No, I’ll Teach You!
Cold and shaking.
Although there is no such thing as ‘you are the one with the best physical fitness present. ’ Such a famous line of infinite horror.
But in Miyi Aiyu’s view, the danger of the situation was even worse than that.
Because, where she is now is the last step before going to the experimental stage, specially made by the research and development institution of the academy city, used to fix the experimental body and carry out the inside of the capsule for experimental preparation.
The glass window of the capsule reflected Miyi Aiyu’s pale face, adding a bit of fragility to this delicate and beautiful girl, just like the sleeping beauty waiting for the prince to wake up in fairy tales.
The milky white mist floated in the capsule, and from time to time it entered her lungs under the breath of Miyi Aiyu. The chilly feeling chilled the girl’s heart for a while.
The specific gaseous solvent used for disinfection and sterilization is numbered HSA-003.
It is a high-efficiency gas developed by the secret research institute of the Academy City Anbu, which is used in the preparation of human body research.
As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw that she was soaked in this gas, even her hands and feet were fixed by U-shaped memory metal, and even saw more than one of the same kind from the corner of her eyes, Miyi Aiyu had an ominous feeling in her heart The premonition is getting deeper.
‘A small white mouse? This is really a tragic ending. ’ Miyi Aiyu laughed at herself in her heart, with strong resentment and hatred for being in such a situation surged in her heart.
She hated the capable person who captured her, even more than she hated Shokuhou Misaki.
In the final analysis, her hatred for Shokuhou Misaki was just venting her anger.
Clearly having the same LV5 potential as the other party, but in the end it was discarded due to lack of resources at the high-level. Without any retaliation against the high-level, it is the bad nature of human beings to vent their anger on Shokuhou Misaki.
However, now, Miantai Ayu has someone she hates even more.
A person who knocked her down for no reason and was about to be sent to the experimental table, relying on reading the memory of her brain, she clearly recalled the voice and name she heard when she was unconscious.
‘Will you follow the police policy? I remember you. If I’m still alive, I’ll definitely…’ Mitsuki Ayu Silver Fang tensed, struggling to free her hand from the fixed metal.
However, apart from making her skin flushed and even bruised, her struggle had no effect. Even the most proud psychological piercing was useless in the face of metal machinery.
The girl collapsed into the capsule dejectedly, pinning hopelessly on the counterattack before going to the test bench..
But according to her understanding, this capsule will release a special anesthetic before starting the experiment.
“I can only… wait to die?” Mim Aiyu, who was lying in the capsule, said unwillingly. At such a time, how much she hoped that someone could save her.
It’s like in the past, when she learned about the quality judgment, she sent a distress message to the spiky-headed boy in urban legends.
However, that time, the teenager failed due to an accident on the road, until the honey ant Aiyu, who threw himself into the lake, saved himself from the desire to survive, and the other party did not appear in time.
Now, whether it is asking for help or self-saving, it is impossible to do it.
Mi Ant Aiyu thought sadly.
She is only 14 years old, and she still has a lot of time to squander. Even if she can’t become a superpower based on her potential, the allowance of LV3 is the salary of ordinary white-collar workers. In life, except for that setback, other fundamental It’s no big deal.
She wants to eat the food all over the world, she also wants to use her own abilities and charm to form a clique like Shokuhou, and she also wants to have a sweet love like each other, instead of waiting in a cold capsule to be delivered lab bench.
At the sound of the door opening, a surprise flashed in Aiyu’s eyes, but it turned into fear in the next second.
After all, the people who open the door at this time, and who are still in this suspected secret research institute, are only those who are cold and ruthless—researchers! !
Thinking like this, Miyant Aiyu closed her eyes instantly, and even used her ability to force herself to empty her mind to prevent her restless heartbeat and breathing from being discovered by the other party.
However, in fact, the little mouse holding its breath and heartbeat has long been detected.
“Oh, it’s really spectacular, isn’t it?”
Entering the room, Yoo turned his head and looked at the whole room.
No more, no less, 20 capsules, and the front of the capsules are marked with signs like the labels of mice to identify their abilities.
In comparison, this is the ‘multi-talented ability reserve’ that Kihara Gensei uses to display the superiority of his phantom master.
However, it is a pity that the absolute ability person has the AIM position to suppress the ability person who is lower than his own, so even if Kihara Gensei prepares more abilities, facing the absolute ability person, Shokuhou Kai will only end in a fiasco. .
Even the first person was beaten by Misaka Mikoto under this disparity. What kind of thing is Kihara Gensei?
“Perspective eyes, clairvoyance, oxygen manipulation, and even vector manipulation? The preparations are really sufficient.”
While walking through the aisle, Yoo observed the signs on the capsule. As he passed, the power of the Book of Cornerstones swept over these capable users without stagnation, and recorded their abilities in the database to prepare for Yoo. See usage.
After walking away, Yubian stood in front of the capsule marked with psychological perforation, looking down at Mi Ant Aiyu’s peaceful sleeping face.
In perception, the girl’s strong heartbeat vibrated like a pile driver, but on the surface, the other party still looked like that weak and helpless Sleeping Beauty.
“Is this the psychological perforation kidnapped by Kihara Gensei?” Yuu, who was standing in front of the capsule, deliberately said to himself.
‘Kidnapped by Kihara Gensei? ’
Hearing these words, Miyant Ayu’s mind suddenly became alive. Judging from this sentence, the other party does not seem to be in the same group as the person who kidnapped him?
“Although there is a confession from the police, but a person with spiritual abilities similar to Xiao Qi?”
Hearing Yuna’s inexplicable words, Miyant Aiyu didn’t know what it was like in her heart.
There is only one man known by Miy Aiyu who can use the title Xiaoqi, the queen of bees, a young boyfriend at the top.
Thinking of the conversations recorded by the subconscious mind in the coma, the current situation should be that the police plan to kidnap her and Kihara Gensei’s plan failed and was ‘handled’ by the director here in front of him.
Thinking about the situation where Tiantian should not be called and the ground is not working, compared to Shokuhou Caoqi, it is a little dangerous, and there is a boyfriend who is the director to escort her… Sure enough, it is not without reason that she hates Shokuhou Caoqi what!
Both of them have the same aptitude and the same sweetness in appearance. Although Shokuhou Caoqi is unusually full, her legs are completely overwhelmed by the number of opponents. Obviously, they should be equal.
But from the encounter, the power, the influence, and even her boyfriend, she was thrown out of ten streets by the other party. How can this make Mi Ant Aiyu angry?
“It’s quite cute if you look closely. Although the chest is a little smaller, are these legs much more pleasing to the eye than Xiao Qi’s?”
You blatantly observed the long legs of the white flower in front of the girl pretending to be sleeping, and even opened the capsule and touched a handful, which made the sleeping honey ant Aiyu so angry and annoyed that she almost didn’t show her feet.
Mitsuya Ayu, who was gently stroked, couldn’t help shaking her legs.
“Are you awake?” You narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.
Knowing that she couldn’t hold on, Miyant Ayu opened her eyes and looked at the handsome boy in front of her helplessly and weakly.
If it was a normal person, probably because of the girl’s weak expression, a strong desire to protect her would arise, and she would even be reluctant to bear the other party because of the influence of Miyant Aiyu’s psychological piercing ability.
But it’s Yuu instead…
“Zijia, have you done it?”
Ayu Mitsuya, who had fully activated her abilities, had a stunned expression.
“No, then I’ll teach you!”
A wicked smile appeared on Yuu’s face.

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