The Bethlehem Project
“Just kidding? That kind of thing, how is that kind of thing made!!”
Somewhere in the Eros military base, Donald, who had just defeated the guards, stared at the sky absentmindedly.
Looking at the fortress with a diameter of 40 kilometers, like a miracle, this knight doubted whether he could win for the first time.
On the other side, on the ground of the Star of Bethlehem, the fortress, the fire on the right glanced at everyone’s faces with a smile.
Holding a scepter, Pope Matthew in a white monastic uniform, in sportswear, with a resolute face in the rear, in a beige dress, with a gloomy face in the front, and wearing a simple foreign dress, holding two holy swords kelissa.
He turned his head, looked around, and finally sneered.
“Hey, almost all of the high-end combat power of the Roman Orthodox Church, aren’t you afraid that the Orthodox Church will lose its high-end combat power and quickly fall after the war?”
“If this is the price to stop your crazy behavior, then the priests and believers of the Roman Orthodox Church are willing to accept the consequences.” Pope Matthew clenched the scepter in his hand and said solemnly.
There is a firm will in his voice, and words alone can make everyone feel “convinced”. It is not the use of magic, but the result of conveying belief alone.
“Aah, saying this, why does the uncle feel like an evil villain who is accepting the crusade of the righteous church priest. Really, can you change the routine of this little biblical story? It’s a new idea. nothing.”
“Heh.” Right Fang Zhihuo shook his head slightly, let out a low laugh, and mocked the current situation.
“Forget it, it takes such a boring guy to represent the ‘old society’!”
Right Fang Zhihuo sighed, as if to express his helplessness against the inexplicable expectation in his heart. He raised his right hand and snapped his fingers lightly under the guarded eyes of the four people in front of him.
With the crisp snap of fingers resounding all around.
Something appeared in the sky, like the only light shining in the deep darkness. With a soft blue-white glow, a figure emerged in the bright morning sun.
Wings grew from the back of the figure, like a chick spreading its wings, and the tiny wings covered the entire sky in an instant.
The morning sun dissipated in the breath, and the bright sky turned into a deep darkness in an instant, and at the very center of the darkness, a blue moon hung high in the dark sky.
It was not until the end of the heavenly change that the indescribable huge force emitted that unique ‘horror wave’.
“The power of the Archangel God, this…” The expression of Zhishui in the back changed dramatically, and he looked up at the night sky with an incredible look, the figure that represented the symbol of his own power.
“Hey, this is no longer the category of angelic spells, right?”
Feng Feng’s eyelids jumped and said, “Only as “God’s Right Seat”, only those who act as angels on earth can understand how terrifying those angels who have descended completely are.
That is a great terror that is enough to destroy all mankind in an instant.
“Tsk, how could the ancestors of the royal family have the same power as an archangel holding a Katina with me? There must be a limit to bragging!!!”
Kelissa clenched the Katina in her hand and looked at the sacredness in the sky with an extremely embarrassed expression. The trickle from Katina compared to the turbulent ocean in the sky was a great mockery.
Yes, it is impossible for the fakes made by human beings according to the “idol theory” to be comparable to the real ones. This is the foundation of the idol theory, and this is the conclusion of the world.
Looking up at the blue figure in the sky, Pope Matthew’s hands clenched his scepter visibly trembling. It was not fear, nor the tears of ignorant believers. Instead, it was like a sign before the eruption of a volcano, suppressing anger. trembling.
“You bastard, do you really understand what you’re doing——!!!”
Facing the old man’s roar, Right Fang Zhihuo frowned, but said to himself.
“The so-called correct power can only be displayed perfectly in the correct world.”
Following these words, everyone finally suppressed the fear in their hearts and focused their eyes on Fire on the Right.
“My uncle’s right hand is born with the ability to reproduce all the present andThe huge power of the elephant, but unfortunately, the world is distorted, and the correct power cannot travel with the distorted power.
He obviously has the power to save the world in an instant, but he has been severely restricted because of this kind of thing, which is simply ridiculous. ”
Right Side Zhihuo raised his right hand, raised it to his eyes, and said with a sneer on his face. The laughter became louder and louder, as if he was mocking something.
“So, is your purpose to bring the world back to ‘correct’!”
Due to the previous roar, Matthew, who was still panting, suddenly became serious. He understood the meaning of the fire on the right.
——The world is distorted.
The reason is still unknown, but it is similar to but different from the world depicted in the Old Testament and the world at the beginning of creation.
The best embodiment of this kind of distortion is the symbol of the four angels, that is, the confusion of attributes.
Except for the “fire” symbolized by “Godlike” Michael, which has not changed, Gabriel, the “power of God” who symbolizes “water”, symbolizes “earth” and “light of god” symbolizes “earth”. However, the current technique of wind in the front symbolizes “wind” and fulfills the conditions of the ceremony.
Except for “fire” which is still in place, all other attributes of the whole world have been distorted. Since a certain time in ancient times, this world is no longer the original world.
Right Side Zhihuo said in a high voice. He opened his arms and said seriously.
“Whether it is obtaining the knowledge of the forbidden book catalog, or building the Star of Bethlehem, or launching a world war, or even letting the “power of God” descend, modifying the orbit of celestial bodies, and constructing a ritual field, it is all to correct the distortion of the world, Then……”
Right Side Zhihuo’s face turned cold, and he said in a cold voice.
“…lead the world-distorting enemy out of his rat hole.”
Accompanied by a high-pitched and solemn voice, the sinner who set off the Third World War appeared before the world as a hero who saved the world.
“This is my “Bethlehem Project”! “

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