Lord, please arrange for an angel to save me
Youyou carefully looked at the beautiful blonde girl in front of her. Her green eyes were beautiful and deep, and her golden waist-length hair fell out of the white veil, exuding a golden brilliance under the sun.
She was wearing a standard nun uniform with a black background and blue collar, but the wide nun uniform could not conceal the girl’s graceful figure.
The blond girl showed a distressed expression on her small and delicate face, her eyes were filled with water vapor, obviously hurt from the fall.
“It hurts~it hurts~it hurts~” She quickly stretched out her jade-white hands, covered her reddened nose, and rubbed gently, her sweet voice tinged with tears.
Then a faint green fluorescent light appeared in his hand, and the green fluorescent light softly shone on the girl’s face, and then the originally red bridge of the nose slowly returned to its pure white color.
The pedestrians walking around were stunned at the green light in the girl’s hand, and the originally bustling street suddenly fell into an eerie silence.
After recovering from her injuries, the girl raised her head slightly, just in time to see Yuu’s expression covered with black lines, she tilted her head slightly, and said in doubt. “can I help you?”
The black line on Youyou’s forehead exploded and spread to his face. The corners of his mouth twitched and looked at the blonde girl in front of him. He walked forward quickly, held down that small head and rubbed it continuously.
“Ah! Don’t mess with my hair!” The girl hurriedly lifted it up and grabbed the messy big hand,The misty eyes now took on a dissatisfied look, and looked at Yuu with hatred.
Snapped! With a light sound, the crowds who were watching all around returned to normal traffic as if they had been manipulated.
“Huh??” A middle-aged office worker passed by the blonde girl, and the girl noticed the incomparably empty eyes of the middle-aged office worker.
The girl looked around curiously and found that all the people were walking on the road with empty eyes. Then she puffed out her cheeks and said dissatisfiedly to You.
“That, sir. Did you do anything bad to everyone! Please stop this kind of intentionally hurting others.”
Yu sighed helplessly, and a head popped on the girl’s forehead. “Who do you think did the harm, using divine weapons in front of ordinary people? Are you really stupid or fake?”
After Yu finished speaking, her face suddenly became confused. Blonde, nun, healing artifact? Yuu opened his mouth tentatively. “Is that Aisha Argento?”
“Eh?? Yes, I’m Aisha Argento, may I ask who you are?” Aisha looked at the silver-haired youth in front of her suspiciously, and then suddenly showed a look of enlightenment.
“Is it the priest of Kuwang Town? That’s great, I finally found you. Did you feel the Lord’s guidance to rescue me?”
You stared blankly at the delighted Aisha in front of her, speechless. what’s the situation?
“Well, sorry, I missed the reporting time, because I don’t speak Mandarin very well, and I forgot to buy a map. Then I got lost, and no one on the road could understand what I was saying…”
Elsa looked at Yu shyly, raised her hands to her chest, pointed her fingers, and shyly explained to him why she missed the reporting time.
Hearing Aisha’s words, Yu naturally noticed that the cute girl in front of her seemed to regard him as a priest who came to answer. After figuring it out, the corners of Yu’s mouth grinned, revealing a wicked smile.
“Hey, Sister Elsa. It’s common in this country to apologize for showing your fat.”
“Eh!! Is that so?” Asia blushed, took a few steps back, and looked at Yuu in shock.
The scene lasted for a few minutes. Seeing Yu’s serious and serious face, Aisha hesitated for a moment, slowly lifted the nun’s clothes, maintained this posture, and said softly.
“.That, I’m sorry! I’m late.”
“Oh, it’s okay, then I’ll take you to our base.” Yu looked at Aisha’s apology gesture with joy, and smirked.
Yu took Aisha’s hand, and after walking a few steps, she turned around, the caged hand of Emperor Chilong appeared on her arm, and said to Aisha with a serious face.
“Aisha, you have to remember, don’t use divine weapons in front of ordinary people…you will be rejected.”
Aisha’s pupils shrank enormously, her memory of childhood loneliness echoed in her mind, and her face was sad. “Is that so, thank you Father for the reminder.”
“Oh, and also, I don’t want to be a priest, you can just call me Yuu. Please give me some advice, Aisha.” Yushen shot out and continued to mess up Aisha’s hair with a bad expression.
“Take care of you, Mr. Yu… Well, you said don’t mess with my head!!” Aisha pouted in dissatisfaction, patted the big hand that was doing the trick, and after finding that the resistance was ineffective, her mouth kept saying Muttered softly.
“…Bullying people~~”
Kuo Academy, Occult Research Society.
Aisha looked at the four people on the opposite sofa who exuded a strong demonic atmosphere with a confused expression.
Before coming to Kuwang Town, Aisha happened to come into contact with a demon, because the demon brought her an unfortunate encounter, so she was deeply impressed by the demon’s breath.
Everyone else is fine. The red-haired big sister who is leaning lazily on the sofa across from her must be a very advanced demon.
Aisha turned her head stiffly like a rusted cog, looking at Yuu with a smirk and said.
“Well, Mr. Yu… It doesn’t seem like this is a church, and… it seems that we ran into the devil’s base camp…” Elsa’s sweet voice was filled with lingering sadness.
Foreword, lord far away in heaven, your devout believer Aisha has fallen into the devil’s lair, can you please send an angel over here?
“That’s right, this is our base camp.” Yu said with a serious look at the melancholy Aisha, then turned around and looked at Rias with a wicked smile.
“Minister, I turned to… ah no, I found an artifact holder, the healing department has something to do with the fallen angel, do you dare to take over?”
Aisha looked at Yoo, who looked like a trafficker, with a shocked face, and asked tremblingly. “That, Mr. Yu…you are…”
Afterwards, Aisha opened her mouth slightly and stared blankly at Yu, her green pupils reflecting Yu’s bright smile with White Fang and the pair of huge bat wings behind him.
“Who will save me~~~” Aisha’s heart was extremely broken at this time.
Hearing the healing artifact, and the fallen angel, an electric light suddenly flashed in Rias’ mind.
After Yu met the Fallen Angel yesterday and tortured him to death, in order to prevent a conflict with the Fallen Angel, she and Junai deliberately investigated the Fallen Angel’s movements.
Then a certain fallen angel high-ranking traitor worshipped Mr., and silently put all the recent plans of the fallen angel in Heguo at the door of Akeno’s house.
In addition to the information obtained from the memory of the fallen angel who was killed earlier, she learned about the fallen angel plan in Kuo Town recently.
At its core, it revolves around a departed nun with an artifact capable of healing all life.
Then, it is self-evident who the nun who is in front of you is. LeahSi looked at the stunned nun in front of her, showing a bright and charming smile.
“Welcome to Gremory’s territory, Sister Elsa.”
At 7 o’clock in the night, the dilapidated church in Kuwang Town is in the central hall.
A figure flapping its jet-black wings flew in anxiously.

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