forward to meeting that majesty.”
Between the words, Ratiri was already convinced that the only one who could subdue this demon who was comparable to a saint or even an angel in front of her was the “Demon God” who had reached the realm of the real god and lived at the apex of the magic side.
“Looking forward? I think you should have pity on your future.”
Gu Xin said with a gloomy smile without looking back, no one knows the preferences of that existence better than them, the dead servants who were enslaved.The thousand-year-old gothic lolita witch is among the “collections” of the devil king, and it is also a unique treasure.
“The future? I don’t care about that kind of thing.” Facing the devil’s malicious words, Laidili smiled lightly, not to be outdone.
“Oh, so it seems that you may suffer less.”
Gu Xin playfully terminated the conversation, led Laitili to the elevator, arrived at the office on the top floor, and pushed open the wooden door.
Inside the office, the silver-haired young man sitting on the sofa raised his head following the sound of the door being pushed, and looked at the two people at the door.
“It’s our first meeting, “Immortal Witch” Laidili Dagrulod.”

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