It’s time to wake up, Ddraig!
“If you don’t get up again! I’ll… kiss it!” In the early morning, the alarm clock of Aojiao~Soundline rang again in the room.
Swish! Yuu, who was lying on the bed, instantly threw his right fist, but the fist stopped abruptly at a distance of one millimeter from the surface of the alarm clock.
Considering that if the alarm clock broke, it would be a waste of mantra to create it, Yoo hesitated for a moment and then stopped the atrocities.
He opened his eyes slightly, gently removed the red jade wrist that covered his body, lifted the soft silver hair scattered on his face, and got up and dressed in silence.
But even if it was a very slight move, it still woke up Ke Ren next to him.
“Ugh… good morning, my lord.”
Eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened those dreamy purple eyes. With a blush that could not be concealed on his perfect and exquisite face, the new ancestor tried to sit up and serve his master.
The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and Yu reached out and stroked the silver-haired little boy.The girl’s little head messed up her silver hair, which was smoother than the smoothest silk.
A breeze blew over from the window, and the pages of the magazine beside him were slowly turning, each page with patterns of various poses coming into view.
You reached out, picked up the magazine and threw it into the trash can 3 meters away. There was a bang! a soft sound.
“Hey, why did you throw away that book?” The silver-haired girl supported the bed with both hands, lifted her upper body, and let the sheets slide off her body, revealing her body covered in pink hickeys.
“Because everything recorded above has been used, so it’s worthless. Then Rama, you should rest at home.”
Yu stretched her waist, moving her tired body, especially her exhausted waist.
Yuu returned to the world of godslayers yesterday after relying on recovery powers to accumulate enough energy to travel through once.
The return time is the second after he disappeared. It is estimated that the time travel of the rule crystal is a terrifying ability related to the timeline.
While Godslayer World was absorbing the energy of the leylines to restore the spell power, he caught a silver-haired lamb and taught her social knowledge.
There is so much social knowledge that it took three days to learn it.
At this time, Yu had just put on the uniform of Juwang Academy, and began to infuse mana power into the transmigration crystal inside the egg, and then the space slowly distorted.
The next moment, Yu appeared in his room on the second floor of his home in the world of the devil’s high school, looking out the window at the sun with his whole body exposed, showing a pleasant smile.
Previously, Yu had accumulated enough spell power to travel back at this point in time. Because he was worried that the leylines that absorbed a large number of demons in the high school world would be discovered by the strong here, he chose to return to the Godslayer World to recover his strength.
Although, the uneaten silver-haired lamb was the main reason for Yu’s return. You slowly closed your eyes, feeling the magic power in your body drop from overflowing to 50%, the corners of your mouth twitched slightly.
“Sure enough, it consumes a lot.”
“Yu, it’s time to go to school! Breakfast is ready, come and eat quickly.” At this moment, the voice of “Mom” in the restaurant downstairs rang.
“Oh, come on!” Yu hurriedly opened the door and walked down the stairs. After returning home at 10 o’clock last night, Yuu used the power of hypnosis and was educated by that great housewife for a long time, and it was done in one go.
Previously, the two members of the Hyoudou family would take it for granted when they saw Yu doing any strange behavior, which really made Yu’s life a lot easier.
While biting a piece of toast, Yu fell into deep thought as he walked on the road to Kuou Academy.
The unlucky fallen angel didn’t get any new rules yesterday, so by the same token, the angels and demons probably don’t have any new rules either.
As for the special rules of the demon high school world, if you think about it, it really is all kinds of artifacts made by the gods of the Bible. Leaving aside the weak ones, there must be special rules on the thirteen gods.
Thinking of this, Yu divided part of his consciousness into the soul space, and found a sleeping red giant dragon on the infinite ground.
Huge eyes that are comparable to the wheels of a car, the red pupils inside can be seen from the slightly raised eyelids, and several sharp fangs grow from the big mouth that is cracked to the ears.
It seems that because he was still asleep, saliva kept flowing from his mouth.
There are a pair of huge horns on the head, and the scales covering the whole body are like magma, emitting a reddish-brown brilliance.
About 10 meters in diameter, limbs like tree trunks, and fierce claws with cold light.
What’s even more astonishing is that the pair of unfolded wings are probably more than 100 meters long. Standing below, Yu clearly understood for the first time what is called wings that cover the sky and block out the sun.
The Red Dragon Emperor—Draig, one of the dreamy two-day dragons, was defeated by the three forces of the Christianity, and his soul was sealed into the artifact by the God of the Bible.
That artifact is called the Cage of the Red Dragon Emperor. It was originally in the soul of Yu’s reincarnation. After recovering that part of the soul, it came to Yu’s current soul space.
Looking at Draig who was drooling all over in front of him, the corners of Yuu’s mouth curled up, revealing a nasty smile.
The boundless ground began to shake, and behind Ddraig, a stone rod emerged, and then absorbed the ground, slowly growing stronger.
“Eat me once, kill me for a thousand years!” The stone stick soared instantly, and in the blink of an eye, it hit somewhere… behind Ddraig.
“Wow!!~~~” It was clearly a creature belonging to the western giant dragon, but at this time it let out a cry like a snow wolf on the ice field.
Swish! With a sound, Draig swung his long tail, and with a sound of piercing through the air, he slammed on the stone stick stuck somewhere on it.
Snapped! With a bang, like waving a red light whip, the stone stick was split instantly, but the half in front was still stuck in Draig’s body~.
Draig’s eyes widened suddenly. The red pupils kept scanning the surroundings, looking for traces of the enemy. Then, it froze.
The deserts, volcanoes, basins, and the vast plains in the distance. Is this the soul space?
“Yo, are you awake? Draig!” Yu waved his arms, trying to make Draig notice the existence below.
Gah! Gala! Like a rusty gear, Ddraig turned his huge head, lowered his head slowly, and saw Yuu’s figure waving his arms below.
“You can really sleep, and you don’t even know that the site has changed. Fortunately, I woke you up.What if I fell asleep? “Yu looked at Draig’s back with a proud face, that was a super nirvana learned from Konoha.
The corners of Draig’s mouth twitched. Feeling the ‘relaxing’ feeling brought by the half stone stick stuck behind him, his eyes were suddenly blood red, revealing a ferocious face that was more ferocious than the most ferocious demon, and slowly opened it He took a big mouthful of blood.
“You bastard, die for me!!!”
Draig poked his head suddenly, and instantly bit Yuu’s body.

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