People! is dirty.
Oriana looked at the man sitting on the sofa with a complex expression. She pulled the wrinkled quilt and covered her body with the thin summer duvet, but even so, there was still a large piece of greasy snow. Bailu outside attracts people’s daydreams.
…Women always have a special impression of their first man.
This is the same for Oriana.
She pursed her lips, like a helpless little animal. While she was angry, she also longed for the tolerance of the other party. It was too bad for Orianna to volunteer her own experience, which reminded her of the Eagle Kingdom. A depraved woman who solicits customers in an alley.
She thought about everything she had done, and realized that it was no different from those women, it was all for survival.
“Looking at me with that complex expression will make me think you want more, lovely Miss Persian cat.” Yuu, who was sitting on the sofa, turned her head and smiled at Oriana. The appearance, as if everything before has never happened.
However, the pain between her legs told Oriana that what happened before was not a nightmare she had.
“…Am I safe?”
Oliana pursed her lips, her curled up coquettishness, and her soft tone were like those weak little girls. No one could connect her with the confident and proud sister Yu before.
… Orianna is showing her weakness as much as possible, so as to increase Yu’s possibility of fulfilling her promise.
After all, in the eyes of those with the highest interests, agreement is something to be torn apart, and now Orianna doesn’t have enough interests to make you feel…
…The death-prevention gold medal is no longer valid.
“Anxin, I am reluctant to kill the woman I had a one-night affair with. Of course, the premise of all this is that you are not trying to die~”
Yu winked at Oriana playfully, and said in a very relaxed tone.
Oriana was silent. She stared straight at Yu’s eyes, trying to find out the slightest falsehood from those gray pupils. In the end, she didn’t find anything strange about her. She breathed a sigh of relief and let the sheets Sliding down the delicate skin, the whole person looked extraordinarily relaxed.
Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Yu went uncharacteristically and didn’t go beyond anything, just mumbling to himself on the sofa. “Really, make a fuss about Naiyazi, I’m not interested at all now.”
After disliking a certain troublemaker in his mouth, Yu slightly raised his head and focused his gaze on Oriana again.
“Okay, then as a digression, I want to ask about Lidvia’s whereabouts.”
Hearing Yu mentioning her employer this time, Orianna, who had just relaxed, raised her heart to her throat.
Looking at Orianna’s frightened face, You narrowed her eyes and said in a very relaxed tone.
“Don’t worry, if it’s a constraint on the magic contract, I will help you tamper with it.”
Orianna had no intention of responding at all, her vigilance against the capricious man in front of her had already reached its peak.
“Really, I really just wanted to say something off topic.” Seeing Oriana’s vigilance again, Yu shrugged, then raised her hand and patted it lightly.
Snapped-! Snapped–!Hearing the crisp applause, Orianna looked at Yuu with some puzzlement, and at this moment, with a creaking sound, the door of the hotel suite was gently pushed open.
Orianna’s expression changed, she pulled up the sheet in front of her, wrapped herself around her, and then looked at the corridor leading to the door with a wary expression.
Just as she watched, a blond woman in the second half of her twenties wearing a fiery red nun’s uniform appeared in front of the aisle.
“Vahilisa?!!” Orianna’s pupils shrank, and she stared at the figure that shouldn’t be here in astonishment.
…the leader of the Russian sect of Annihilation Baishu, a monster with the nickname of an ogre, and also, the woman who was in charge of the transaction with Lidovia, the destination of her delivery this time.
“The things are over there, take them with you.” You casually pointed to the long express box on the ground and said in an imperative tone.
Vasilisa didn’t say much. She picked up the money from the box on the ground, held it in her hand, bowed slightly to Yu, and then left the room obediently.
Orianna looked at the strange scene in front of her with a bit of astonishment. Because of Vasilisa’s attitude, she is now very suspicious that the man in front of her…
…Could it be the patriarch of the Adult Cult, who sees the dragon but does not see the end?
Just when Orianna was startled, Yu’s voice rang again.
“Okay, according to the content of the transaction, your task should be completed, then the corresponding contract has been reached, and now Lidoviya is no longer your employer, then, can we now proceed to our digression?”
Orianna was stunned for a moment, then gave a wry smile, curled up and said.
“Knowing this kind of secret, am I really safe now?”
“It’s very safe. Of course, if you don’t want to be silenced, you still have to pay a regular ‘protection fee’.” Yu made a very hypocritical request for Orianna to “serve” for a long time.
Sadly, even Orianna believes that maintaining such a relationship for a long time can better save her life. As long as Yuu still desires her body, then her safety can still be assured.
“If you hand over the Sword of King Selection to the Chengjiao, aren’t you worried about the overreaction from the Puritans?”
“You seem to have made a mistake. The Eagle Nation has never notified the college city of Lidovia’s transaction with Chengjiao, it’s just an application for the right to act.”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and a wicked smile appeared on her face.
“So, including me, the senior management of Academy City didn’t know about the selection of the King’s Sword, and the delivery person Orianna Thomson took advantage of my ‘most unprepared moment’ to take the opportunity to complete the transaction.”
Hearing this sentence, Orianna’s eyelids couldn’t help shaking a few times, and she looked at Yuu in front of her speechlessly.
It was obviously that she was played to the ground, but she wanted to say that she squeezed the other party dry. It was obviously that her farmland was almost destroyed, right?
“You big guys are really the same ‘dirty’.”
“Thank you for the compliment.” You replied with a smile, and then said in a playful tone.
“Then, can we say it? Is there a tombstone of St. Peter, the spiritual item called ‘Apostle’s Cross’ beside Lidovia…”
Orianna sighed, then nodded, and explained Lidovia’s plan to Yu.

The time is about an hour later.
Somewhere in a hotel in Tokyo, Litopia’s temporary room.
“Miss Laurencetty, the dinner you ordered has arrived.”
The nun who was praying just stood up, took a cross in front of her, and walked slowly to the door.

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