Aversion to Cold
“The Divine Saber of Salvation. My teacher! All my friends! Many heavenly weapons bestowed by immortals and great gods! Now is the time to show your true power!”
The platinum-gold divine saber of salvation that Rama held tightly in both hands slowly deformed, and the huge square magic square behind the chariot was undoubtedly the Mandala square. This time, instead of throwing out the divine tools bestowed by the gods with the lightning of salvation, he turned them into arrows.
A pitch-black steel longbow appeared in Rama’s hand, and a quiver appeared behind it at some point, with dozens of bows and arrows inside the arrow. It was given by Indra, the God of Thunder, together with the Supreme Bow, a mysterious quiver that never runs out of arrows. Inside the quiver are various bows and arrows bestowed by the saints and gods who are the master of martial arts of Prince Rama…
Rama, who was riding on the chariot of the sky, bent his bow and set an arrow, pointing the arrow at Yuu in the air and said.
“The power you are still using to restrain me is the power to manipulate the energy density in the atmosphere. It is naturally a great weapon to kill other gods, but I am only slightly inferior to you in terms of physical strength and divine power. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just a matter of getting used to it compared to going from the air to the deep sea. What’s more, what I’m best at is bow and arrow.”
Rama let go of the hand holding the bowstring, and the arrow shot out like a laser cannon.
At the same time, the weapons of the gods above the mandala square behind Rama also aimed at Yu’s body as Rama let go, and exploded like thunder., burst out.
Rama was trying to find Yu’s flaws with a long-range attack. When Yu said that life is better than death, he felt a chill that mortals, even gods, could not imagine. Therefore, in order to avoid that ending, he longed for victory. , since he was born, he has never been so eager to win.
The bows and arrows shot by the heroes of all the favors with their steel bows are not mere long-range weapons.
The bows and arrows that are shot carry the divine power of the gods such as Indra, the god of thunder, Agni, the god of fire, and Surya, the sun god.
Rama unsparingly shoots these bows and arrows through his hands or the mandala square behind him.
Even the least powerful arrows can trigger explosions and shock waves that wipe out a town completely. And, there’s a devastating bonus – a special ability that comes with the artifact.
Despite all these savage arrows, ‘a bow with twice its power’, “a bow with three times its power”, and “a bow with ten times its power” were constantly being taken out of Rama’s quiver.
In ancient Indian mythology, the battles of heroes are described in this way. The heroes who appear on the stage often use weapons such as bows and arrows and javelins. Most of those ranged tools are magic weapons. With the magic power of fire and lightning, it can cause huge damage.
Moreover, the heroes will also fly in the sky in chariots, which is in line with the current Rama’s posture.
By studying those accounts, modern scholars have proposed that ‘ancient India had a super civilization that was more advanced than modern science and technology’, ‘that was evidence that flying ships (or UFOs) attacked each other with missiles and started nuclear war’, etc. Weird statement.
Then Yu is now very sure of what the scholars said, because he saw Rama constantly taking out arrows with 1 hydrogen bomb as the power measurement unit, 2 times the power, 3 times or even 10 times the power, and shot at him.
Front, back, left, right, east, west, north and south, the terrifying arrows shot from eight directions formed an airtight barrage net, which locked Yu firmly inside, and being hit was an inevitable outcome.
Yu constantly adjusts the gravitational coefficient and makes his body make various evasive actions. If he can’t escape, he relies on his body to resist. He uses his divine feet to avoid the intuition of the godslayer and thinks that he will hurt his divine tool, so as to avoid the special effects of the divine tool. The risk of ability attack, at this time, like a martial arts expert dancing on the tip of a knife, he perfectly avoided the arrows, and at the same time quickly approached the blue-haired noble son.
The arrows escaped by Yu bombarded the white ground below indiscriminately. The arrows with terrifying destructive power were not so much arrows as hydrogen warheads, killing everything that existed on the ground. obliterate.
With a distance of less than 100 meters, it took Yuu more than ten minutes to reach Rama, kicking and punching with a terrifying mass to launch a fierce attack.
Rama wielded the divine sword and collided with Yu’s fists and feet.
The sound of the muscles being slashed and the sound of gold and iron intermingled sounded. The sharp feet of the Divine Salvation Sword and Yuu’s body surface defense cut into the flesh and blood, but the strongest bones of the human body were broken into sand.
No, it’s not that the halberd is smashed into the sand, but it is in a state of losing both sides. With the interlacing of a large number of blade bones, Yu’s hand and foot bones were obviously torn apart, and there were obvious gaps on the sword of salvation.
Yu kept trying to get close to Rama’s 1-meter empty circle formed by the length of his arms. However, with such an obvious intention, Rama did not know that the hero who saved the world used movements that completely violated human mechanics for countless years. The terrifying swordsmanship that he learned from fighting can’t be seen, and the unpredictable swordsmanship literally blocks Yu from 2 meters away, and he can only consume it recklessly with Rama.
The scene suddenly fell into a stalemate, Yu’s bones were cut off but quickly recovered under the action of the earth’s vitality, and Rama quickly made up for the gap when the sword appeared.
However, as time passed, Yu fell into a state of anxiety, and regardless of his physical endurance, he began to support the quality of the African continent, and thus threw a heavier punch.
The Sword of Salvation is a terrifying divine sword that captures the power of the earth and turns it into several uses. The magic power that contains the rules of the earth is naturally also a kind of power of the earth. Previously, the magic power strengthened the flesh and collided with the divine sword, and it could also ignore the devouring power of the divine sword. , but once the divine sword slashes into the body, it cannot prevent it from being absorbed from the inside.
In this regard, Rama naturally noticed this, and manipulated the divine sword to continuously absorb Yu’s power to recover himself. Even if the tiger’s mouth in the palm was cracked by the shock force of the intersecting blade and bones, Rama did his best to maintain the fight. . If this situation continued for a month, Yuu, who possessed a huge amount of magic power, would be exhausted and die in all likelihood. As long as Rama could withstand Yu’s ever-increasing punches, the scale of victory would be won. will be transferred to him.
It was because he saw the hope of victory that Rama struggled under the terrifying punch that was enough to blast the moon.
At this moment, beside the quiver behind Rama, an amorphous shadow was wriggling.
Shadows have parts that are quite similar to human arms. The arm reached for the quiver, trying to draw a black bow from it. It was an arrow with an arrow and feathers made of pure black. The moment he saw the arrow, Yuu, who received Rama’s message, understood. It was the arrow of destruction that was infused with the power of one of the three Indian gods, Shiva, the god of destruction.
“Brother, let me help you!!!”
The Shadow Arm took the arrow of Shiva from Rama’s back while Rama was struggling.
Rama’s pupils contracted violently, goosebumps rose all over his body, an ominous chill shrouded him, and he roared loudly.
“idiot,stop it! “

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