The figure in the depths of the church
The police car suddenly became quiet.
“Devil” in this world, represents the “peak”.
They who have reached the essence of magic and reached the realm of gods, even if they rarely make a move, their strength is considered to be above the level of angels, and they are “natural disasters” that mortals cannot resist.
If the command power of the Holy Festival of the Three Dynasties can be applied to this kind of existence…
The three adults present could no longer imagine the terrifying scene.
At this moment, Index blinked her eyes and shook her head resolutely.
“Unfortunately, it is impossible to control the demon gods. The demon gods who can destroy the existing laws have the highest resistance to all magic, and the demon gods are the top gods among Kabbalah, and they are not counted. As a person, this technique is called theoretically, controlling all ‘people’.”
“Furthermore, the person who received the three tributes and the three oriental sages will not be controlled by the king. They are the basis of the ceremony, so the king cannot command them.”
“……That’s good.”
Hearing this, Kelissa and Kanzaki Kaori breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they didn’t have to face the man whose cat was in Buckingham Palace. Otherwise, they would have no chance of winning.
“Is that so, then the three gifts scattered all over the Eagle Nation must be collected.”
The head of the knights breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, no matter whether he was dealing with the demon god or not, just fighting that kind of natural disaster in his own capital was not what he wanted to see. Although many high-level leaders of these knight factions were embarrassed, but the knights didn’t have to face the devil, and the knights were relieved.
After realizing that the Three Dynasties Festival could not interfere with the Demon God, Kelissa narrowed her eyes and said in a hesitant tone.
“The reason for the other party’s designation of the mother as the queen is still unknown. This is always a risk. If there is an emergency…”
After thinking about it for a while, Kelissa still didn’t put the words of killing the hostage into her mouth, nostalgic about family affection, and did not completely move towards rationality, which is why You said that Kelissa is very similar to him.
“Then, first collect the gifts, and then rush to the core of the ceremony venue. By the way, have you determined it? Where is the core of the ceremony venue?”
As she spoke, Kelissa’s eyes suddenly shifted to Index.
She now feels that it is a very wise choice to add this banned book catalogue to the team this time, otherwise it will be funny to expose the French conspiracy, but it cannot be stopped due to the effect of the Holy Festival of the Three Dynasties.
Hearing Kelissa’s question, Index lowered her head, carefully checked the map placed in front of her, and finally pointed to a road on the map.
“According to the structure of the technique, it should be here.”
Hearing these words, Kanzaki Kaori leaned his head, looked at Peugeot on the map, and said softly.
“St. Peter’s United Church!”
“These French people really know how to find a place.” The Knight Commander sneered.
St. Peter’s United Church is the place where William the Conqueror was recorded and where he was crowned king. The conqueror who created the William Dynasty of the Eagle Kingdom was originally the Duke of Normandy in France.
He is both the King of Eagle Kingdom and the Duke of France.The country holds a large area of ​​land, so it also caused the conflict between the Eagle Kingdom and France, that is, the Hundred Years War between England and France.
And now, the French put the core of the ceremony here, and it is somewhat unknown whether they have imitated the connotation of William the Conqueror to conquer the Eagle Country.
“Sit tight.” The Knights Commander snorted softly, and the speed of the already fast police car was a little faster.
It didn’t take long for them to come to the west of London, a block less than 500 meters away from St. Peter’s United Church. After calculation, it was just outside the core area of ​​the ceremony site, and it was a place where people would not be alerted.
After arriving at the destination, the leader of the knights got off the car first, and at this time, some members of the knights who had arrived earlier trotted to him, put a small round gold, a white resin frankincense and a yellow-brown The last pill was handed to the Knight Leader.
These are the core props that were found in various ceremonial venues in London when the leader of the knights in the car commanded the knights before. This operation almost evacuated the power of the knights in the entire London area, and even got some cooperation from the Puritans.
Fortunately, the remnants of the Puritan faction and the royal faction understood the seriousness of the matter. The Puritans did not take the opportunity to regain their lost ground, while the Cavaliers turned a deaf ear to the appearance of the other party, and the scene was unexpectedly harmonious.
With a click, Kelissa stepped out of the car and said in a serious tone.
“Notify all the knights to evacuate from London, and the Puritans and the remnants of the royal family are also notified. The maintenance of law and order is the responsibility of the London Police.”
The Knights Commander nodded, and immediately conveyed the order to the lower-level ears. After knowing that the Holy Day of the Three Dynasties could order anyone, it was the best choice to let the powerful destructive magician leave London.
The effect of the order is actually not too big, but if the battle happens later, at least they don’t have to worry about the gun coming from the back.
After the order was delivered, the knight leader made a microcommunication device that his subordinates brought, and distributed it to Kelissa and Kanzaki Kaori, and even Index kept one.
“Later, we will each hold a ‘gift’ and rush in directly to subdue the three.” Kelissa took the frankincense and the final medicine, and handed the final medicine to Kanzaki Kaori who came to help.
Now that the spell of the Holy Day of the Three Dynasties has been cracked, the strength gap between the crowd and the latent French has widened considerably, so Kelissa directly chose the simplest and rude way to break the game – violence against the invaders.
“I understand.” Kanzaki Kaori took the last medicine, nodded, and then glanced at Index with some scruples.
“No problem, I still have a mobile church, and there seems to be Yu’s servant nearby.”
Seemingly seeing Kanzaki Kaori’s concern, Index patted her chest and gave it to me with confidence.
“That’s right.” Kanzaki Kaori nodded, then stepped out of the police car.
Kelissa nodded towards the knight leader and Kanzaki Kaori, then squeezed the knight sword in her hand, and took the lead towards the church.
The group walked through the alley where the police car was parked and came to the old street leading directly to the church, and at the moment when the three of them turned around, the three of them stopped together.
At the front of the road, the pale-faced Daughter of the Nation held Durandal and stood silently on the street, looking at the people in front of her.
Kelissa raised her eyebrows and picked up the fluorescent frankincense in her hand. That is the restlessness that occurs when the gift encounters the corresponding ‘sage’.
Seeing this scene, the leader of the knights and Kanzaki looked at each other, took a step forward, and walked through the street guarded by the Daughter of Allure.
The daughter of Qingguo stood silently on the street, watching the two who walked in, and they did not choose to shoot until they passed through the place they were defending.
As the two left, a sigh sounded faintly.
“Has the ceremony been cracked? It’s really fast.”
Without the corresponding gift, it is impossible to shoot at the sage. This is also true for the sage.
As a sage, there is no restriction on those who hold “inappropriate gifts”, so in fact, here, only Kelissa and the daughter of the country can touch each other.
It was because of knowing this that Kanzaki Kaori and the Knight Leader boldly passed through the Daughter of Allure and went to a deeper area.
“Sure enough, according to the French mind, frankincense, a symbol of holiness, will definitely make you a woman with the name of a saint.”
Kelissa sneered, the frankincense in her hand was abandoned and caught by her, and the process kept repeating. The sarcastic smile on her face seemed to satirize the French belief in the saint.
From the beginning of Saint Joan of Arc, the French magic side has morbidly respected some special women. Born saints are physically close to the Son of God, while French saints are born similar to the saints in history.
Unfortunately, the Daughter of the Country is a natural ‘Holy Maiden’.
“Even after a major war, your body is no longer strong enough to support a high-intensity battle. It seems that you have to find out your purpose before you are defeated.”
Kelissa narrowed her eyes, raised the sword of the king in her hand, and looked sharply at the daughter of the country.
“Sure enough, rather than starting your brain, your favorite thing is to do it.” The Daughter of Allure sighed and silently clenched the holy sword in her hand.
…a fierce conflict is about to begin.
When Kelissa and the others rushed into the church, the stronghold of the Eagle Kingdom Puritanism, in St.Silently searching for possible secret rooms.
Although the Puritans took away the precious spiritual attire and documents, there were still non-bishops who were unable to enter the confidential location in this Puritan zeroth church.
And what the knights searched was originally the secret room.
However, under Carissa’s order to evacuate, the knights had to organize their belongings and prepare to leave London in order to prevent interference with the destruction of the Holy Day of the Three Dynasties.
And in the secret room that the Cavaliers couldn’t find, a figure blatantly flipped through the parchment on the bookshelf in the secret room, and after reading it, he threw it aside without hesitation, just like throwing away scraps of paper.
“Really, they are precious documents anyway. If they are messed up like this, it will be very troublesome to sort them out.”
The second person who shouldn’t exist spoke up.
She slowly walked in from the entrance of the secret room. Her long blond hair shone like the sun in the dark secret room, and there was a playful smile on that pretty face.
The ‘missing’ chief bishop came to this secret room at an unknown time.
She looked at the figure leaning against the book with a big thorn, and said softly.
“Remember to pay the finishing fee meow~, Mr. Right Fire!”

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