Be the laughing stock, polar bear!
In the dark space, silhouettes slowly emerged, and bright white light radiated from them, illuminating the vision around them.
“Hmm? The communication technique of the adult religion has actually developed to such a level?”
Dressed in a fiery red dress and tied with a blond ponytail, Kelissa raised her brows slightly as she surveyed the surroundings.
“Isn’t there an air fortress hidden in the Eagle Country? Everyone is with each other.” With the seductive chuckle, Vasilisa’s figure appeared in the space.
“As a meeting, this means of instant communication is very good, at least in terms of confidentiality.”
Pope Matthew, who was holding a scepter, said with a certain look on his face. After Vasilisa gave the surgical composition, he experimented with his subordinates many times. He found that if he communicated on this occasion, it was enough to hide all kinds of investigative techniques. In this case, it is almost impossible to hide from the eyes and ears of the fire on the right.
“Really, why is this kind of meeting still pulling me in, my hair hasn’t been washed yet, this kind ofWouldn’t it be nice to let Carissa, a girl with a muscular head, talk about things. ”
Accompanied by complaints, with wet blond hair, Laura Stuart appeared in front of everyone like a drowning female ghost.
“Shut up Laura, you wash your hair three times a day, isn’t it enough for 5 hours at a time!!” Kai Lisa shouted angrily, like a Persian cat whose tail had been stepped on.
“…” The corner of Rear Water’s mouth twitched, standing behind Pope Matthew.
Although he had heard about it when he was a mercenary in the Eagle Kingdom, he never expected that the chief bishop of Puritanism would actually spend 15 hours a day washing his hair.
Vasilisa glanced at Laura’s long hair tied in three sections, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly. With three-meter-long hair, it’s normal to wash it for five hours, but three times a day? Neuropathy, this is it!
“Really, Kai Lisa, every girl washes her hair a lot, it must be because she loves beauty. A woman like you who hangs around among the knights, stinks and can’t get married won’t understand.”
While shaking off the water stains on her hair, Laura looked at Kailisa in a neither salty nor insipid manner, with strong disgust in her eyes, like looking at some garbage dump.
Kailisa raised her eyebrows solemnly, and was about to say something, but considering the occasion, she suppressed her curse words, and just stood aside with a cold face.
She finally understood why it was rumored that her mother, Her Majesty the Queen, fought with Laura every day when she was young.
At this critical juncture, it’s okay to lead the logistics tasks, and spend a lot of time doing meaningless time, acting like a baby every day!
‘The disgrace among the demon gods! ’
Compared to her, although her whereabouts are unknown, a certain demon god who seems to have sneaked into Eros to search for the fire on the right and intends to carry out the beheading operation is simply a model in the industry, an unsung hero.
“Okay, let’s stop the meaningless quarrel for a while.”
Pope Matthew held the scepter under his arm, clapped his hands lightly, then scanned the crowd with a serious face, and finally said in a deep voice.
“Your Excellency Vasilisa, can you obtain information on the military layout of the adult religion?”
Vasilisa frowned, thought for a while and said:
“Although Bishop Nikolai’s staff team is in charge of the matter, it is not difficult to obtain those materials, but is it only necessary for the layout of the church? Doesn’t the Eros military need it?”
“The combat power of the Oros military is taken over by the academy city. The structure of science to science and magic to magic. We discussed with Mr. Aleister last night. Of course, it would be great if you could provide the military layout. .”
Pope Matthew narrowed his eyes slightly. In fact, with Vasilisa as a high-ranking traitor, the bottom-level battle situation only needs to be resolved quickly and the sacrifice of both sides should be minimized.
After all, those low-level soldiers are also poor people who are trapped by high-level orders and have to participate in the war. He doesn’t want to hurt them too much. The reason why they are facing a big enemy now is because the “Bethlehem plan”.
“Well, the bottom-level tactical issues can be put aside. The most important thing for us is to find out where the fire on the right is and prevent him from launching the “Bethlehem Project”. Regarding this, is there any importance on Vasilisa’s side? intelligence? ”
“About this.”
Vasilisa seemed to be very distressed and scratched her hair, pulling out a handful of blond hair.
“Because of the activity of that Lord Demon God, the current whereabouts of Youfangzhihuo are unknown. It can only be concluded that he is active on the border near Ukraine. As for the specific address, even Chengjiao cannot confirm it for the time being.”
Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but look at each other, and their expressions suddenly became a little helpless.
The corners of Kailisa’s mouth twitched, she curled her lips in displeasure and said, “That idiot, who is obviously the most decisive force in the battle, turned out to be a disservice?”
On the other side, Laura, who combed her blond hair, frowned slightly, and looked suspiciously at Vasilisa, who looked distressed, as if she began to doubt what the other party said.
After all, in her opinion, it shouldn’t be too difficult for someone to chase and kill Youfang Zhihuo, but considering that person’s character of being useless, it is probably after making the illusion of chasing and killing, the cat Where are you ready to lie down and count ‘money’!
Pope Matthew was silent for a while, and said while scrubbing the tattoo on his right hand. “So, can everyone contact the Crown Prince?”
Laura tilted her head, spread her hands, and signaled that she was powerless. At the same time, she surrendered her eyes to Kailisa playfully.
Kailisa, who was stared at by Laura, twitched her lips, and when she noticed that everyone was focusing on her, she said with a cold face.
“One hour ago, the contact seemed to be at the Ukrainian border, but it seemed that there was a war, and the communication was quickly cut off.”
“If possible, after the meeting is over, send a copy of the plan to that Crown Prince. At such a critical moment, the more decisive fighting forces, the better.”
Pope Matthew frowned. In this situation, Yu’s actions were a bit weird, but considering that if he was chasing the fire on the right, he might be trapped by the other party with various means.
After all, both the enemy and the enemy understand the importance of this combat power, and it is impossible for the Fire on the Right side not to respond.
“Then, regarding the method of targeting the Right Fire, I suggest a beheading operation. Do you have any objections?”
Pope Matthew looked around, looked at everyone with a serious face and saidDao, as the core initiator of the Bethlehem plan, the outcome of the battle with the Right Fire directly affects the final outcome.
So the beheading operation is an inevitable operation. Even if the fire on the right is definitely prepared, they cannot give up this once-and-for-all battle plan.
The surroundings fell into silence. With Vasilisa as the internal support, beheading was obviously the most sensible choice. They couldn’t think of other plans, so they naturally kept silent.
“Then, I would like to trouble Your Excellency Vasilisa to tell you where Flame on the Right may be hiding.”
Pope Matthew, who understood everyone’s thoughts, clenched the scepter, turned and said to Vasilisa.
“I’m so happy.” Vasilisa smiled and nodded.
Just when everyone was planning the beheading operation, at the military base on the border.
Fire on the Right, who was preparing for the ceremony, raised his head and looked at Sasha who was slowly walking into the venue with a smile on his face. Then, he picked up the book-shaped communication spiritual outfit beside him and said.
“The preparations are over, Nicola, why don’t you just choose?”
“…What do you mean? There are still 6 hours before Academy City’s recovery time. If you declare war early, do you want to make Eros a laughing stock?” Nikolai’s astonished voice came over.
“If I were you, I would directly use these 6 hours to preempt the sea of ​​Japan and seal the victory.”
Youfang Zhihuo grinned, and looked at the books in front of him playfully, just like looking at a clown.
Before Nicola could respond, the fire on the right continued to bewitch.
“Okay, there are still 40 minutes until the Archangel’s divine power will rush to the battlefield to support. The output of the angel after the arrival is the highest threshold. I don’t think you want to miss this best opportunity, do you?”
The other side was silent for a moment, then said.
“…You successfully convinced me.”
After the voice fell, the communication was immediately hung up, and the fire on the right also turned his head, looking at Sasha who was wrapped in the fiery red nun’s clothes.
“Alright, it’s your turn to dance, Miss Angel~!”

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