The Golden Retriever’s Worries!
At night, on the streets of the seventh school district.
Pedestrians who passed by cast their curious and surprised gazes towards the wooden benches in front of the park.
In the eyes of passers-by, a woman in a white coat, like a scientific researcher, is sitting on a bench, but what attracts their attention more is the object she is assisting in grooming.
A very fashionable golden retriever guide dog with a lit cigar in his mouth and sunglasses.
“That’s right, the only one, it’s there! Really, it’s really a troublesome thing for this body to attract fleas. I can’t lick these dirty little things with my tongue.”
Kihara’s brain stem lowered his voice, his tone seemed very helpless. It’s not easy to be a dog these days, especially if you were a human and now you are a dog, it’s even more difficult. There is a huge gap in life behavior.
“If it weren’t for the fact that you were not diligent enough to take a bath, teacher, this kind of thing would not have happened.” Kihara Yuki said with a smile while combing the golden guide dog’s fluff with a comb.
“I used to like bathing very much, but since I became a dog, I have become afraid of water, and…”
Kihara’s brain stem’s words paused for a while, because seeingArriving at a cute golden retriever, the tail behind him kept swaying due to excitement, as if he had seen some peerless beauty.
It was not until the golden retriever was taken away by her owner, a pretty high school girl, that Kihara’s brain stem came back to her senses, looking very helpless.
“The instinctive habits of living things are really an interesting research topic. The object I should be interested in should not be the little animal, but its owner. That’s right~!”
Kihara Naogan murmured, as if expressing strong regret for his gradually distorted view of choosing a mate.
“Teacher, you should be glad that the target of your brain transplant is a male dog, but I now think that you should have chosen a female dog in the first place.”
Kihara only brushed the golden retriever’s fur expressionlessly, and looked at the golden retriever in the distance with some disgust, as if he was jealous of the other party.
“Bitch, that’s really forgiving me.” Kihara’s brain stem muttered, and then the communicator on its neck made the long-awaited beeping sound.
“It was later than expected, Aleister.”
[…] The other end of the communication chose silence.
“As you can see on the stagnant loop line, both Ratiri Dagururod and Naruto Alyssa have fallen into the hands of Mr. Zhou. With all due respect, in order to avoid being made into dog meat hot pot, I chose to retreat on my own, you won’t blame me, will you?”
Kihara’s brain stem spoke to Aleister in a joking tone.
[It’s okay, it’s just that some interesting experiments are missing. Compared to losing you, this level is irrelevant. 】Aleister said indifferently.
“It really moved me to say this from your mouth.” Kihara’s brain stem grinned, revealing his sharp canine teeth.
“However, as an old partner, let me remind you that that peculiar demon god doesn’t seem to be the same as us!” Kihara’s brain stem took a deep breath of the cigar, protruding a string of smoke rings.
Although they didn’t meet formally, it’s not that Yuu’s action information and Kihara Brainstalk have not been studied in detail. That egoist’s behavior made Kihara Brainsist worry about whether the other party will stab them for their own interests.
Aleister was silent for a while, then spoke up. […Relax, we are in the same position in dealing with ‘them’. 】
“Oh, I see what you mean. In that case, I don’t have any opinion. After all, as long as those guys die, I don’t care about anything~”
Kihara’s brain stem happily shook his tail and said in a light tone.
“Then, the detailed report and the research report of Lei Tili and others will be sent to your mailbox later. Please check it carefully.”
After speaking, Kihara raised his claws to close the contactor, jumped off the wooden chair, stepped on the floor in various ways, and said while walking.
“The only one, it’s time to go, the beautiful nightlife is about to start, I have to go to Kabuki to listen to and tease those lovely young ladies.”
“I think Teacher, you should consider changing your mind with the bitch!”
“Only this one will spare me!”
During the conversation, one person and one dog gradually disappeared into the alley at the intersection.
In the shadow of the wooden chair on the ground, a dead servant silently floated up from the ground, touched the head that had just been stepped on by the golden retriever, and said with a gloomy expression.
“…Have you been let go?”

In the office of the talent workshop, while rubbing her ears, Yu looked helplessly at Index who was sleeping soundly on the sofa chair, and shrugged.
“The little girl’s temper is really big enough. She just bit me for 30 minutes. She bit me until she felt sleepy before letting go. She even made an appointment with me to wake up and bite. It’s really enough.”
However, as a scum who bullies Loli, Yu has no intention of applying for his innocence. If Index wants to lose her temper, she can lose her temper. If she invites the other party to eat a few more big meals these days, she will be able to forget it. These are unpleasant.
In the end, Index, who only knows a little bit of adult knowledge, has no girl consciousness at all, and is only instinctively shy, is really coaxing.
Suddenly, the landline phone on the desk made a beeping sound.
Yu frowned, covered Index with a stack of towels, then stood up, walked quickly to the desk, glanced at the number, pressed the answer button, and said.
“It’s strange, why would you come looking for me at such a time? Aleister.”
[After all, what you did this time was too conspicuous. Meteorological observatories in various countries have detected your bad horse. Compared with the relevant inquiry document, you are already drafting it, right? 】
Aleister on the other end of the communication said calmly.
“You seem to be concerned about these troubles.” Yu said with some disdain.
[Trouble is trouble after all, but in contrast, your actions of taking back Ratiri and Narugo Alyssa made me even more ‘trouble’. 】Aleister said meaningfully.
“A person who hides in the back and waits for Rattilie to research the results, and who wants to analyze the ‘miracle’ without even a single bit of energy, has the face to say such a thing?”
Yu said in a somewhat sarcastic tone, he didn’t believe that the Aleister Club didn’t know any news of the Aleister Club all these years when Le Tili was staring at the Star Track Gate as the president of the Academy City.
In fact, before going to Endymion, he felt the existence of the golden retriever, but he didn’t break through the other party’s concealment.
Aleister was silent for a while, then spoke up. […I found that you like to snatch my experimental materials, is this a bad taste? 】
“Do you think so? If nothing elseIf anything happens, I’ll hang up. “You are too lazy to guess with the other party, directly implying that Aleister is entering the theme.
Aleister seemed to expect that Yu would be impatient, and then Yu said. [The security work during the Daba Star Festival, I am afraid you will take over it yourself. 】
Yu frowned, and said in a somewhat surprised tone. He didn’t believe that Aleister said this on purpose, he just hoped that he would be solely responsible for security.
It can be said that, I am afraid that he has received some bad news that the danger cannot be determined, so he specially reminded himself.
Yu was silent for a while, then said.
“I understand!”
After hanging up the call, Yoo turned around, looked at the bright night sky, and frowned.
“So, who’s out?”

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