The woman who is about to dance on the sword!
The Daha Star Festival in Academy City attracts tourists from all over the world.
And for some innkeepers in Tachikawa City, Tokyo, which is close to the academy city, every September is a month for them to eat delicious food and drink spicy food.
After all, there are always some tourists who do not choose the high accommodation fees in the academy city due to economic reasons, but choose to live in their hotels. Although it is a bit troublesome to go in and out of the academy city security check every day, compared to those cute banknotes, these troubles are all worth it. tolerable.
And today, when the opening ceremony of the Academy City was about to begin, a hotel chain called Chuzuru in Lichuan City welcomed a strange guest.
It was a blond-haired Caucasian woman in the late twenties. She was wearing an old suit with many frayed edges and corners, and even some faded white monk clothes. Her facial features were obviously very beautiful, but she exuded a A classical and old illusion, like an old man living in the 19th century.
The waitress in charge of the store looked curiously at the woman who was going through the registration procedures in front of her. This timing was too ingenious. If she was here to participate in the Daba Star Festival, it should be too late to rush to the opening ceremony, but if not, this time The visit of this kind of religious figures is very strange.
And when the waitress enthusiastically asked if she needed catering services, the other party smiled and refused, saying that she just wanted a room for prayer, which surprised her very much.
“Lidovia Lorenzetti, is this really a weird person?” The waitress looked at the name on the check-in application and touched her cheek in confusion.
On the other side, Lidovia, who got the room key, clasped her hands together, and walked slowly to the front of the room like a devout nun. After opening the door, she gently locked the door, and then took out the A long outdated Nokia mobile phone dialed a number.
The phone was connected through a blind tone, and a beautiful female voice came from the phone’s loudspeaker.
“Call me at this time, it seems that you have found a safe turtle shell, ‘Confession Tuesday’.”
“This kind of title given by outsiders can be avoided, so where is your current position, Orianna Thomson.” Lidovia sat on the bed covered with white sheets, and said calmly.
“Ah, we’ve arrived near the entrance of the academy city. To be honest, the security here is really lax, although it’s only at the level of some research institutes.”
Oriana’s voice full of laughter came from the phone.
“Take back your arrogance, this job is not as simple as you imagined, even if you are a well-known ‘deliverer’ on our side, facing the means of science, if you are not careful, you will capsize. “For the arrogant words of her allies, Lidovia issued a kind reminder.
“Why do you think I would call you outside the academy city?”
Orianna said in a playful tone. Although on the magic side, OllieAnna is not ignorant of the methods on the scientific side. Compared with some special agents, the methods of signal interference and anti-eavesdropping are not inferior.
“It seems that I’m a little too nervous. I take back the foreword, Orianna, you are an excellent delivery person.” Lidovia sighed and made a cross in front of her.
“To make the confession of ‘disregarding everything for the mission’ to be so tense on Tuesday, it seems that my mission this time is very serious~”
Orianna said in a relaxed tone, but only she herself knew whether it was easy or not.
“Do you take that thing with you?” Orianna said in a low voice.
“Take it, you don’t have to worry about this matter, you just need to hand it over to someone on the side of the sect.” Lidovia frowned, expressing her anger by deliberately mentioning that thing for Orianna, Therefore, the tone naturally became severe.
“Something? Isn’t this an empty shell?” Orianna, who was leaning against a green tree in the park, looked a little surprised at the long wrap she was holding under her arm.
“‘calibur’, or the sword in the stone, is its official name. Of course, it was only a fake made by the ancestors of the orthodox religion after seeing the majesty of the legendary king in the first century.
Of course, after the news is leaked, even if it is a fake, the Eagle Kingdom will spare no effort to get this thing. After all, they call themselves Arthur’s orthodox heirs, don’t they? ”
Lidovia spoke in a flat tone that would make the Eagle Royal Family jump.
“The three factions of the Knights, Puritans, Royals, and Eagle Kingdom are desperately pursuing them. I regret taking this business, Miss Tuesday with a black heart.”
Orianna’s mouth twitched slightly, looking at the package she was holding, as if looking at a volcano.
Anyone who has heard of “calibur” knows the importance of this thing. The person who drew this sword is Camelot’s chosen king. If someone in modern times takes this thing and raises his arms, even if it’s just a fake, Eagle Kingdom Splits are inevitable.
As if she thought Orianna wasn’t miserable enough, Lidovia said calmly. “I think that woman, Laura Stuart, has secretly arrived in Academy City?”
“The biggest bishop of the Eagle Country personally dispatched. This is really a big scene. I think I got your light, right? Miss Tuesday.” Orianna said with a slightly blue face.
When it comes to preaching, Laura Stuart has to be mentioned when Lidovia Laurent Jetti is mentioned.
The two women were like icons of Orthodoxy and Puritanism, spreading the Gospel of the Lord to fifty-two pagan nations in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Of course, after becoming the biggest bishop, the old ‘Saint’ Laura Stuart gradually retreated behind the scenes.
And Lidovia, a figure in the new era, is also in a high position in the Orthodox Church. Although she is still preaching, the frequency has decreased significantly.
But the reputation of the two on the magic side is still comparable.
And just like people are used to comparing these two people, the two are notoriously life-and-death opponents on the magic side. The source seems to be a conflict in missionary work, but now, the reason is naturally irrelevant.
Therefore, Orianna said that she was in the light of Lidovia. It is a matter of course to do it yourself.
Lidovia closed her eyes, she was not afraid of Laura Stuart, because the strong past experience of the enemy would only be the driving force for her struggle, but, due to Orianna’s mental problems, she had to Consider it.
Thinking like this, Lidovia immediately comforted her. “No problem, it’s a good thing for that woman to arrive in person, don’t forget, there is another monster living in this city now, and even the joint attack of the most dark part of the three major sects can be blocked, and it is almost impossible to even see each other. Declare the monster of destruction.”
“Heh, the devil who reigns over the modern age? I always feel like I’m the rhythm of the pill.” Orianna was even more frightened after saying this.
A demon god, the greatest bishop, and probably Aleister, the founder of the academy city, is going to dance in front of these three people this time! The one who kills can’t be killed anymore!
“Relax, that demon god’s weakness is too obvious, why do you think I specially asked you to deliver the goods?” Lidoviya said with a slight hook at the corner of her mouth.
The corner of Orianna’s mouth twitched slightly, and she said that her characteristics, in addition to the glorious history of 100% delivery in the past, is this good-looking skin, right?
“Come on, Orianna, everything is for the ‘one and only voice’, so that there is only Roman Orthodox thought in this world!”
With such words of encouragement, Orianna and Lidovia cut off communication.
In the park, Orianna looked at the beeping phone in front of her and muttered.
“Woman? I don’t want to devote myself to the mission!!”
However, after saying this, Orianna did not move slowly. She took off the gray hat hanging on the branch, put it on her head, clamped the package in her hand, and strode towards the gate of the academy city.

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