The world deeply influenced by the devil
There are many demon gods in this world.
China, India, Northern Europe, Greece, Egypt…
Among these ancient civilizations, in countless reincarnations, the total number of demon gods born is:
——Nine people!
This is a fact that Laura Stewart knows.
The so-called Demon God is actually an existence that has reached the realm of the gods, fulfilled his magic name, and fulfilled his wish to live in it.
They control the phase and arbitrarily dominate the entire world.
And the result of this, after the desire is achieved, is the endless emptiness.
Although it is said that they still have emotions and desires, they are too weak to be believed, and their enormous power will have various effects on the world and cause various troubles.
After all, after humans and some races know their existence, they will inevitably have all kinds of hostility to these gods who can arbitrarily affect themselves and destroy themselves.
Therefore, almost all the demon gods who had no desires and no desires went to the hidden world, and chose to leave this boring world to avoid their influence on the world.
This is not to say that demon gods fear human beings. In fact, there are many demon gods who destroy the world and destroy everything on earth.
But it all recovered again under the interference of other demon gods.
Each of the demon gods who control the phase can destroy the world and recast the world, so the act of destroying the world is already a tricky trick in the eyes of those demon gods.
As a result, the demon gods disappeared from the world, and some insiders chose to hide the terrifying power of the demon gods out of various considerations, but only vaguely regarded them as gods, making people fear their beliefs.
Therefore, there is currently no complete Demon God in the world.
However, in the previous contact, Lola met the complete “tenth person”, a demon who took the last step and was only short of making a phase.
For Laura, this is an extremely bad perception, and its worst level is second only to the time when she knew that Orells was about to ascend to the throne of the Demon God.
completeAfter all, the so-called Demon God uses the essence of magic to control all beings in the world.
The birth of almost every demon god represents the birth of a new aspect.
And when the new phase covers the world, the old world will be broken, and the new world will be born on the corpse of the old world.
And in that newly born world, there will only be the position of Orells and those who belong to it, and there will be no soil where Laura Stuart and Puritanism exist.
So, in Lola’s opinion, Orells couldn’t reach the top, so a wounded kitten appeared in front of Orells.
In fact, the person hiding behind the cat was not just Lola. At least in her perception, there were no less than three demon gods who interfered with this result.
Among them, the only one discovered by Orells was the former Demon God Othinus, who also belonged to the Nordic system.
So, of course, Orells regards Othinus as his mortal enemy. And Othinus, who has participated in herself, will naturally not deny this fact, but she did not reveal the other people behind her to the other party.
…The reason why it became like this is because ‘the birth of a demon god is not allowed. ’
It’s not that the world doesn’t allow it, it’s that the devil doesn’t allow it.
‘The cake has been divided up, and new sharers cannot be born. ’ This is the common will of the Demon Gods.
And under the will of these world-distorting powerhouses, even the fate of the world must yield to them.
Under the probability called chance, all those who can become demon gods will suffer bad luck.
And Orells wasn’t the only one who was cut off by the Demon God.
The last person to be cut off was named Edward Alexander.
…a man who was destroyed by the common will of the Demon God.
However, under such high pressure, the tenth person was born.
‘Probably hiding in a different world, avoiding the fate of the devil’s interference? ’ Laura can only use such reasons to explain the unreasonable phenomenon in front of her.
However, after learning about Yuu’s existence, Laura was actually very flustered.
The birth of a new Demon God means that the world is about to be reset by the newly born phase. This is a fact that has been experienced many times in this world.
Unlike Othinus’s return to the position of the demon god, her phase has already existed in the world, so naturally it can’t be reset.
However, Yu is completely different. As long as he wants to truly let his own phase dominate the world, it will inevitably lead to the reset of the world.
And in the world after reset, is there still a need for her Laura to exist?
Her family knows her own affairs. Although Laura can do everything a demon can do, she is not a real demon. Her power can only be used at the right time and against the right person.
Once the world resets, all her efforts will disappear.
That’s why she didn’t rashly choose to act in the face of Yu’s many disturbances and her plans being interrupted several times.
——From the beginning, Laura was taken by General Yu.
Fortunately for her, the other party doesn’t know this fact, or can guess how much, but can never be sure.
However, what made Laura even more happy was the fact that she realized during the test just now.
The new demon god is still fascinated by this world, and he is still lusting after women and profit.
There is nothing more worthy of making Laura happy than this, because it means that the reset time of the world will be delayed to the extreme.
However, this is only a temporary measure.
When Yuu enjoys enough and reaches the level where those ancient demons have no desires or desires, then this world will naturally usher in its final end.
And this is what Laura doesn’t want to see.
In Puritanism, she has put in too much effort. Puritanism is still only a force belonging to the Eagle Kingdom, and there are still too many ideas that have not been realized…
So… she had to stop Yuu from thinking about creating aspects.
And the premise of this is that Laura must have enough interference with Yu’s thoughts.
This is the main reason why Laura Stuart visits Academy City herself.

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