More Essential ‘Things’
“It’s barely finished.”
In the high-end hotel where he was staying, Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who was dragged with skin injuries, put Kamijou Toya and his wife on the bed, while he put a Band-Aid on the scratches on his face, and went to another place. A suite.
With the blessing of dragging the fire on the right side of ‘mercy’, the group, except Kamijou Touma, only suffered some skin injuries caused by jumping from the car, and because Tuyumen Yuanchun has been awake, the group escaped because of the car. The official personnel who came to check the explosion returned to the hotel.
However, Tsuchimikado Motoharu still didn’t understand why the attackers deliberately left them alive and only cut off Kamijou Touma’s right hand.
‘Tsk, there should be very few people who value that hand and know the detailed information! ’
Tsuchimikado Yuanchun slapped his mouth, and under the new sunglasses that he replaced, there were those dignified eyes.
Aleister Crowley, Zhou You, Lola Stuart, in his information so far, only these three people value the right hand of his friend, and Aleister is the most important, but according to the scene Judging from the information, it seems that there is a fourth person who pays more attention to Kamijou Touma’s right hand!
‘The fiery red suit, the strange sense of oppression, and the right hand that flashed across the sky at that time, hey, shouldn’t it be the ‘right in the middle’? ’
Thinking of this, Tsuchimikado Motoharu quickened his pace. After a few seconds, he pushed open the door of the customer service and entered the corridor inside.
Walking through the several-meter-long indoor corridor, Tsuchimikado Motoharu saw Kamijou Touma, who was in a coma, lying on the bed in tattered clothes.
And after glancing at Kamijou Touma, his attention shifted to the silver-haired young man standing beside him, looking indifferently at his empty right shoulder.
Tsuchimikado Yuanchun lowered his head, concealed his doubtful eyes, and said.
“Boss, Ah Shang’s right hand was taken away. The image and fighting style of the enemy are very similar to the information on the ‘Right Fire’ that was obtained in the past.””I see.”
Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully examined the smooth section of the arm, and responded indifferently.
Hearing this voice without the slightest change in emotion, Tsuchimikado Motoharu fell into silence. Yu’s bland attitude was somewhat inconsistent with the slight curiosity about Kamijou Touma’s right hand in the past.
Thinking of Aleister’s intention to guide Kamijou Touma to Ukraine, and the fact that he “happened” to board the same fighter plane as Yuu, Tsuchimikado made a bold guess.
‘Perhaps, Kamijou Touma’s real ‘mission’ is to give his right hand to that right fire, right? ’
Thinking of this, Tsuchimikado felt a chill in his heart, knowing that he was involved in a high-level game, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​rescuing Kamijou Touma.
‘Although I’m sorry, Shang, but I don’t want to die! ’
Tuyumen Yuanchun mocked himself and pushed the sunglasses that were sliding down his face, but the guilt in his heart made him feel a little uncomfortable. He hesitated again and again, and asked Yu.
“Well, BOSS, how’s the situation on Ah Shang?”
Yu raised her eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Tsuchimikado Yuanchun in surprise, as if she had never expected Kamijou Touma to have such a high status in the opponent’s heart.
“I can’t die. His current coma is only because of the forced detachment of the flesh and blood of his right hand. However, in fact, his right hand is still there, but it was only sealed in a certain object using a little space method.”
For Yuu, explaining these things doesn’t affect his arrangement, so telling Tsuchimikado is no big deal.
However, Tuyumen Yuanchun was obviously stunned when he heard these words. He didn’t seem to expect that he would get an answer. After regaining his senses, he thought for a while and said with a strange expression.
“But isn’t Ah Shang’s right hand able to remove the ‘power of supernatural power’?”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and she glanced at Tuyumen Yuanchun with some disgust, like she was looking at a country bumpkin.
“When the excision is performed, the surgery is aimed at the shoulder, and then wrap the arm with several layers of thick cloth, and then put it in the space prop, isn’t it enough?”
“Ahaha, so that’s how it is!” Hearing this, Tuyumen Yuanchun laughed a few times, he almost forgot, according to the data, the ability of the fantasy killer is only the size of the palm of his right hand.
Although it is said that the fantasy killer is the nemesis of almost all supernatural powers, but to be honest, the area is too small and it is useless for natural substances, so it is destined to be limited.
In the end, as long as there is information about the fantasy killer, even the lowest-level magician can make Kamijou Touma go around, and even a gangster can teach him to be a man with his fists.
Thinking like this, Tsuchimikado Yuanchun couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
“The strongest and most useless ability.”
Hearing this sentence, you raised your eyebrows, expressing indifference. Forcing the sharing of Aleister’s information, he knows a lot about fantasy killers.
For him, this is a tasteless ability. Half of his methods rely on the concept of rules. However, after obtaining the fantasy killer, it is equivalent to abandoning half of his hands and feet, even with the support of the tyrannical physique, and even develop the fantasy killer to Covering the whole body only offsets the loss.
Holding it, the means will immediately cut off 50%, the upper limit is to restore the original 100% or even a little lower, with this skill, he might as well ‘borrow’ some special secrets from Nayiko.
Thinking of this, Yu took a deep look at the cross-section of Kamijou Touma’s broken arm. Now, what Yu is more concerned about is not the fantasy killer, but the more essential things about Kamijou Touma.
Obviously lost the fantasy killer, but it seems that something more essential is surging and boiling, but since it is only an illusion of fracture caused by the spatial level, the opponent’s right hand has not actually been lost, so he can only vaguely feel the abnormality.
However, what Yu is very sure about is that what is hidden deeper in the individual Kamijou Touma is the ‘treasure’ that he and Aleister deserve to plan.
‘Unfortunately, there is only one test item, and if you use annihilation, you can’t guarantee the complete effect, and even trigger a dangerous thing. ’
Yuu, who wanted to use his annihilation ability to get the answer several times, felt a fatal crisis many times in his mind.
At his level, the intuition of the fate trajectory that can be directly felt is more worthy of trust than the five senses.
‘how do you feel? ‘ Yu had a silent conversation with another person in his heart.
‘Dangerous, tricky, and could even seriously hurt me. ’
Nayko, who understood Yu’s concerns, said with some fear, this was the first time Yu felt such an obvious emotion in the other’s tone.
‘Then give up. ’
The more you know and the longer you live, the more Yuu will cherish his life. He does not lack the courage to fight, but he will not start playing with his own life when he is so brainless that he doesn’t understand anything.
There are too few guys who don’t die, and most of them are already grass.
“According to the signs, he won’t wake up until the right fire uses the fantasy killer, but even if the right fire uses the fantasy killer, he will not be in any danger.”
Yu turned around and walked slowly towards the door, completely ignoring Tsuchimikado Yuanchun’s relieved expression of relief.
Actually, Yu didn’t finish the second half of her sentence. That is, Kamijou Touma is not in danger, which does not mean that the people around him are not in danger.
A thing that can make the evil god in the Yuanzhu realm fear, and even bluntly say that it may seriously hurt him. After it is activated, under the devil, there is no chance to escape.Yu, who walked out of the door, paused for a moment, communicated with a certain evil god for a moment, and frowned.
“The ‘cultivation’ of the fire on the right is going to speed up. At the end, maybe we can test what’s inside and what it is.”
Thinking like this, Yu gave an order to the servant with an indifferent expression…

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